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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Paul A.

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Posts posted by Paul A.

  1. So... I want to work on my music, but since my dad put that damned time limit on the computer, I can't do a thing. The computer will be locked until 3 PM, what am I supposed to do between now and then? There's not much to do around my house, I'd like to add.

  2. Welcome Jason!

    Productivity is a big part of why I decided to quit. As you go through your time as a non gamer, you will find you have a lot more energy/motivation to do things, which will help your productivity substantially. But at the same time, I advise you set yourself little goals each day, don't try to do everything in one go. Take it one day at a time. Good job on deleting your games, I wish you luck in your game quitting journey!

  3. Welcome to GameQuitters Marcin!

    Is there something you enjoyed doing before you started gaming, or even when you were gaming? Finding a hobby will definitely help you move past your internet addiction. I would recommend downloading Cam's over 60 hobby ideas, which you can find on the GameQuitters home page. I wish you luck and keep it up! :)


  4. Day 12

    Since we have tomorrow off, today is the last day of the school week. It's also my mom's birthday, but turns out we can't go out today.

    Honestly it feels like another day wasted. Despite what I said yesterday I came to the basketball court anyway, and I'm not having much fun. This happens a lot, I promise myself that I will do something different at the end of the day, only to do the same thing the next day. I suppose it's due to a lack of discipline and/or motivation to change. This is something I have to work on.

    I haven't done much work on my music lately, and I think it's just pure laziness. I've struggled with this for a while, but I'm afraid that somewhere along the line, I'll just have to man up and deal with it, preferably sooner than later. Luckily, I managed to do a little bit of work after I got back, before I ran out of time on the computer. I've been concerning myself too much with trying to learn all of LMMS, but if I just open it up as soon as I log on, without going into any tutorials, I can get a lot done and even get around to some tutorials later. I've set a goal to make a good song and to get it up on SoundCloud or something. I'll get to work ASAP.

    I feel like there's so much more I can write, but I can never organize my thoughts, so I guess that's it for today. I have a whole day off tomorrow, hopefully I can make the most of it.

  5. Day 11

    Last day of testing. We went outside again today, but it wasn't to my benefit because I had to read 4 chapters of a book that are due tomorrow. My team also qualified for the 4x200 relay, I ran so hard my stomach started hurting :P

    In first period today, some friends of mine decided to play Roblox. It reminded me of my Roblox days, and later on I had cravings, and I ended up going on the Roblox website. This was the closest I have ever come to gaming over the past about two weeks (apart from the time I actually took the keyboard and moved my brother's character so that he would not be killed while he was AFK). They even invited me to play with them later, so I lied and told them I would. I haven't told anybody (except my mom, and my brother, who found out on his own) that I've quit because of the reactions I might get from them. The last time I told another person, they were absolutely shocked, and in all honesty for a good reason. I might be the only 13 year old in the COUNTRY who willingly decided to quit games.

    After school, I had to finish up the chapters, but I spent a good 20-30 minutes on the Internet before I really got started. I finished the chapters, then ate, them went to play basketball. I think I will stop going out, because it turns out I don't like basketball as much as I thought I did, plus I never see any noticeable improvement the few times I try to get better. Plus, I don't feel motivated to try to improve, in addition to the fact that I am absolutely TERRIBLE at it. This has its benefits, however, because I can use the time I usually spend at the court to work on my music.

    Just a regular day, really. I feel kinda guilty when I don't do anything productive, but I have time, right?

  6. Day 10

    Another day of testing. I couldn't find much to occupy myself after testing was over today, so it was rather difficult to not play when everyone else was. I managed, luckily. I also struggled with a feeling of loneliness during this time, almost everyone was playing with a friend or friends, and I was all alone. I'm a pretty shy person, but I've never really noticed this until now, since games were all I ever thought about. Improving my social skills is something I should probably think about, but it will be challenging for me.

    Today was also the first time in a while I felt considerable cravings to play, I had memories of some of the fun times I've had playing games I enjoyed. I ignored the cravings, and watched some TV instead. On a related note, not a productive day at all. I was planning on working on my music today, but I was distracted by Family Feud. After school I basically spent all my time watching TV.

    Over all, not the greatest day. Of course, no journey is without its challenges. I will struggle with cravings and negativity, and possibly even relapses during my journey to quit games. The important thing is to keep going. When I fall, I'll get back up.

    Well, that's been my day. One step at a time.

  7.   That's a great quote!

    I'm so jealous that you're a legend, but I feel that you've offered some of the most invaluable (it means extremely useful, ironically) advice over the life of GameQuitters, so you deserve it. Kudos, m8!

    Btw your new profile picture is FUCKIN AWESOME :D


    Thanks man! I hope you've used my advice well. I thought this profile picture would reflect me better, I don't wear a suit every day. :P If you stay part of the community long enough and help others get through their detoxes, I'm sure you'll be given a great title too :D

    Perhaps you could update your profile pic too? We can't see your face in that one!

    Well, ever since about 7th grade, I've been bullied about my appearance, so I'm no longer confident in how I look. But I can definitely keep on offering support to others and maybe I will get a cool title :)

    By the way great photography!

  8. Welcome to the forums Duncan!

    The first couple of days will always be pretty difficult, you just have to be able to get through the first week and then things will get better. Also, finding an new activity will also help a lot.

    Good job on deleting your accounts, it must have been pretty difficult to throw away a part of your whole life. Just remind yourself that it's ultimately for your benefit.

    Definitely keep posting, it will help you in your detox, and you will get valuable support from your fellow GameQuitters.


    In my marathon training plan, I have made notes on what I should do in the event that it was raining, or in the event that I don't have enough time to complete my scheduled run. However, I haven't made plans on what I can do to avoid gaming at home when I am bored and unable to exercise (which I haven't been able to recently due to illness). My illness has been a little aggravated by the run today, and with the winter just beginning in Australia there will definitely be more nights where running may not be an option. Thus, I should settle on something that engages me while I am at home; I will think about this over the next couple of days.

    When I was testing last week,  I read an article that said you can still run in inclement weather, and that it can even be fun, as long as you are prepared. But if running in rain just isn't in the cards for you, you can always go to the gym. 

  10. Day 9

    Just another school day.   We started more testing this week, we were only allowed to play games for a few minutes before we went outside, so I didn't have to deal with it for long today. My team also qualified for our school's 4x100 relay, so I'm happy about that. 

    After school on school days I usually play some ball at the local court, which I did. We ran into some trouble with some neighborhood kids, we'll just have to wait and see how that situation turns out.  I decided not to work on my music today,  I didn't really feel up to it. 

    Overall just an average day,  nothing special. Taking it one step at a time.

  11. Welcome to the forum Patrick!

    Great to see another young'un on here, I'm 13

    I can't wait to see how your journey goes, I'll be reading your journal :), and I'm glad you've made the decision to quit. Gaming can take such a toll on our lives, but some people refuse to acknowledge it, or lack the discipline and/or courage to quit, but I'm happy you do.

  12. Today was a mix of good and bad. In terms of productivity, it was POPPIN'. I finished a tutorial series on LMMS, and even started working on a song, which was pretty hard. It'll take a bit of practice to get the hang of. On the other hand, I got in trouble for taking some candy, because I looked for it "without permission." It's really stupid, because my dad purposely told me to look in the place where the candy wasn't, probably with the intent to not let me have it. The whole thing is just fucked up. I suppose if all that shit hasn't happened, then it would have been an awesome day. But it did, and I can't control it. I got really upset and even started crying because my dad was screaming at me and criticizing me so much. But there's no need to dwell on the past. We need to move on.

    So that's been my day. The weekend is too short :(


  13. Welcome to the community!

    Don't worry, over time you'll gain the energy to try new things and get everything done as time progresses. I'm just glad you were able to resist your cravings, it's a sign of strength and plus it would be really discouraging if you relapsed on your first day. Just keep going strong and I guarantee things will get better :)


  14. Thanks for the advice guys. I guess my real issue is going up to them. In my opinion, I'm not that interesting a person, so what would I talk about? I don't have interesting stories, I don't do anything out of the ordinary, so where does that leave me? Even if I can muster the courage to talk to them (which I suppose I have already), what would I talk about? That's my real problem.

  15. Yesterday I wasn't able to post, so I will today:

    Day 7 (one week completed)

    Yesterday was rather eventful. I woke up very early for the weekend, 6:45 (without anyone waking me up or anything), and got on GQ for about an hour and a half before I went downstairs at about 8:30. I finished all my chores before 12:30, but something rather unexpected took place during that time. I got invited to a group chat by some guys who had a history of not being so nice to me, and we had a strange conversation. I was insulted a few times, but I let it roll off my back. The rest of the day, I was mostly messing around on YouTube (my productivity could use some work). At about 4, my "friend" (I'll use the term lightly) texted me, and tried to convince me to play ROBLOX with him, so I gave him this big speech about how gaming was holding me back, blah blah blah, but he was persistent, he was telling me that I should "have fun," and I should "live my life," but eventually he gave up and asked my brother to play instead. Unfortunately we didn't get to eat the sundaes :(, but a couple of us went out and bought big boxes of candy, so I wasn't TOO devastated ;)

    Overall it was an average day. My productivity could've been a lot better, but I DID do all my chores without being prompted, unlike my younger brother, so I felt pretty good about that.

  16. @TyroneAByrne

    Thanks for the advice. I mean, as a teen, I guess I'm bound to have romantic desires, and a lot of them. Of course, I can't fulfill them just yet because I'm not even in high school yet, let alone the legal age of marriage... and with marriage... ;)

    My real problem really is talking to girls in the first place. I'm so intimidated by them. Hell, at one point, I thought I was scared of them. I guess it has something to do with a fear of rejection, or low self-esteem, or a combination of both... But I suppose that will get better over time as I adopt new hobbies and gain confidence in myself.

  17. Ever since I was, like, ten (lol), I've wanted a girlfriend. Unfortunately, I'm not so hot with the ladies, plus I'm too intimidated by them to talk to them. I've only ever initiated a conversation with any girl twice, and the second time was a total disaster (in my opinion, and plenty of others, I imagine). People make fun of me cause I get no girls, which for the most part, is true. Tips? Advice?

  18. If I can get through today without playing a single game, then I will have officially reached one week game free. We are having ice cream sundaes to (unofficially) celebrate, since no one but my brother knows that I have quit games.

  19.   That's a great quote!

    I'm so jealous that you're a legend, but I feel that you've offered some of the most invaluable (it means extremely useful, ironically) advice over the life of GameQuitters, so you deserve it. Kudos, m8!

    Btw your new profile picture is FUCKIN AWESOME :D


  20. Welcome back dude!

    I'll start reading more of your journal later on, but 33 pages is rather long... O.o

    We're glad that you're back and posting, so many people can take support from you and your story :)

    Love how you're taking some time for yourself to just appreciate life and enjoy some "me time," keep it up :)


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