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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by BigPete247

  1. Day 9:

    @Vlad, of course don't want to heckle anybody on my first week of school.

    What? No way i'm beginning my weekend with no gaming, said no one ever. But still though, i've been a good boy as far as fighting off those urges to download and play something, now i can't even remember what system i was playing on before i quit. XD. So to award myself for quitting gaming for a whole 7 days, i cleaned up the house a little and cooked my grandmother some of my world famous pancakes today. Which i didn't burn for the first time.

    My throat's been congested lately, probably due to the fact that my room gets icy after my grandmother plays around with the AC during the night, leaving me with a sickly pined voice. So, i took some more pills. Good thing is that i have a free weekend from my schoolwork, for now.


    Crap almost forgot, I'm grateful for my cooking skills and not procrastinating.

  2. Nice, you'll reach your desired weight in no time, ever considered at HITT workout?

    Thak you for consideration and good advice. I cut HIIT to take it easy on the joints and not to temper with powerlifting recovery. I played football as DE/TE/FB and did MMA, so I totally agree that HIIT is a valuable conditioning tool.

    Hey np, Vlad, seems like your already doing enough to reach your goal, we still need you alive to keep up with your journal.

  3. Day five here. Just trying to keep up the streak. I find it's really hard to discuss my issues with my family, I actually hide it from them, even the quitting games part seems very private to me. I'm not sure why, as I should be proud of my decision to do the Detox and quit. Any ideas?




    Good job, Eli!

    What do you lose if you discuss things with your family and they don't react in a way you want them to? Alternatively what do you gain if shut yourself off from them and bottle up your feelings?

    I think the best you can do is to keep your door open. No one can take away your ideas or convictions, you can only gain new perspectives. It's a bulletproof behavioral pattern really. Your family love you, just imagine the investment they've put into you. But they are human and they have their own weird ways of giving love and support (we all do, I certainly do as well).

    And yes, you must be proud of your decision and the follow-through. Own it like you want it.

    I think me gaming had an adverse effect on my family spreading out around the states, not sure. So instead of wondering why i made a choice to still reach out to them and they respected me for it, tell them that you love them and you really want to change. Keep up the streak, eshi2000!

  4. Hello!

    Checking in with the community. I've spent the last months in the military making new friends and learning new skills. It's been demanding both mentally and physically, but overall I'm doing fine and enjoying my time there. Since the daily schedule is rather fixed I have had to adapt to one with less freedom. Leaving my old life, hobbies and friends behind feels wistful at times, but that's life I guess. Still doing good: having a good time and enjoying life. Cheers, strength with quitting games and improving your lives!

    The best moment of today was meeting friends I haven't seen in a long time.

    Today I'm grateful for:

    • Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah
    • Rest and food
    • Friends
    • Empathy and the ability to listen
    • Late summer forest

    *Jaw Drops*...I mean, you're doing good things SpiNips, welcome back!

  5. Well, that depends on our need to satisfy what we think is socially acceptable to the world, for example, if i give my friend a smartphone and an iPad and i tell him they both have identical features but one has a better OS than the other, they will simply dump the one that has the outdated OS and try to justify that he saw it on an ad where it has 'XYZ'. The former don't have A and B that he wants and posts it on Twitter. He then goes out to buy the one with the new OS and posts it on Twitter for his friends to see.

    But all of a sudden something goes wrong with the device with the new OS a day later and calls it in, now angry, the person with the now defective device lost money purchasing the device. He decides to give it negative reviews on the developers site and posts back on Twitter. The developers hastily acquiesce either A) Refund him his money back or B) Replace his device for free.

    A week later, devs brainstorming, new patches come out and boom the same thing happens, now the developers are in bind they are losing money so they make a last ditch effort to entice the public with 'New Item A' that costs XX.XX that has a big title but little features on it as stimulus package. The person goes out to buy it, reads the print, installs it on his device.

    Shocked that the new update was nothing like it said in the package and in anger he sells his device, calling the developers a sham and rants on Twitter. All his friends as well as him quits buying new devices from them and moves on. Developers lose their entire fan-base out of frustration, they go bankrupt. Meanwhile, a newer device emerges. Rinse and Repeat.

    So in other words, capitalism sucks people in to create a fandom. 

  6. Fight those feelings HappyCat, glad you didn't do it! 

    The VA wanted me to do CBT training as part of my mental health therapy sessions along with physical/relaxation therapy to reduce stress, so you aren't alone.

  7. Day 8:

    I dropped my hot pocket...i still can't believe i went a full week without installing any game of any kind yesterday, feel proud. I actually started looking up Forza Motorsport videos on youtube but luckily the guy was bad at playing (wasn't triggered) and i started watching Blind Commentaries on new episodes of TV Shows instead, and they were pretty funny. Took my first set of notes in class today and have a full schedule to do for next week in 3 out of 4 of my classes. 2 of them being my Psych class in the same block, back to back.

    Still penniless, i just have to stay motivated to get through this semester without slumping back into my old comfort zone. I recently talked with my school counselor about joining an organization within the college, i hope she emails me back so i find out what's available. But all in all, my day was very productive and i'm glad i got a lot done today w/o procrastinating or playing on my phone. Now onto the weekend.

    I'm Grateful for: Being able to drive where i needed to go and my phone bill being unpaid

  8. Howdy guys

    Okay! Day #9

    Today I met up with a friend I hadn't seen for 4 years. he was my first friend at school and it was a blast catching up with him.

    He's the biggest hermit and when he tried to find me in the city he got lost and took 45 minutes to find eachother!

    I went to work today as well in writing up a chater for this book the clinic is working on about drones. Riveting stuff but honestly had enough and cant wait to move on.

    Thankfully I have this upcoming weekend to have some time for myself and also continue that book on productivity. Also planned to see a girl friend of mine on Sunday, looking forward to seeing her... biggest joke really shes so great and yet only met her recently and its NOW as im moving to Sydney. Life is full of shit sometimes.

    Keeping off the games and sticking to my promise. Main reasons are that im filling my time with other things and taking that extra effort to socialise.

    Next step - GYMING

    Thanks all, lots of love.

    P.S took Mettermrck's advice and now got a reminder for make these entries every day, w00t!

    There you go, Zeeko, keep it up!

  9. It's ok Zala, what really triggered my gaming was that i needed to get away from it all, my Alzheimer grandmother (who recently got diagnosed at 94), my stern and pushing father, the bullying in high school, i just had enough so i nearly went insane. Just keep up the good work , like i told somebody, don't let nothing stop you from achieving your goals.

  10. I can relate, iamthemithras, i started having a massive headache one afternoon, i thought it was because i didn't eat so i ate something, made it worse. Then i started feeling nauseous like i was sick so i took some prescription allergy pills and went to bed early. By the next day, i was feeling fine. I guess our bodies reaction to the excessive gameplaying plus the body trying to adjust, just give it time you got this. 

    Yep, i also need to thank mettermrck for that advice, i was being negative in my second to last two journals toward myself which probably sent a bad vibe to other posters on here. Srry.

  11. Hey guys

    Days 6 - 8

    God I dont know why i've been missing days but i refuse to call it quits this time.

    I havent played any games and been focusing on my work, but I know if I stop this, that will be a gateway for stopping other things as well.

    Making a promise now I will do consistent entries for atleast the next 5 days.

    Cheers all

    Yep, going into my 2nd year at a 4 year college, having that mindset is always the key to motivation.

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