Day 90!
Today cleaned the house and watched some anime with the Mrs. Then after dinner, drilled some holes in the models so they can be magnetized. This allows for swapping of parts. Tomorrow will be heading to the hobby store for more model painting
More importantly, I made it to 90 days without playing a video game!
Honestly, this experience was easier than I expected. I thought would've relapsed a few times, but I didn't. My success probably lies in a few things:
Quickly finding new things to do when bored. This can be just doing some coding, reading and more recently, painting
When I have really nothing better else to do? Go climb over 50 floors of stairs!
Constantly reminding myself that how unfulfilling gaming was and starting it again won't be any different.
Completely cutting off my previous gaming clan
I do have shortcomings that I wished I did more on:
An inactive blog which I started. I wanted to post something every week, but I felt the quality of the post was not very beneficial for anyone. I did learn a lot of blogging related stuff like SOE and how to write better. I will be working on it more again in the future.
Less coding once I picked up model painting. I thought I enjoyed coding, but I think this might have been a false interest. I find myself doing a lot more painting and model making than coding now. I need to try to balance this between the two activities.
For those undertaking their detox 90 days journey, you can do it and stay strong: "The Greater the Effort, the Sweeter the Reward" :)