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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. Oh, I played ton of flash games, idle games, strategies, RPGs, zombie games, fuckin' every type! Ah, almost every type. Excluding FPS and sport games. They just sucks.

    So I've been struggling with this, especially with the fact, that when I got bored by one game, I just change it into another one. Really tricky to spend even 10 hours of my precious life.

    How to deal with it? Just realize how much your time is worth.

    How much do you earn per hour of work? For example let's say I earn 10$ (it's different value in my country, but it's just an example). By spending 1000 hours on any game it's like throwing away 10 000$. And by spending 10 hours I throw away 100$. Easy and efficient.

  2. Greetings from Mad Pharmacist!

    I can tell you 2 things for now:

    1)You're not the only one here who saved potential suicider

    2)Tidying up your house can drastically improve your discipline and makes you feel better. Just trust me, science proves this!

  3. Wow, what a terrific article! I really appreciate that!

    It's just summarizing what to do to keep on track with your life, especially not competing with anyone but yourself from the past.

    By the way, I though sometimes to become a pro gamer, but I decided to stop, and I'm grateful for that.

  4. I agree with @asquerade.

    You did great with your revision! Even I'm impressed.

    What kind of exams are these?

    Btw. I also played Runescape in my life and I know how it can simulate almost everything just like in real life. But remember: in real life you have much more skills to improve, and the only person who can do it is you, so it's only on you.


  5. That's a lot of summarizing. I see you're pretty good at it! Just like me, seems like you're analyst. Awesome to see people like me.

    Journaling can help you a lot here, just like supporting other game quitters. Good job on sharing your thoughts!

  6. Great work Tim! Keep doing like that! I've just achieved first week of being game free too!

    Btw. believe me or not, but PUA (The Pick Up Artist) is delusion. That's because people in this movement have only one goal: to sleep with as many women as possible as fast as possible. If you want to do the same and fight with created by them "shit tests", then it's a path for you.

    If you want to create a happy lifelong relationship instead, I can recommend for you Doctor Love for the start.

  7. 4 days! That's almost 100 hours! Good job!

    How much do you sleep between polyphase sleep? I tried it couple of times, and I don't wanna worry you, but it doesn't work for me. After couple of days I needed to sleep the whole day to regenerate.

  8. Great video Cam!

    The fact that charisma is a skill is implemented into many RPG games. So for ex-gamers it should be obvious.

    It's also very interesting path to develop it. Being in presence in 100% is the key to change our subconscious wrong behaviour into conscious ones.

  9. That's awesome mindset I easily can implement into my life!

    For instance, I've spent 177,4 golden hours (50 minutes of 100% focused time) total on studying for college this year (I have Time Meter app to calculate this). It's like 177 skill points that I've achieved and when I sometimes think about my college like I'm lazy/cannot learn something, then I can remind myself "Hey, you did 177 hours, so you know A LOT, and you can do 1 more).

  10. Hell yea, you're rockin'!

    I see you did extremely great choice to turn off porn website. It could only get worse if you'll start watching porn.

    I really like your scheduled style of weekly summarising, I need to implement it in my journaling to have better point of view in my life.

    Even though you're after the detox you're still learning from what you've done (like last hangover) and that's great attitude you've gained by setting yourself game free.

    Wish you the best on next week! Btw. I have to catch up on statistics too this week! We'll see if you'll do that better than Mad Pharmacist! :D

  11. All right, I see your primary goal is to combat boredom in your life.

    How to deal with this?

    • Find non-game related activities to fill your time with, especially when you're home alone:
      • Something that could be your hobby. Piano is a good start, but also reading fiction, studying japanese or anything you're interested about.
      • If you're studying or working, you can increase your academic/work perfomance DRASTICALLY! If you have a break or you're unemployed, find even a part-time job
      • You can also EXTREMELY increase the quality of your life! Learn to cook for instance. Better dishes will make you feel better.
      • Try to keep your room clean. Same with your computer/emails. Segregate your data on computer and archive your emails! Create greater barrier of entry into gaming/masturbation.
      • Find any go-to activity when you're tired/stress. Even napping is good for start, or reading fiction
      • While quitting you'll also gain ton of time for social sphere of your life. Go to local events in your city and meet some new people, especially if most of your friends are gamers.
  12. Well, I had that attitude to avoid screens as much as possible. That's the reason why I once decided to quit using Internet for over a month.

    But nowadays it's almost impossible to function without them. We need it to check many necessary things.

    However I really like to have day off, at least once a week. Especially to spent time alone with a nature. That's seriously reassuring for me.

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