Hello, everyone!
A user from another forum I am on shared this website with us and immediately I was captivated by Cam's story and was reminded of the similarities that I've gone through with video games . I was addicted to video games from ages 10 to 24 (I am now 27). It all started when this kid in my class brought his Final Fantasy X strategy guide to school every day (hence my username). I knew the popularity of the Final Fantasy series back then but I was never into it until the day I found out my parents were getting a divorce. My whole world turned upside down for the worse and all I wanted to do was forget about the whole situation so I requested my parents to get me FFX and it was all downhill for the next 14 years. But when I was 24, I had broken up with my ex girlfriend who I was dating for over five years and it was the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. So I went out and bought a brand new PS4 and bought Call of Duty: Ghosts to get it off my mind. But I was so heartbroken that I couldn't stand spending a single second in my room anymore. I immediately got rid of the PS4 after no more than a month of owning it and started to find any excuse to leave my room. I couldn't bare thinking about the relationship so I began to find other things to stay busy.
Ever since I got rid of the PS4, my desire for video games has dramatically decreased. I went on almost an entire year of not playing before I picked up it again after a friend was battling depression and all he wanted from me was to play League of Legends with him. I did get hooked for several months but since the community was so toxic, I couldn't stand it anymore and quit. Today, I only play one video game and I only play it for about less than hour a day. But after discovering this website, even if I am not addicted anymore, I think I am ready to finally bury every ounce of interest I have in video games for good. I'm glad it has finally come to a point in my life that I rarely have a desire to play even if it's just that one game but I know that one hour could be spent on something more meaningful. One of the things that gets me out of the house these days is my bicycle. I love cycling so much that I plan on moving to a city where my bike can be my primary transportation instead of my car.
Thanks for reading!