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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. Great to see you're journaling post-detox!

    And awesome to see you've almost done all of the exams to pass first year!

    But we're gonna talk a bit as accountibility partners in the next hour!

    Can't wait to it.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  2. I think you should try travelling, because it's a source of inspiration for a brilliant ideas! Just give it a try, even hiking on your surrounding for the whole day is a good start to start thinking! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  3. Hey!

    The setting of your journal is terrific! I really appreciate I've just read that because I need to implement something like this into my own!

    It's the best way of tracking compulsive behavours and your goals too! Thanks man for that kind of inspiration!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  4. Hey Larry!

    I see that you've achieved something I'm working on right now - 90 days of no game and no masturbation.

    Awesome to hear you did it!

    And by the way, I've heard that The King Jacob's Bible is one of the most precised translations of the Bible. So, it's worth reading, even though it can be difficult to understand sometimes!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  5. Hey Old Timer! :)

    I really enjoy reading your journal. Gonna listen to your podcasts after finishing exams!

    And you should do something you really want to do as a job, don't care about what others say! You quitted video games so you deserve to live your life to the fullest. And also for a good date with a girl :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  6. Hey, don't give up man!

    I see a lot of progress in your 3D drawings. If you want a proof, then look into your journal from the beginning!

    Keep doing like that, and the success will be inevitable.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  7. Whoa, you're working so hard! 20 hours is extremely dangerous time per day!

    I did up to 16 hours a day for 2 months, and then ended up with neurosis for a month. I don't recommend that.

    You should learn how to relax on your own way to be more productive and live more healthy life!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  8. Hello again!

    I see that assertiveness is something you really need in a situation with friends and trip. You're not letting them down by rejecting they're proposition. sometimes refusing is the best way if we have too much to do and we can't handle it.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  9. Hello,

    good to see you here. Great to see you're fighting even though you relapsed once.

    I'm for instance relapsed 25 times since joining GameQuitters, and it doesn't matter that I'm weak or something. That means I keep fighting like a gladiator on the arena. And this is something you're doing aswell

    It's not an encouragement for relapses, but it's comment to persevere. First days are the worst, but you'll manage to deal with them.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  10. Hello again!

    Coccunist, you said using habitica have helped you. Can you tell me more how you're using it? Because for me sometimes it worked and sometimes didn't. How you're scheduling your task to be effective?

    And great that you realised your trigger. And the solution to be more social is to get out of the house more often. If you feel lack of motivation to do this, then you should schedule at least 2 event to participate in per week. It could be anything you're interested in, but for first time, I thoroughly recommend Toastmasters meeting.

  11. Hey man,

    I don't think that training everyday is healthy. It depends on what part of muscles you're training, but muscles need to regenerate which takes time!

    So skipping one day at a time is something even better than training everyday!

    For further information, I recommend this.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  12. Hey man! I have a clue for you!

    Something I haven't seen in previous comments...

    GO OUT OF THE HOUSE for anything you can do out of the house!



    Training? Gym, running group, fitness group etc.

    Studying/working?: Coffee shops, libraries, etc. 

    If you go outside to unknown places, then you'll feel unable to procrastinate instead of doing what you need to do!

    And this way you're gonna boost your comfort zone, so this is the best you can do for now!


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