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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by ValarMaiar

  1. Day 18

    Gaming is hardly crossing my mind these days. It certainly helps that I've cut out YouTube this month and can't wander onto streams or Let's Plays. Feels strange but good to know that something that once had such a hold on me and that I thought I could never leave behind is slowly but surely being kicked out!

  2. I realise that this isn't a religious forum and there are people here from all walks of life and all kinds of faiths or none, but without getting preachy and if it's alright with you, my word is this: Jesus.

    Let me explain. Contrary to the few religious plonkers you see online and in the news who are spouting off judgy nonsense and spoiling it for the many, the core of what I believe is that, ultimately, I'm not good enough no matter what I do, and I can't fix myself. Instead, simply by believing, Jesus gladly traded his power and life for my weakness. Does that mean all of my problems are suddenly fixed and I'm always going to be a superhero? Of course not, neither does he expect me to be.

    What it does mean though is that I don't need to be afraid of not being enough or not being able to fix myself. In fact, I cheerfully admit that I'm not good enough and I can't! Instead I realise that God has done the hardest work, and he just asks me to trust him. Of course, living this life free from everything that tries to hold me down, including gaming, requires discipline, commitment, and not being half-arsed about it. But it's not my strength, it's his. And when I stumble, he doesn't hit me with a stick and shout at me to do better. Instead, as a loving father and friend, he gently asks me to re-evaluate, turn around, trust him again, give him the guilt trying to hold me back, and keep going.

    You may think I'm completely bonkers, and that's ok, I'm not trying to convince anyone in a short text post online, nor do I want to. But that's he's my word for 2018, and I know he's a trustworthy one :)

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  3. Day 12

    Nostalgia got the better of me recently, but as I started gaming again, I noticed that I lost interest incredibly quickly. They just don't have the same appeal as they used to, but the rush of dopamine is what kept me there for a little while. Well it's back on that horse a little wiser!

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  4. 1 hour ago, Hitaru said:

    Be careful with nostalgia, it can be a trigger.

    Yeah I definitely agree. I read somewhere that listening to video game music whilst studying can be a great motivator. Well I tried it, and it worked, but I started getting nostalgic. Closed it pretty quick!

    • Like 1
  5. Day 16

    It's good to be back! When I last binged, I stuck with one MMORPG in particular that I'd dedicated a lot of time to since I was a child. It felt good at the time to seem to be achieving something. On the other hand, I quickly jumped through my Steam library, from game to game, never really staying with one for more than half an hour. Upon reflection I realised that I was just seeking distraction and escapism. I didn't actually enjoy gaming anymore, or at least not nearly as much as I used to.

    Today it resurfaced at the back of my mind occasionally, that little dopamine kick whenever I levelled up. But I'm levelling up my IRL character instead!

    • Like 2
  6. So like I posted on the Relapse section, I was well into 60 days before my birthday came around. One day of gaming as a treat turned into weeks and I realised that moderation doesn't work for me. So let's go again! I'm back on Day 14 and the brain fog is clearing again. This time I'm determined to fully make it to 90 Days, and then continue past that with a healthy lifestyle where I can fully focus on living life to the full!

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  7. So! A few months back I started to get serious for the first time about quitting gaming. I read all the StopGaming stuff, subscribed, joined the subreddit, made a daily journal on here, and off I went! I could see the benefits so quickly, and by the time I got to around day 60 I was feeling great. But then my birthday rolled around...

    How could one day off hurt? So I gamed... And then I gamed some more... One day turned into two, turned into three, turned into weeks.

    So now I'm back! Wiser for the experience, and ready to get back on that horse. I will make it to 90 days and beyond. Let's do this thang!

    • Like 2
  8. Day 3
    Not very strong cravings today. Thought about gaming and stories a few times, but not overwhelming urges to play, even whilst on my laptop. Need to be careful with internet surfing though. Whilst I've stayed away from streams and such, I still found myself looking up various lore on wikis which might not be helpful. I love the stories and can be inspired, but I mustn't become too engrossed.
  9. A week in and already some fantastic results! It's great that you're seeing a brighter side of life, even with the seemingly simplest of things like having fun hanging out with people and finding a new confidence to do so. Well done!

  10. Day 2
    Feeling really good! Only a couple of small urges to play, and I don't know if it's just the placebo effect talking, but I'm starting to feel the brain fog lifting. I'm starting to take greater pleasure in things that I was once numbed to; even simple things like food and good company. Whilst it's easy for me to miss the stories, graphics and goals in my time-wasters and MMORPGs alike, I've realised today that I don't actually need them. That feels so liberating. In addition, I'm realising how much free time I'll soon have for all of my other skills, passions and hobbies like languages and literature, as well as giving more time to take care of and develop myself with exercise, healthy eating, mindfulness, and most of all, prayer and worship. It's a little tough at the moment with traveling before we move into our new apartment, but still! Roll on day 3!
  11. Hey everyone. I'm from the UK and I've just joined up. I've been lurking on r/stopgaming for a while but I've decided that now is the time to go cold turkey and actively take part in the community. I started gaming very early, probably around 4 or 5, and it soon became obsessive. Getting stuck into Runescape, Guild Wars and other RPGs like the Elder Scrolls really cemented it for me during my teenage years. Whilst there have been a couple of times over the years when I've acknowledged that I game too much, they have been few and far between, always convincing myself that I can cut back whenever I like.

    So here I am, in my twenties, one year into married life and realising this has to stop. I'm going to do a 90-day detox and see what happens. I'm just so desperate to clear my 'brain fog' and enjoy life a whole lot more. I want to be able to be a good husband and stop letting gaming eat up my time and energy.

    Lovely to meet you all. Let's go!

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