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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. I've heard that most people want to find a panaceum for their problems, a golden shot, an information that'll completely change their live before even taking the action.

    Even though changing ourselves isn't a bed of roses, it's worth trying!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  2. Journal entry #20

    I've looked back at my life and realised, that the worst kind of pain I've known, is lost time.

    This has also been the main cause of my pain and anger for years, not only the gaming years.

    I know it's very difficult to imagine anything good coming from these years of gaming, but it's maybe the ultim act of auto-destruction that triggered the act of deciding to change something deep in us. At least, it was for me.

    Same for me! Without gaming I wouldn't be on this forum with all these awesome people! :) 

    You can't change the past but you can change the future, right now, in this moment, with every decision you make. :)

    I know that I'm a better person and doing everything I can to be even better! That's why I try to remember, that better me, comes from worse past.

    True, and every experience in your life is a lesson that taught you something important!

    With games, you know that it can be a destructive behaviour, which many people are not aware of!

  3. Hey Caged!

    I had experienced the same lack of believe in my self-control from my parents. Even now they're asking me - "are you playing games?"

    They have completely different point of view in every sphere of life, and the truth is that parents in most cases are not an rolemodel.

    So, I decided to limit contact with them, especially when I'm in my hometown, because they were trying to control me and put into my mind all of they're negative behaviour.

    When I'm with them I just agree with everything they're saying, but after that talk I'm doing what I should do.

    That's my answer for your problem.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  4. It's normal thing that you're getting exhausted quickly. I can relate to that in similar way during first 90 days of first detox. I barely passed the semester on college and that was all I could do. And then after finished studying I also felt seriously exhausted. That's just a part of detox, because you use a lot of energy to change your destructive habit of playing video games excessively, so the best way to deal with it is to just accept it.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  5. Hey Maddog, if you're a LEGEND JOURNALIST, then I can't wait for your next entries!

    I know that panic rush a moments before deadline and personally I hate it. It leads me to stress more and to neglect my other activities I wanted to do like exercising, writing etc.

    It's better to work systematically which is even scientifically proven!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  6. Hello Lunya!

    Great to see you there.

    Looks like missing bus to your friend was like your moment of waking up!

    From now on, it could be only better and better!

    And to avoid procrastination, I recommend to you LeechBlock add-on. You can block any time-eating websites with this app!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  7. Hello Joseph!

    You're doing a great start to abstain from games for a while.

    However if you want to stay away from mindless Internet browsing, you should try a LeechBlock add-on.

    It can help A LOT in time management during Internet usage (you probably need Internet for college activities, right? :) )

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  8. Hello GameQuitter!

    I see many similarities between me and you. We are almost the same age, both in college, both trying to learn Spanish.

    What do you think about a little Spanish practice? Message me, if you're interested.

    And don't be afraid of me :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  9. Hey Panthau!

    You can start a normal, healthy life and get used to it just like you did get used to video games for 30 years!

    Just uninstall Hearthstone to be less tempted.

    Ah, and writing your journal is also relieving activity. Just like writing 750 words a day, which I practice right now. It helped me with neurosis, so you should try it aswell!


    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  10. Welcome Niels, what kind of work is that you're doing once a week?

    It's interesting, because you can try to study outside like in the library or coffee shop to avoid distractions.

    Trust me, it really works, you just need to move your body to one of these places!

    Greetings from Poland, Mad Pharmacist.

  11. Hey, if I got dispose of brain fog, constant illness (flu, bronchitis, angina, neurosis - all of them without significant reason) because of excessive playing video games, then you can do that too!

    And trust me, the best way to do is to start your daily journal.

    Just try it!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.

  12. If you're struggling with mindless internet browsing, then you should download everything you need to study on your laptop, and then turn of Internet connection until you stop whatever you desire!

    Another great advice I've heard from Cameron is that you should go to the library or coffee shop with your laptop, and in public place you'll ashamed if you'll start to play video games, right?

  13. You know, now everyone must know that you had been struggling with games before. Who cares?

    And nice to see you invested money into something you want to be engaged into more! That's how it works to be more consistent. I have the same with writing 750 words - Paying 5$ per month, which is a lot in my value, is motivating as hell.


    I bet what you need is to just find some time each week to just do something for fun without any other attachment. For me, this is surfing.

    I agree. And for me it's writing and drawing.

    Can you post some of your drawings in your journal?

    Whoa, it seems like a challenge. Most of my drawings are characters from South Park and other cartoons with similar level of art. I'll post them when I'll get some time to scan them.

    Thanks for suggestion, and also love your gratitude list!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  15. Hey amigo. ¿por que me llamas forastero?

    I think you should start improving your social skill by expanding your comfort zone, so you'll feel more comfortable in every social interaction.

    How to do this? It's simple and easy, and basically it takes about couple of SECONDS each day to do this.

    Just say "Hello" (Or "Hola :)") to 3 different strangers even on the street each day. Especially to girls, if you want to practice interactions with girls.

    Then you can walk away and don't care about anything. Whether this person will think you're weirdo or not, it doesn't matter, you're just boosting your comfort zone and do something which is good at all.

    Do it 5 days in a week (2 days of break for anything else you want to do, even spending whole day inside your house) and tell me about your results.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist.


  16. Well, let's say brutal truth: Porn industry is fake in every aspect.

    Just ask yourself: Do you wanna have a wife that is porn actress? They're taking drugs to survive so long scenes in the movies, making breast augmentation surgeries (so they have scars on their breasts), and destroy themselves by long-term contraceptives.

    So, remember my words whenever you'll feel an urge to watch porn.

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