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Paul A.

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Posts posted by Paul A.

  1. 12/29/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my DPV. 19 pushups, 19 sit-ups, and 19 squats, followed by 5 mins of meditation. I didn't go for a run this morning because I wanted to let my body recover. I'll go for a run tomorrow.

    What I could’ve done better: My whole foods nutritional protocol fell apart today. I spent about $20 on fast food because I was hungry and didn't bring enough food from home to work. I don't think the protocol would've worked long-term, anyway. I just felt so deprived. It was as if I could no longer eat for enjoyment, and that I had to eat strictly for sustenance. I should've taken these feelings as a warning sign that the diet was bound to fall apart. Anyway, I'm gonna do some research and formulate a nutritional plan that's more sustainable for me.

    Thoughts/realizations: I'm still reveling in the process of building habits, although the habits themselves are becoming more taxing. I think this slow and steady approach will enable me to make a habit out of pretty much anything I want. I started primarily with exercise and meditation, but I may build other beneficial habits later down the line. As much as I enjoyed The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, I think Atomic Habits resonated with me more. It was just what I needed to get on track with building better routines. I think it's been more practical in my life. And because of Atomic Habits, I've fallen in love with building better habits. I want to continually apply the lessons I learned from that book in my life moving forward.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Complete my DPV every day

    Within a month: Attend first martial arts class

    Within 6 months: Successfully create and maintain a sustainable nutritional plan

    More than 6 months: N/A

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  2. On 12/29/2022 at 6:13 PM, Faroe Islander said:

    slept at midday and stared at the ceiling for an hour or so with frustration about my current situation

    Hey, sometimes it’s good to take time to just sit and do nothing!

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  3. 12/28/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my DPV. 18 pushups, 18 sit-ups, and 18 squats. I only meditated for about 3 mins today, but that's fine. I attempted another 11 minute run, but could only run for about 7 minutes. My neighbor advised me not to run every day, and I think he's right. My legs are still sore from the previous days of running, so I need to let my body recover. So for the next two days, I won't be running. Moving forward, I intend to start running 3-4 days a week, instead of running every day. In other news, I was able to eat only whole foods for another day. I hope this change is a lasting one. I've had a few cravings for junk food, but I've been able to handle them.

    What I could’ve done better: I don't think there was much I could've done better today. I was off work, so I spent the day relaxing and watching Bleach.

    Thoughts/realizations: I think I need to spend more time thinking about the future. I say this mainly because I'm at a loss for what I should pursue as a career. I thought I wanted to be a therapist, but I've lost interest in that as of late. I've considered cybersecurity, but I haven't looked into it enough. Either way, I don't have all the time in the world to be considering my options. I'm at the age where people are getting ready to finish up school and start their careers. Meanwhile, I haven't made any progress towards a degree. I know I don't want to sell furniture for the rest of my life. But I'm not sure what I want to pursue. I'll start seriously considering and researching potential career paths in the coming days.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my DPV every day

    Within a month: Attend first martial arts class

    Within 6 months: N/A

    More than 6 months: N/A

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  4. 12/27/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my DPV. I did 17 pushups, 17 sit-ups, and 17 squats. I attempted to run for 11 minutes but I stopped about 6 minutes in. I also only meditated for 3 minutes instead of the 10 I had planned. But as long as an attempt was made to carry out the activity, I still count it as being completed. I don't think it's beneficial to be a perfectionist/completionist when it comes to building habits. As long as you show up every day, that's all that matters. Even if you can't complete the activity as intended, the fact that the activity was performed at all is what matters in the long run. I was also able to eat only whole foods the entire day. I had some Greek yogurt mixed with fruit for breakfast, an omelet for lunch, and grilled chicken for dinner. I also snacked on some fruit throughout the day.

    What I could’ve done better: I think I could've pushed myself a bit harder on my morning run. When I stopped, I wasn't even that physically tired. I think I was more mentally taxed than anything. That being said, maybe it's because the exercise is becoming more intense, or that I didn't get enough sleep the previous night. The biggest hurdle to building an exercise habit is not so much the physical exertion, but the mental obstacle of trying to exercise when I don't necessarily feel like it. In spite of that, I think I still did a good job by going for a run at all. I easily could've decided to skip the run, but I did it anyway.

    Thoughts/realizations: I'm questioning whether or not I want to follow through with studying psychology. At first, I was motivated by a desire to help people. But ever since I read Atomic Habits and I was introduced to habit-building, that desire to help people has waned. I'm more excited at the idea of building good habits and discipline than I am at the prospect of helping other people. Not to say that the two are completely opposed to each other, but the former dominates my thoughts much more than the latter. Especially when thinking about martial arts, I get really excited at the prospect of honing my skills and getting stronger. On the contrary, the idea of studying for 6 years to be a therapist just doesn't suit my fancy anymore. I'm not really sure how to proceed. It's not like I intend to make a career out of martial arts (how could I when I haven't even started yet!), nor do I think it's a viable idea. But, being a therapist just doesn't motivate me anymore. More than that, I don't think helping people motivates me anymore. I'm at a bit of a crossroads.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my DPV every day

    Within a month: Attend first martial arts class

    Within 6 months: N/A

    More than 6 months: N/A

  5. On 12/27/2022 at 5:12 PM, Faroe Islander said:

    If you have any comments or sources on what diet is best could you send some to me, I have been trying to shake my diet a bit but struggled to get it through

    Thanks Faroe, and I’ll be sure to give you any information I find on what diet is best. I chose the whole foods “diet” (although I don’t like the word diet, I would call it a nutritional plan) because I think the human body isn’t meant to be consuming highly processed, sugary and fatty foods. Natural, whole foods are more nutritious, less calorie dense, and more satiating than processed ones. They’re just better for you in every way.

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  6. 12/26/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my DPV. I did 16 pushups, 16 sit-ups, 16 squats, a 10:30 min run, and meditated for 9 minutes. The exercise has become more difficult physically since I've increased the amount. But since I started off with a lower, more manageable amount of each exercise, it's not so taxing mentally, at least not yet. I think the habit is still being ingrained day by day.

    What I could’ve done better: I took a nap late in the day, so I'll probably struggle to sleep in the nighttime. I was hit with a wave of exhaustion not long after I came home, and I didn't have any way to handle it other than to sleep. Hopefully it doesn't affect my sleep schedule too much.

    Thoughts/realizations: I think I'm gonna switch to a whole-foods diet, meaning I'll eat naturally occurring foods (fruits, veggies, etc.) and do my best to avoid processed foods. I had a long discussion with a coworker about the importance of diet and nutrition, and it motivated me to want to get my diet together. I've always struggled with my diet since I was young, so it's not like it'll be a seamless transition from eating lots of junk to eating only natural food. I'm likely going to slip up multiple times. But for the sake of my own health, I'm gonna do my best to stay on track. I realized today that one's health (whether physical or mental/emotional) is the foundation of a successful life. If you don't have good health, you won't be able to pursue anything else in life. It doesn't matter what lofty ambitions you have if you're hospital-bound. For the longest time, my mental health held me back from making any meaningful progress in life. Now that it's somewhat under control, I feel like I have my life back. Although, mental health is only one facet. I'm learning to take care of my physical health as well, through exercise and nutrition. And especially since I'm starting martial arts soon, having good health will be of the utmost importance. I'm just happy I'm catching on to the importance of taking care of my health relatively early in my life.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my Daily Private Victory every day

    Within a month: Set up monthly payment plan for classes

    Within 6 months: Complete my first 10 credits

    More than 6 months: Earn bachelor's in psychology and master's in counseling

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  7. On 12/26/2022 at 5:37 AM, jade_ said:

    This also feels like a time of the year to reflect. Not sure how I want to reflect but it would be good to do something substantial.

    I think you’ve made great progress this year! Simply deciding that you want to quit gaming and PMO is a step in the right direction. Reflect on how far you’ve come this year and think about what you want your life to look like moving forward. Should be a pretty beneficial exercise

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  8. 12/25/2022

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my Daily Private Victory (DPV for short). 15 pushups, 15 sit-ups, 15 squats, followed by a 2:15 min run and 8 mins of meditation. I also did a 10 min run at a slower pace later in the day. I'm trying to build my endurance for martial arts, so moving forward, I'm going to start running for longer, albeit at a slower pace. I've watched a few videos that say the best way to build endurance is to focus on the duration of the run rather than the distance, which is why I'm changing my approach.

    What I could’ve done better: This doesn't really apply to today specifically, but my younger brother got my parents some nice gifts for Christmas. Meanwhile, I didn't think to get them anything. I think I ought to be a bit more considerate moving forward. I definitely felt like he one-upped me in a way, although that wasn't his intention at all. But moving forward, I'll try and focus on little gestures that bring the people around me joy. My mom in particular was really moved by the gift he got for her, which I thought was sweet.

    Thoughts/realizations: I'm really looking forward to starting my martial arts class. In fact, that's what motivated me to want to get my endurance up. I don't just want to practice martial arts, I want to excel at them. Part of that is being able to fight without getting tired, so I think it's crucial that I focus on building my endurance in the meantime. Of course, there's a lot more that goes into it than just plain endurance, but it's definitely important. The main reason I wanted to do martial arts was because I wanted to work hard at something, and to see the results of my hard work. I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I plan to train myself outside of class. I'm unusually motivated to be the best martial artist I can be, but I'm not so naïve as to rely on pure motivation. That's why I'm gonna pace myself as far as my personal training sessions. If I'm too gung ho about it in the beginning, I'll probably just burn myself out. But, if I start slow and build a steady foundation upon which I can improve, I think it'll only motivate me more to stick with it.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my Daily Private Victory every day

    Within a month: Set up monthly payment plan for classes

    Within 6 months: Complete my first 10 credits

    More than 6 months: Earn bachelor's in psychology and master's in counseling

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  9. 12/24/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my Daily Private Victory. 14 push-ups, 14 sit-ups, 14 squats, followed by a 2 min run and 7 mins of meditation.

    What I could’ve done better: If I had woken up slightly earlier, I could’ve squeezed in a few minutes of reading before work. Not a big deal though. I’ll get back on track tomorrow.

    Thoughts/realizations: The more days that go by (and the more Bleach I watch), the more interested I am in martial arts and sword fighting. Something about that anime just inspires me to want to apply myself to rigorous training and hone my abilities. I almost can’t wait for my first class on Jan. 4. I spent some time at work looking at and reading up on swords online. It’s unusual for an anime to inspire such an interest in me. There’s just something about Bleach that moves me. Maybe it’s the training-based combat system. The abilities the characters use require rigorous training to perfect, which I find really cool. It makes me want to train and get stronger too, which is why I’ve taken such an interest in martial arts. Either way, I’m hoping I can maintain this newfound interest long after I finish watching the show. I know it’ll benefit me in a lot of ways, from increased confidence to physical strength building.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my Daily Private Victory every day

    Within a month: Set up monthly payment plan for classes

    Within 6 months: Complete my first 10 credits

    More than 6 months: Earn bachelor's in psychology and master's in counseling

  10. On 12/24/2022 at 1:07 PM, eaglemarin said:

    Now that I've regained health I need to double down on having better routines. Getting back on this forum is the first step.

    I’m realizing the importance of better routines myself. The more you can automate your day through routines, the more guesswork it takes out of your daily planning. Hopefully you can figure out the routines that work best for you.

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    On 12/24/2022 at 10:35 AM, Faroe Islander said:

    There is still a lot I have to rethink and a lot of actions I have to take so here I go it is a start and at least right now I found better strategies and my relapses are just a bit shorter which is something.


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  12. 12/23/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my Daily Private Victory. 13 pushups, 13 sit-ups, 13 squats, followed by a 1:45 min run (in the rain!) and 6 mins of meditation. My goal is to get to 100 pushups, sit-ups, and squats, 20 mins of running, and 10 mins of meditation daily. But I have to work my way up to those numbers gradually. One of the rules of habit building I learned from Atomic Habits was to keep it easy at first, as not to overwhelm myself. So that's what I'm doing, and I think it's working pretty well so far.

    What I could’ve done better: Not much today. I actually managed to resist some cravings for ice cream! That's a huge victory in my book. Granted, I did have some candy on hand, so it's not much of an achievement. But it's a start.

    Thoughts/realizations: I signed up for a martial arts class today (kung fu, specifically). I initially intended to try out MMA at a different gym, but the kung fu place is closer to my house, and I think it works out to be less expensive, too. My first class is on Jan. 4. I'm excited to get started, because not only do I want to learn self-defense, I want to try and apply habit-building in other areas of my life. I intend to practice martial arts not just in class, but outside of class, too. I intend to approach it in a similar fashion to my Daily Private Victory: slowly but surely upping the intensity and duration of my practice sessions. Another thing: the class also teaches basic sword fighting, which I'm really excited about (I've been watching a lot of Bleach lately, lol). These classes are not only a way for me to build discipline, but also a way for me to geek out and indulge my imagination. Naturally, I'm very eager to get started.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my Daily Private Victory every day

    Within a month: Set up monthly payment plan for classes

    Within 6 months: Complete my first 10 credits

    More than 6 months: Earn bachelor's in psychology and master's in counseling

    • Like 3
  13. 12/22/2022

    What I did well today: I completed another day of my Daily Private Victory: 12 pushups, 12 sit-ups, 12 squats, followed by a 1:30 min run and 5 mins of meditation. I also finished reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. Another great read. I fully intend to utilize the strategies the book provides for establishing better habits and eliminating bad ones.

    What I could’ve done better: I gave into my sweet tooth and splurged on some candy. Not in line with my dietary goals yet again. But, as someone who's struggled with my diet my entire life, I'm giving myself some grace. I'm gonna do more research into how to curb cravings for junk food and sweets. Reading Atomic Habits was a good start, but I think I need more strategies to help me when the cravings roll around.

    Thoughts/realizations: I'm starting to value structure and routine. My Daily Private Victory is a routine I just started implementing into my life, and I'm already looking to add more routine into my life. I just like the idea of having a consistent, daily routine in place. It takes the guesswork out of my daily planning. First thing in the morning, I complete my Daily Private Victory. Then, if I can incorporate some more routines into my life, it's like I don't even have to think about what to do next. I'll just know what to do instinctively as I move through the day. That's not to say there's no value in spontaneity. But as I grow older, I've recognized the need for more structure and organization in my life, and I think incorporating some simple routines into my day is just one of many ways to incorporate these elements.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my Daily Private Victory every day

    Within a month: Set up monthly payment plan for classes

    Within 6 months: Complete my first 10 credits

    More than 6 months: Earn bachelor's in psychology and master's in counseling

  14. 12/21/2022

    What I did well today: I completed my Daily Private Victory this morning. 11 pushups, 11 sit-ups, 11 squats, followed by a 1:15 min run and 4 min meditation. I intend to increase the intensity and time duration of these activities gradually. I also made it about halfway through a new book, Atomic Habits. I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm learning a lot about how to create good habits and eliminate bad ones.

    What I could’ve done better: I went and got some ice cream... again. Fortunately, my friend paid for it this time, so I didn't have to sacrifice any money. Even still, eating ice cream isn't in alignment with my health goals. I've struggled with my diet ever since I was young, so I expect it'll take some work to fix this area of my life.

    Thoughts/realizations: I'm thinking of taking martial arts classes. Two reasons for this: number one, I'm watching Bleach at the moment, and it lit a fire under me, lol. Second, I've been reading Atomic Habits, and it makes me want to test the power of habit-building in my own life. I have my Daily Private Victory, but I also want to apply myself to something that requires more discipline and commitment, which I think martial arts will be perfect for. Plus, I'll learn how to defend myself, get in shape, and build confidence all at the same time. I think it's a worthwhile investment, if you ask me.

    Plans for the future + timeframe for achievement:

    Within 1 week: Execute on my Daily Private Victory every day

    Within a month: Set up monthly payment plan for classes

    Within 6 months: Complete my first 10 credits

    More than 6 months: Earn bachelor's in psychology and master's in counseling

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  15. I want to commend you for your courage to leave a job that wasn’t serving you. It takes a lot of bravery to leave any job, let alone one that was as physically, mentally, and emotionally taxing as yours was. And the strength it must’ve taken to endure as long as you did was immeasurable. I wish you the best of luck as you move on to a better opportunity.

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