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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by aaaaaa

  1. Day 58 Feeling exhausted after work, touch a bit of coding and now heading to bed! Hopefully tomorrow I will be more energetic :)
  2. Day 56 - 57 On Saturday finally bought my painting equipment and the models I want to test paint on. Walked over 50 floors of stairs! On Sunday returned back to the shop for their painting session, but ended up making the models instead. Turns out I'm crap in gluing small plastics pieces together...
  3. Day 55 A regular day working from home. After work got some coding done :)
  4. Day 54 Back to some coding and reading more on painting miniatures. Itching to get started with simple models to practice with.
  5. Day 53 Another eventful day at work today, it is really testing my patience. Today watched videos on miniature painting. Really fascinating on the tools and techniques used to achieve amazing results. Thanks :) It's fine for me as I'm enjoying the coding and designing. Besides what I have now is no way close to being a game that is playable. So far I've never been tempted to play video games. I'm immediately reminded how unfulfilling it was and why I started this detox in the first place.
  6. Day 51 & 52 Not much, though been thinking more and more about quitting my job, money is always preventing me from doing so :P. No coding though, which is amazing, replaced with more reading.
  7. Day 50 Yeah! Day 50! Clean the home and rest. No coding and reading, just chilling and watching some Youtube videos :)
  8. Day 48 & 49 Yesterday my sister family and my parents visited me and my wife for dinner. A pizza dinner. The kids loved it while watching a Pokemon movie. Much better than letting them be glued to Ipads or smartphones. Today got more 40K books. Took me 1 hour to check out as they were holding an event. Was an eye opener for me as I thought this kind of miniature tabletop hobby is non-existence in Malaysia. Can't wait to get painting next month, this stuff is expensive!
  9. Day 47 Back to the usual routine of work, coming home, code :)
  10. Day 46 Back to work after my holiday and literally took me from 9 to 5 to clear all my emails! What a productive day... After work went shopping and once home, got back right to coding. Nice to be doing something familiar again :)
  11. Day 37 - 45 Back from CNY holidays. Had a really good rest away from my computer and coding. So caught up on some reading, this time on 40K books: Cult of the Warmason & Index: Imperium 2 Can't wait to try painting models, though based on my past experience with model painting, I'm really bad at it...
  12. Day 35 & 36 Forgot to update on Sunday, my bad. Did the morning hike and hit 10K steps! Didn't know it was that many steps, interesting to know. Now the question is how can I achieve the same during the weekdays. Today worked from home, didn't feel like showing up to the office. Wasn't much to do actually, so it worked out for the better. Tomorrow will be heading back to wife home town and won't have internet access. Sucks, but at least it also means no games too See you guys next week.
  13. Day 34 Climbed 42 floors of stairs! Next week will try for 63 floors, ought to be fun. After that did some blogging and coding. Tomorrow will go for a morning hike
  14. Day 33 Nothing much to report for today which is a good thing considering the recent events at work. Hopefully, tomorrow will be uneventful as well
  15. Day 32 Another bad day at work. It just keeps getting better and better! Today did some Google Sheet coding. My old game clan asked me to help them create some new functionality for the Google Sheet I helped developed for them. Didn't think it was fair for me to just tell them to do it themselves when I quit gaming, so decided I could help them out now and then. Besides, been quite awhile since I touched JS. Nice to do something different
  16. Day 31 Long day at work, got home really late. Questioning if this work is really worth my time and don't see it getting any better. Sigh... Going to bed as soon as I can, no coding today
  17. Day 30 Just a plain old regular day at work. Got home and did coding again, completing another milestone for the project. Using Trello really helps me organize my tasks and keep my focus on a single objective.
  18. Day 29 Cleaned the house and took a nap. Then got a call from my boss about a "critical issue" because a customer decided to do testing on a Sunday. A Sunday...I wish I was that motivated to work on weekends.
  19. Day 28 Shopping day again today. Once home me and the Mrs did a massive spring cleaning of our home. Threw out like 80% of my games! The rest I'm keeping because I'm still emotionally attached to them (they were some good games!) or I'm planning to play them again to some degree in the future.
  20. Day 27 Crazy day of work. Makes me question my career! Good thing I can do some personal coding to relax.
  21. Day 26 Went shopping for the whole day with the Mrs. Wanted to get some storage boxes from Ikea, but ended up looking at stuff that we believe we needed for our home. That place is a time trap!
  22. Day 25 Climbed up and down stairs for 30 mins today, felt good! Plan to do the same tomorrow
  23. Day 24 Started a new part of my project, so yes, more coding Tomorrow and the day after are holidays, so no work!
  24. Day 23 Starting today I will only use the stairs when going up and down to my office on the 8th floor. Always wanted to do it, but made up excuses not to. Well not anymore! Climbed it 4 times. Hope my legs don't give out later... Also finished reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck . It's an informative and humous read on how to view life differently: Maybe the goal of happiness is a bad thing? Why entitlement brings more problems? How caring about too many things is bad you? I will definitely read this again when I need some soul searching. Recommended
  25. Day 22 Cleaned the house, yeah! Rest of the day reading and of course, coding
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