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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. @hycniejsy
    Since winter is coming, I would say you find something that grows even when it's cold outside. On another note, depending on how far you want to go, you could actually grow potatoes in a barrel. Since you are a scientist, you could probably use them to distill vodka or make some great kopytkas. Best served with fresh mushrooms in dark sauce. Nom. ;)

    Whoa, I didn't know that I can distill vodka from potatoes. :D  Btw. I've heard that brewing my own alcohol is illegal in Poland.

    Anyways, kopytkas (In Poland we say just kopytka and this is plural) are super-awesome! I should try that out, but is there anything that I can harvest without the whole barrel? Can I plant e.g. garlic, or something like that? ;)

    Or maybe you have any advice on the smaller winter plants that can be turned into healthy and fresh food?

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  2. Seriously, why do you want to "wank"?

    Do you think it's ok?

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    I think it is fine. The only reason I jerk it is because I'm bored. It's a great way to release sexual tension especially considering I don't have a girl.

    Ok, then if it's fine I'll ask you the most simple question:

    How will you feel if you'll have a sexual partner and she'll need to masturbate even if she have had sex with you? Will it still be "fine" for you?

    Think about it.

    How do I find true friends? The "friends" I have now are just people I hang out with. We don't look out for each other and we don't share any passions.

    The best way to find true friends is to become a leader and initiator of hanging out.

    Most people don't know where to go with the group of friends. You should know and you can invite anyone of them.

    That's the reason why you have their phone number - you can call whoever you want and hang out outside. I bet you anyone who will be invited will feel great because he or she doesn't need to do it instead of you.

    And also if you invite those people couple of times, then you can be invite by them aswell! It's natural thing, and this way you're making even not a single friend, but a GROUP of friends!

    Work for me, but tell me if you got my point and if it works for you. :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  3. @hycniejsy
    Probably all the great herbs. When I had my garden, I loved to have fresh herbs for my salads. But to the honest, the best thing about having a garden is that feeling of being self-reliant. You grow the stuff you eat. You can or pickle it. You "recycle" it by turning it into compost which will feed your dirt from which you will grow food again. When I looked out and saw the rain, I was happy because I knew that it would water all my plants at the same time. No work for me, just sitting under that roof with a hot tea, listening to music or reading a book. You know, everything makes sense when you are in the "wilderness". Every action serves another action. And you can feel that you are a part of it. It's just great.

    Hmm... Do you have any advise for the beginner balcony gardener? :D  

  4. I'm happy to see that my advice works!

    And about holiday - that's the best time for detox. Because you're not interrupted in your changes and have maximum of discipline to focus on your new life! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  5. Hello!

    You know, illness is a true test of your values about quitting games. When I was sick for about 5 days, I got relapsed, but I seriously fast got back to my commitment, and now I know that even if I will be sick, I won't relapse.

    Remember about that, because life isn't as perfect as we imagine!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  6. Dude, you inspire me to study more.

    I just need to work less to find enough time to study just like you.

    Today I planned to do 9x50min, but I overslept and need to prepare for a job for the rest of the day.

    Any advice on it? I mean, how you get organised so well.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  7. Hey, explain me one thing.

    You banned porn. However you told me that it's a really great inspiration for you during cohabitation with woman.

    I just don't get it. What is your real statement about porn?

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  8. I strongly recommend 3:

    1. AdBlock - to prevent from ads, which many of them contains info about new games.
    2. Flash block - to block every flash window in your browser
    3. Web Blocker - to block sites the sites that bother you.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

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