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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by iamthemithras

  1. It's nice to hear it made you smile at least. I've been thinking of changing my journal to a lighter tone, it's mostly negative and it says a lot about how I'm taking things.

    Writing and drawing are just an example really. I think artist is the word you're looking for instead of drawer. or illustrator I suppose. The details are unimportant.

    Anyway if you're producing something you know is objectively bad, I guess you can take it as an opportunity to improve IF you really want to. I used to write fan fiction and my first fics were atrocious, but practice and reading from much better writers than I am helped me with everything from grammar, to my general creativity. I'd like to think I improved a lot. Regarding drawing though, I haven't drawn anything since I was a kid, but I'm beginning to want to learn to draw Anime... might look into that.

    Making something should be fun for you, so If you find that writing or drawing isn't really a passion of yours there isn't any reason to improve upon it. You could learn to cook tastier meals I suppose, it's just what popped into my head right now. You're "producing" food so by my definition cooking is productive, and I imagine making good food is immediately satisfying. I can't cook for shit though, so don't quote me on this one, I don't really know.

    I'm the eldest of four, so I know how it feels to not "being" an "older brother". I'm not really close with two of my siblings, particularly with my sister. I guess you gotta do what you think is right, keeping quiet for now is probably the best move since you're not that close. Nobody wants to be made an example of, especially if they don't like or respect the person. Perhaps once he sees you change for the better, he might feel comfortable talking about his "condition" but it's a long shot I admit.

    Best of luck to you, thanks again for reading my journal

  2. @Mettermrck I first installed DuoLingo a year ago, I used it to study a little Spanish but I ultimately stopped because I was more interested in learning Japanese (there wasn't any Japanese lessons yet). I took a glance at the app just now and it has Japanese now! It's fun using the app, so it looks like i'll be using it a lot now :D

  3. Day 2

    Soon as I woke up, first thing I did was go to the forums and read some introductions and journal entries. After a while, I continued to study Japanese. I planned to do some cardio to see if my body can handle it but I can feel some tendons hurting when I did a few push ups. Not a good day, so will exercise on Day 3 instead. Few hours before work, while studying, I felt my body getting very tired despite having a full rest. Suddenly I'm asleep, and I woke up 30 minutes after my shift started.

    7 missed calls from my Team Manager the instant I opened my phone. By chance he called again after a few seconds and I told him I just woke up, told him I'm not feeling well (which is true), apologized and said I'm on my way.

    The headaches came back as soon as I arrived to work. Couldn't focus on the job because of the migraine, my coworkers were noticing that I looked sick. A few asked if I was okay, I told them no. It was weird, I could feel my body being very tired and my head aching at the same time, so that's something.

    I noticed this is becoming a trend, I seem to tire easily ever since I quit. Also, I still get day dreams about video games and I've felt nostalgic already. I wanted to play.

    A third of the day I took some Ibuprofen from the company clinic and I felt a little better. At the time.

    It was around this time that I noticed how lonely I really am. When people passed by my cubicle they were greeting the other guys but not me. I deduced that this is due to my unapproachable exterior. With a resting bitch(bastard?) face, coupled with a lack of interest in other people I'm set up to be a social outcast. I wonder if it's possible to change myself into a more charming person.

    End of shift, I went home earlier than some of my teammates (for someone who's sick, I sure got a lot done) a couple of my close acquaintances told me to get better. I gave them a thumbs up. (Is that... normal? Do people still give thumbs ups?)

    Got home and ate some Spanish-style sardines. Say what you want about the colonization of the Philippines by Spain, but they brought Spanish sardines to this country and they're amazing.

    And here I am, writing this entry.


    My body felt tired the entire day despite good rest - this may or may not be a withdrawal symptom. I still got day dreams and made me miss gaming, but I didn't game (being at work definitely helped). Right now I'm getting flashbacks on Spore, and weirdly enough Final Fantasy Tactics - I don't know why, it's not like these games were my favorite. Will watch some Game Quitters videos before going to bed. That video about What to do if you become Nostalgic sounds like a good one.


    These journal entries are pretty toxic! I'm getting exhausted just glimpsing at what I'm writing, how can you people read this mess?

    Note to self: Endeavor to write more on the lighter side of the day.

  4. Hi Zala,

    God knows I'm not the best source of advice, and a bit of a hypocrite to presume I can assist someone who's suffering as I am (ESPECIALLY SINCE I'M JUST ON DAY 2), but I want to share my thoughts on your last entry.

    Regarding TV shows, YouTube videos, and looking at cute pictures you say these are triggers that make you play games. While I can see why you feel this way, for me these are the "effects" more than triggers. You're basically bored, and looking to be entertained, and watching shows and pictures are trying to fill the same hole playing video games fill up. While you could argue that since we're both focusing on our GAME addiction and it's better to binge on other media instead, chances are they aren't really satisfying you which what makes the temptation to game so much stonger.

    What you can do is go to the opposite spectrum, being productive. Now this is just my opinion and it's likely for me to be wrong but to use an example, some people consider doing chores or studying productive, but for me being productive means actually PRODUCING something. Creating is the opposite of Consuming. You're not really producing something when doing chores. I would argue that one way of being productive means creating media, like writing or even drawing. While it sounds like a waste of time, you're actually producing something and this gives a feeling of accomplishment that you don't get from watching TV shows. I think that's what you're really looking for, a sense of accomplishment.

    Cam explains this perfectly at his video Why You Game: Your Need for Accomplishment. This also ties in very neatly with your keep it simple thought process, Cam gave some tips at around 3:40 that you could improve your social skills, or even go to a date or two as an example. If you're single and a bit awkard (but I doubt you are for some reason) this in an excellent example for you to go beyond your comfort zone. He basically sums it up better shortly after that, I recommend watching the video because he explains things better than I can and I'd rather not paraphrase him.

    Regarding coffee, I want to let you know that for me coffee is pretty useless, and it does not make you more or less productive than you can. You certainly get a caffeine rush but you know what else you can get caffeine from? Tea, and Soda. Apart from them tasting good, there's really no other benefit and you can be productive without drinking coffee. I want to let you know that I started drinking coffee when I was maybe 9 years old and I loved the freakin stuff. I quit cold turkey about two years ago and I feel a little better because I don't get cravings for coffee anymore. This is why I know it's an addiction. I remember my last cup of coffee two months ago(!) I drank feeling that I would need the caffeine to be alert for work because I had no sleep at all that day. It didn't work, I didn't feel more alert but it sure messed up my sleep because when I got home I COULDN'T SLEEP (this was after being awake for about 40 hours straight, very unhealthy). This is the effect coffee has on me now, I've lost my tolerance to it. I also don't drink tea and soda as a habit.

    Trust me when I say that you're setting up false expectations for yourself if you believe you need coffee to be productive, I'll just leave it at that.

    Regarding timetables, lack of energy and motivation, laziness etc. I have enough self awareness to admit that I'm not one to provide advice for this. Cam is, however. And he has great videos that explain what we can do about them here: How To Improve Your Willpower, YOU ARE NOT LAZY.

    Understand that I'm linking his videos because he's a better judge of character than me and more likely to help both of us than me sharing what I think you can do to improve things.

    About sharing your goals, I'm very curious why your brother is stubborn about recommending games even though you shared your goal of quitting for 90 days with him. Is it possible he doesn't really know or understand? Perhaps explaining your situation to him again will help. I'm just thinking it's hard to pretend to be interested when he's recommending games, If it were me I probably would be tempted enough to give in.

    That's all I can say for now. Take care.

  5. Officially, I started my 90-day detox of no video games yesterday. (Whatever 'Officially' here means, I don't have anything in writing I just promised silently to myself) However, shortly after I made that decision I got a notification from an MMORPG on my smartphone that I could get a prize for just logging in.

    I'm sad to say that I ran the app. I'm even more sad to say that I didn't get the prize. The game has been uninstalled since then.

    Although technically, I didn't play, I figure if I don't discipline myself I'm going to keep finding ways to run, or even worse, play games. I hereby declare that this the first day of my 90-day detox experiment, August 16, 2017, and the day of my first journal entry.

    Day 0

    Starting with Day zero because I want to speak about yesterday first as it will give Day 1 context. This was after I posted my introduction in the forums. I don't know what to expect as I've never really been part of a forum before.

    Before the little episode I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I did a 6 minute cardio workout I watched from Athlean X's YouTube Channel. I've decided I want to reduce my body fat percentage so I can at least look at a body I can be proud of in front of the mirror. I got exhausted real quick and made me heaving and sweating for maybe the same time I exercised. This was good, I would most likely be playing a game instead of working out. I also started to study Japanese again. Learning Japanese has been a project of mine for years but I've always been putting it off as soon as I start for a bit. I'm surprised at how focused I suddenly became, and I relearned the basics. It's nothing to brag about, but making this progress got me excited to study again.

    Almost immediately I felt the urge to play, but I'm proud to say I resisted the entire day.

    Day 1

    I went to work more irritable than usual. I had a scowl on my face all day, I noticed I grumbled when I talked and spoke to no one if I could.

    Damn, this is just on the first day. If I had any doubt that I'm addicted to video games, I strongly believe this day proves I really am addicted.

    I spaced out a lot during work. I keep having day dreams about Deus Ex and Doom while I was on the computer. It was so weird, I suddenly remember being a kid again in school and just waiting for classes to end so I can finally play. It was horrible, I've actually forgotten what that felt like, then after maybe 24 hours of abstinence I'm already getting the shakes!

    I can't remember where I read it but Cam was right, you WILL get headaches when you stop. I'm having a headache right NOW, I've been feeling it since the middle of the day. If I just stopped gaming on a whim without discovering Game Quitters first, I wouldn't understand why I have a headache! I'm so thankful that I'm here.

    I'm still getting the day dreams and my head is still spinning. Jesus Christ, this really is serious if I'm feeling this way after a day of no gaming.

    I'm so scared but at the same time I'm actually relieved. Maybe relieved that I understand why I'm feeling this way and if Cam was right about this, I can easily believe he's right about other things too.

    Despite my irritable mood, I actually feel motivated to continue my short term goals. I'm thinking that learning Japanese and working out might be a useless goal, but it's better than nothing and helps me keep my mind off games for a while. I'll probably check out the 60 hobby ideas article I saw somewhere here.

    That's it for Day 1. I feel like horrible, but I'm more motivated now. Hopefully, my health improves because this headache is getting annoying.


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  6. Hi, Miguel! Nothing to be ashamed of, we all have sob stories which is why we're here. Where in the Philippines are you? I used to work in a banking call center and we had an overseas center in Alabang. You're in a great place to start turning your life around. ?

    @Mettermrck I suppose that's true. I actually live and work in Alabang. Traffic is atrocious here but lucky for me I live nearby so I only walk to work. Thanks for the kind words, I took a glimpse at your journal yesterday and I have to say I'm amazed.

    Hi Miguel! 

    @Cam Adair Hi Cam. It's good to see you reply here.

    I feel like I'm so out of touch with the world and if I don't change I'll end up being a burden, an old man that his brothers and sister has to support, God forbid.... Meanwhile, I don't even know how to cook, let alone drive. Video games are all I know.

    This. This is the best motivation to use to get you started mate! Continuing on from this, its when developments are happening in world news and you have no idea what they are talking about as well. It's like World War 3 could start right out your doorstep and you would have no idea.

    @giblets I guess you're right. Certainly don't want to be the only guy who didn't realize it's World War 3.

    I'm trying to tag you people properly but the webpage isn't showing any popup. Not sure if it's my browser, I hope you receive my message though

  7. Hello everyone, my name is Miguel. I'm from the Philippines, I'm 24 years old, I work as a customer service rep, and I'm here because I want to change my life for the better.

    I first found this website yesterday while I was researching about Video game addiction on Google. I got to the homepage where Respawn was being offered, then I watched some YouTube videos on the Game Quitters channel. I commented on one of the older videos, then Cam replied to me and convinced me to try the 90-day detox. He gave me the link to this forum for support, I want to thank him for that.

    Since I'm introducing myself, I figure I might as well share all I can about me. This might come off as a cry for attention for some of you because I'm sharing such a sob story, understandably so, but I'm writing this more for me and the good people who want to better understand why I'm here... I suppose. I hope to see this post in the future and reflect on how far I've come since then, which is why I want to make this as comprehensive as possible.

    So fair warning, this is a long post (and not a happy one to boot) so I won't feel bad if you skim through it or don't read it at all. This is a really long post, you guys. I'm not kidding. It's basically a freakin autobiography. (By the way, I didn't see any mention regarding cursing on the Forum rules but I hope you'll forgive me for the few that I've written)

    I've been playing games since I was in kindergarten, strange that I still remember playing Super Mario Bros on our couch all day when I was that young. The habit never really stopped, I grew up essentially attached to my video games, and it didn't help that I grew up being bullied by everyone in school, everyday of my life (kids are big dicks), and my family has been falling apart since I can remember (my Dad cheats, and my Mom is a miserable person). Looking at me now, video games have been an escape from all this. Growing up with no friends, surrounded by assholes every day, my parents fighting at least twice a week, my life was shit but at least I was happy catching Pokemon on my Gameboy.

    I sound bitter and I want to blame my circumstance for shaping me into what I am now, but if I was a stronger person then I would've grabbed the bull by the horns and changed myself instead of retreating to my happy place all the time. There are lots of things I should've done, maybe learned to be a more charming fellow, but I just played video games instead.

    I remember dreading every day of my life, except when I'm playing video games. During school, all I can think of is going home and playing games. I grew up basically ignoring everyone because only video games interest me. So I grew up a weirdo. For a long time I didn't know social cues or stuff like that, which made bullies pick on me more, and made me shun people more, which made me more of a weirdo, and so on. I can honestly say that my entire childhood, up to graduating high school has been the worst days of my life. I'm actually proud that I didn't commit suicide, but I guess the video games helped.

    When I got into college, I became a little more sociable. Probably comes with growing up, but not by much though. I still ignore most people, and academically I was still sub-par. I was always still thinking of video games during class, and I wasn't motivated to do well in because a lot of college professors are lazy bastards and can't teach for shit (In my Mechanical Engineering class, my professor won't even come to class most days, and when he does he has no idea what to teach us. He's so clueless It's like he didn't graduate at all). This kept up for years.

    My greatest regret is that I've wasted money and my entire life in College. 5 years in College but I only finished half the courses - and those where the inconsequential ones, the basic Algebra II, Psychology classes, etc. With the integration of the K-12 in the Philippines, if I were to return to college I probably have to go back to High School to finish some classes I've left behind. Technically I went to College, but I've accomplished nothing.

    I stopped going to school because this was the time my parents finally separated, and where my Father got into a motorcycle accident that smashed his left knee to pieces. This was back in 2011 I think. The surgery costed a fortune, I think somewhere between 500,000 and 1 million pesos. My aunt paid for everything, and my Dad can still walk again but his leg will never be straight again and he has to wear a crutch. This made him depressed and he has been unemployed since then.

    With my mom suddenly being a single mother with 4 kids to take care of, I quit school and started working. I got into a Call center and became a Customer service rep. While it was good to finally earn money, I was still a loner with no friends that put people off. I'm still always thinking about games. I don't know anything else.

    I'm very sorry for sharing so much, I got off track, a lot of this are not important and thank you for reading this far. The point I want to make is that I've been wanting to improve myself because I'm such a failure. I want to learn new skills, I want to make connections, meet good people, learn how to meet people, learn how to actually interact with people. When people see me, they say I always look like I hate everyone. I assure you I don't, I only hate myself.

    I feel like I'm so out of touch with the world and if I don't change I'll end up being a burden, an old man that his brothers and sister has to support, God forbid. I keep comparing myself to other people and I've seen so many from High School and College that are so much better off than I am. A lot of them are rich, have their own house, their own car and stuff like that. Meanwhile, I don't even know how to cook, let alone drive. Video games are all I know.

    This is such a horrible introduction, I don't know what I'm thinking writing all this but I hope to look at this post in the future and remember how low I've stooped, and how much I've improved since then.

    Recently I've started to workout and I made a bit of progress with improving my physique (I stopped working out last month though). I think I'm going to write my journal on this forum next, this whole introduction took three hours to write and I've wasted enough time making myself feel better I think. Plus, I don't want to willingly inflict excruciating pain upon my readers by making them read a wall of text equivalent to the Wall of China's length, even if probably only three or so people will read this post.

    I hope to get to know some of you in this forum, and I'm thankful to be here. I'm definitely not expecting to actually succeed, there's optimistic and there's delusional. Right now I already feel I want to play some games on my laptop. It's only just now that it's so clear to me how dependent I am on video games. I'm expecting to at least find a compromise between actually succeeding with my goals and playing games, but I realize that I actually have to quit cold turkey first to actually tell if I can compromise or not.

    Thank you again for reading. I appreciate the time you've set aside for reading this, I hope to make this all worth it.

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