Day 2 00:22 am 12th November 2018
Ok. First day gone pretty well. Woke up pearly, got a shower, made a coffee to take with me, cleaned some places in my apartments.
While i had some spare time on work i was reading about bodyweight exercices and made some sort of program for workout. Also read some stuff about running and training in cold weather (it's pretty cold here)
Also realised that i need to organize my homework in pieces, and get all books that i need to be prepared for exams. Will start searching and organizing after this post.
After work i done some walk to home instead of car. Was pretty great, but i need to get a hat with myself (again, it's pretty cold already).
Tommorow i will begin my day with some walking-running and workout. Should be great. Then i plan to cook something before i go to work.
Also i restarted reading book that my GF gifted to me. It's about traveling. 34 stories from different writers. Pretty great book, don't know why i didn't finished it yet.
That's all for today. Right now i don't have any problems without games, and i don't even want to play anything. Feeling great.