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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Tycoon

  1. 19 hours ago, giblets said:

    Welcome Tycoon! A journal is a great way to write out your thoughts and a pseudo-forced regular reflection as well. You will be surprised how much it helps!

    Thanks giblets!

    This is definitely something I want to try so I'll have to get on that soon.

  2. On 3/17/2018 at 9:03 AM, JanG said:

    Hey Tycoon, good to have you here.

    For a long time i was one of the friends that had more free time than others, and thus i have become distanced from old friends that i used to care for. I don't know your situation, but for me the guys i played with was my IRL friends before gaming aswell. I kinda want to try reconnecting with them on a non-gaming based activity now, so if this reflects your position, maybe you can reach out and find something in common with them. Something obscure even. Some of my friends got into amateur bonzai-trees and spends a load of time with that.

    Anyways, GL with it all


    Hey JanG, thanks!

    I used to play with a mixture; some I do know, some I'd met online (and actually met with IRL) and some I'd never met at all. This is definitely something I'd like to suggest but just need to find that activity. Mentioning bonsai trees has actually got me thinking to the obscure things that I'd never thought about; maybe I'll try something new!

    Good luck with your journey!

  3. 7 hours ago, Cam Adair said:

    Welcome! Glad you’re here with us. Change begins now. We’ve got your back. 

    Hey, thanks for your support! Your story really struck a chord with me so hoping to do something about mine.

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  4. Hi all,

    First of all I'm so glad this site exists! I couldn't put into words what I was feeling but it looks like so many of you are having the same dilemma.

    I honestly just needed somewhere to write my thoughts. I don't think I could accept that I had an addiction, and even now that doesn't seem right, but I'm struggling to feel happy and satisfied with video games like I have been before.

    I'm 24 and have been playing seriously for about 10 years. I would play after school until bedtime, whilst I was at uni I would play whenever I had free time, and now I play after work. I actually always did great in school and always had at least 8 hours of sleep (and still do today). That being said, my IRL social life has been almost non-existent which is where that balances out. I've been working full-time for 3 years since finishing uni and I get very little time in the evening. This means I can't be bothered to commit to anything and just get that temporary escapism from playing a game.

    I used to play with my friends online but now they have way more free time than I do (and so they always have double my playtime). I felt like I was playing a never-ending game of catch-up, and they would never wait for me to do so. I'd always known this was a huge waste of my time (and money) but, if I didn't join, I would feel as though I was missing out on the banter. I now play by myself which has made me do a TON of thinking.

    For about 6 years now I've been meaning to start a project, a journey, a creative hobby. I'd think about it, I'd decide it's taking too long, then I'd turn on my Xbox...

    I've actually come to a huge revelation today; accepting that I need to change. I've already taken 'Step One' by deleting my gaming apps from my tablet. I feel so relieved right now!

    Thanks for reading!

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