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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. Hello!

    @hycniejsy Thanks for the support! As for the Latin, I was looking at the ole' declension charts last night after a long time of neglect, and you're absolutely right that bona is feminine. I've gotten very rusty.

    Well, many things in Polish comes from Latin (we have 7 cases of noun and also 3 types for nouns/adjectives), so I have constant repetition! :)

    133 Days w/o Gaming, 9 Days w/o YouTube

    The mind is a battlefield. On the one side there are positive thoughts moving us towards our goals one step at a time, and on the other there are negative thoughts that are reminding us of haunting memories from the past or of daunting challenges in the future. Moving on from the past is a major theme as I am rebuilding my positive attitude. On the flip side, I was able to see just a positive attitude can achieve. I visited a cousin who is an incredibly talented electrician, and hearing about his work ethic and aptitude for math were incredibly inspiring. If he can have success in pursuing his dreams, so can I.

    Not only mind is a battlefield. The whole life is.

    You can think positive only if you choose it.

    There are also little steps that can help you in that.

    One of it (science proves it!) is to sit in front of the mirror and smile to yourself for 60 seconds during morning.

    Try it for a month and tell me if it works! I do it for a long time so can you.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  2. Day 2: Hello friends! Forgot to journal yesterday, but somehow the world didn't end ;) 

    The christmas holidays is messing with my habits and stuff, but I suppose that's to be expected. It's manageable, and after all, christmas is only once a year :P

    Hello, pal. World didn't end but you had to wait a bit more for my answer.

    Christmas holidays is probably messing with anyone's habits but what I do instead of taking care of that? I spent time with my family, I spent time on cooking a lot, that helps me to focus on the present time and enjoy Christmas.

    I remember when my friend told he has to weightlift during Christmas (he had his own gym in the basement) and follow the diet, otherwise he'll lose .01 mm of his biceps. I think, that this attitude is insane and not worth of time spent with family.

    Another thing - I'm actually feeling cravings now. It was so long since the previous time. I guess I created them for myself by trying out gaming again. There's the usual "Maybe I should just decide to not give a fuck about anything and game? It wouldn't be that bad of a life..." I'm right, to a certain degree. It wouldn't be bad, but I want so much more!

    I feel cravings too. But if you decide to not give a fuck about anything and game, then you'll be slapped in the face by Mad Pharmacist. Probably with base or acid. I've heard it hurts like a bitch.
    Jokes aside :D, if you want to thrive in your life like dandelion instead of being just barely able to survive like armed tapeworm, you have to abstain from games.

    That's why I'll join @hycniejsy on the 1000 days challenge. Honestly, I don't think I will be able to go back to gaming even after a 1000 days, which is painful to accept, but I still want to do the challenge. I feel like it'll make the days matter more, you know? Like the days will become more special, like every single one of these 1000 days will be an achievement on its own. "What gets measured gets managed."

    You're welcome! Each day is like 0,1% of progress to get this achievement of Rotating Sambucus Nigra :D. That's how I'm gonna call it, or maybe you have any better ideas for name of achieving 1000 days with me? :) 

    In addition to being game free, I'll add a lot of other goals too, and measure my progress. I've been watching Thomas Frank for quite a while, and I like his idea (not really his, but whatever) of an "Impossible List", so today I thought I'd make one for myself. It feels good to write down a bunch of big, ambitious goals. The first step in the 1000 miles journey is writing down where you want to go.

    If you have Cameron's challenge, you can check up my impossible list on a private forum for inspiration. If you don't tell me and I'll copy/paste it for you.

    Also, kind of inspiration is in my signature. Some people keep telling me that they're impossible to achieve, so it's kinda like impossible list, right? :D

    Short-term challenges: TV-series/youtube. Whenever I quit games, this is my second choice, and even if they do not pose as big of a problem, it's still easy to waste hours upon hours infront of the screen. I'll fight this by choosing to read a book instead of bringing my iPad whenever I sit down to eat, so I won't have to finish the episode afterwards. 

    That's it for today. Feeling positive for the future!

    Au revoir, mes amis.

    That's important step for me too. I can relate to YT as a second choice of mine. Especially movies that are just useless thrash.

    I recommend podcast for eating instead of reading, because you'll focus your sight on food instead of book and this way you'll also focus on putting food inside your mouth instead of garment! :)

    Hope this helps.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  3. I'm glad you tried and you have something similar with me.

    We both can't do it to moderate.

    But I still want to gain this ability.

    To just be able to play 30 minutes a day. And have a normal life.

    Anyways, now I have a challenge for 1000 days and you said you'd like to join.

    So, let's go and let's fuck'em up, shall we? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  4. Hey I hope you found time for family and relaxation during Christmas!

    Time for studying will be after finishing it! :)

    Anyways tracking amount of time, work for me and my brain of analitycs so it should work for you aswell!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  5. With NoFap it's similar to games. The best clue for the beginning is to do one day at the time. :)

    And when you'll feel tempted, turn this sexual energy into something productive. Like doing these push-up. Or running. Or whtever you desire.

    You can do that and trust me, Mad Pharmacist believes in you! And that means a lot! ;)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  6. I really like the Settlers of Catan!

    Once during convention I played it on the large scale (Like 10x bigger than normal board game) and it was pretty interesting, especially because resources were in the corner of the room, and you had to run for them everytime you rolled giant foam dices :D

    It was during 4 a.m. and I remember that this running for resources kept me awake :D

    We should play it once I'll come to NZ or you come to Poland, shouldn't we? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    COUNT ME IN! I just played a game of Catan with friends and got wrecked. A giant Catan is alright as well!


    I really like the Settlers of Catan!

    Once during convention I played it on the large scale (Like 10x bigger than normal board game) and it was pretty interesting, especially because resources were in the corner of the room, and you had to run for them everytime you rolled giant foam dices :D

    It was during 4 a.m. and I remember that this running for resources kept me awake :D

    We should play it once I'll come to NZ or you come to Poland, shouldn't we? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    Wow! COUNT ME IN TOO! Playing Catan large scale would be awesome!

    Haha yes, playing it when we meet up eventually would be wonderful. :)

    But remember, no playing online! We should all three visit each other to play! :D

  7. Greetings from Mad Pharmacist!

    I'm glad that you're becoming more organised each and every day!

    You're gonna make it not matter what! You've got my support

    Have you tried D3 vitamin to feel more healthy? It's especially important during winter and lack of sunlight/going outside!

    Greetings again, Mad Pharmacist

  8. Lingua Latina bona est :)

    (Btw. shouldn't it be correct with the form "Vita bona est"? Just want to make sure :) )

    You're overcoming your fear of relapse, that's seriously good and useful skill you should develop! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  9. Welcome back, Tree-Friend! :D:D

    I'm glad to see you here on day 1. Looks like you have the ability to game in moderation after 45 days! Astonishing :)

    Btw. what exactly did you learn about your relapse, what was the real cause of that, the trigger that you should avoid?

    And btw. zwei what kind of tabletop RPG are you going to play with your friends? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist


  10. You live in a scary city.  Maybe it would help you to take a self-defense class?


    Self-defense lessons can suck. Sometimes you can be taught how to defend yourself from getting stabbed by catana instead of knife. Isn't it better to wear pepper spray or taser in case of emergency? :)

  11. I really like the Settlers of Catan!

    Once during convention I played it on the large scale (Like 10x bigger than normal board game) and it was pretty interesting, especially because resources were in the corner of the room, and you had to run for them everytime you rolled giant foam dices :D

    It was during 4 a.m. and I remember that this running for resources kept me awake :D

    We should play it once I'll come to NZ or you come to Poland, shouldn't we? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  12. I travelled a lot with few budget with scouts.

    Probably because I didn't care about luxuries and quality of place where I wanted to be, in most cases we only needed tents and the basic things with us to survive in the middle of the wild nature.

    This way I travelled through many beautiful places in Poland, but I haven't tried do it abroad yet.

    Hitchhiking is also a good way to have a free transport through almost everywhere (If you're beauty enough :D )

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  13. Well, I did about 30k words this year, and I slipped here and there because I had couple of relapses.

    I was doing it through 750words.com. That worked for me the best because it has a special words counter and after you finish your daily minimum requierment it informs you about it.

    And also, if I fail in writing at least 750 words one day, this website told me that my NaNoWriMo is failed. Is it true?

    NaNoWriMo2017, here I come!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  14. Hey, the most important thing is, that you can't either glorify or shatter sexuality in your life.

    You have sexual energy no matter what you do.

    The clue here is what you do with this energy.

    You can throw it away and watch porn or masturbate. That's poor options, because you can also use this literally sexual energy to exercise, build a real man muscles :) and even thrive in social situation like meeting new people.

    Abstinence is something really important to recalibrate your brain to the type of stimulus you given to yourself with your hand. This kind of pleasure is too strong to be given to you by real woman, so if you keep masturbating, then you can have real problems with feeling the pleasure of real sex.

    And don't trust me or anyone here. Just try out what everyone gave you here and see what works best.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  15. Dude, don't fuckin' give up!

    Don't get back into this whole mess. I remind you because you're again fresh after detox. Don't kill it with instant spell!

    And don't get to the place where I am right now. That sucks, to be honest.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  16. I honestly admire your support at Saturday morning.

    I know how hard it is when you have whole day on uni planned and you don't want to put more effort into anything.

    Btw. what were you training with your friend? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist


    You can also invite some friends to your home. I don't know how is it popular in Japan, but it will be still a social activity, and you don't even have to go outside! :)

    Except that they are all 'busy' and/or live in a different city.

    Well, for "busy friends" I tried to invite them anywhere outside, to become a leader of the group and initiator. That helped me a lot in becoming more social. Thanks to that I'm getting an invitation from other friends, because I invited them couple of times first before.

    How many times have you tried to invite anywhere "busy friends"? :) Try at least twice, if it won't help, then they're probably seriously too busy to have any friends :D

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

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