Hello everyone. I am a 23 years old, middle-class white male and I come from Italy. I have a serious gaming addiction. I want to tell my story. Yesterday I started my 90 days detox. I introduced myself to the community with this post on the StopGaming's subreddit. I'm here to share my ongoing experiences.
Day 1
Yesterday I did a lot of things that I would normally not do if I spent the whole day gaming. Although I didn't engage in any particularly stimulating activitiy, I felt I was enjoying even the less appealing tasks. This is what I did: I went to the doctor and sit in the waiting room for 2 hours, without an appointment. There was a bunch of old people talking shit about government, social and medical issues. I just sit there and listened to them. You may not believe me, but I thought that I was very lucky to be there, near other human beings, hearing what they said, instead of being closed in my room. I also felt responsible for going to the doctor, as I should have before. After the first 40 minutes, I got a book out of my backpack and started studying. I didn't feel distracted. I studied for an hour. Finally the doctor visited me. After that, I went buying some new jeans. All my trousers are ruined and full of holes. For 2-3 months I wanted to buy some new pair but I didn't find the time to do it, the urge of gaming was too strong. I then passed a little shop while walking back to my car. I remembered that many years ago I bought a sandwich in there with a very tasty kind of meat I've never found anywhere else. I remembered its name (Cecina de Leon), so I asked the owner about it. He explained me that it's a quality of iberic bresaola, very difficult to find. In fact, he didn't have any in stock, but he made me a sandwich with another kind of meat that I had never tried. Not as good as the Cecina, but quite tasty. At dinner, instead of eating as fast as possible and running to my pc, I talked with my family. In the evening I watched a movie, Days of heaven by Terrence Malick. At first I thought I didn't like it, but the scene of the locusts was glorious. Overall 6,5/10. Well, this is what I did. It may not be anything special, but I didn't game, nor watch any streams or websites gaming-related. I had trouble sleeping, I kept thinking about my decision to do this detox. I never questioned it or wished to back out, but I was obsessed. I wished it was already over, I wished i could already be free from the cravings. I fell asleep at 2.30 AM.
Hope this one wasn't too boring. I know, it's just standard everyday activities everyone carries out. But I'm very proud of the way I spent my day instead of playing 15 games of LoL. Later I'll probably come back and write something about my hobbies. Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave a comment.