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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Onlysoul

  1. Start looking these videos immediately!



    You are like previous version of me. Lazy AF. But that is the past. I can manage my life you can do it too. Dont be pussy start living! You are the man! You are worth it! You didnt born to be on computer! You are better than that! You can change world! Just decide! We are here for you! But you must start taking immediately actions! Clean your room, sleep more, brush your teeth and check GTD or what is best for you. 

    We are warriors! We can change ourselves! Feel free to pm or ICQ. You are worth it!



  2. It's okay my German friend. Rethink your attitude to life and set system for yourself (for me is perfect GTD- David Allen). Be good on yourself, love yourself and get up and move forward. Start believing that you can do it! You can do everything to be more complete person with a new way of thinking, working and living. I believe in you! We are here to support you! 

  3. Watch this immediately


    You need put system into your life. You must define your projects and split them into smaller parts. 

    One thing, dont be mad or bad on yourself and dont be ashamed of your failures. You must keep going like Churchill once said. 

  4. Hello!

    I want only to say. Dont be like that guys which always find excuses to play videogames, porn drugs etc. Go 100%! It liberating. Be awaken hurts but same time it's liberating.

  5. I think you need change you paradigm, your way of living, thinking, eating etc. You have bad attitude to life! Admit it! Start watching youtube videos on business, selfdevelopment. Try to find people who are on their way to become better persons and walking on this path of selfimprovement. You are great person with strong heart! I didn't know you but this is 100% true. You want to change something so you are here and you already started fighting for better future. Dont be ashamed, dont be afraid, love yourself and changle will appear. 

  6. Yesterday I was at the funeral because one of my relatives died. After funeral I hadn't energy for nothing. I only watched some educational videos on youtube and was out with my dog. Sunday is a much way better. I was on bike, walked with my doggo, had readed books, meditate and even took some English lessons. I saw that new podcast is out so you know what I'm going to do. If i get hired i must start learning excel. Everyday is imporant for us. If things go wrong don't be mad. Its okay. Just push forward. 

    Peace? Nope! We are warriors and we are going to build our lifes.


    • Like 1
  7. Hi guys,

    As topic said I want to ask you if you have some experience with online courses (free, paid) and where to find them? Please write it down. I want to pick up at least one. 


  8. 595fbd02b2333_Snmka.thumb.PNG.5bc48e4b61


    I stopped counting days. It doesn't matter anymore. Cravings on games stopped. Cravings on better life already started. I want to be free and capable to survive alone in my own apartment with my own budget. This is one of my dream. Next week is crucial for me because i will know if I getting a full time job.

    What else i want?

    - be more aware and present

    - face my fears more

    - expand my comfort zone

    - heal relationship with my family

    • Like 1
  9. Man you are awesome! I want to hug you because I'm in same position and 26 years old. I made some progress but I must keep pushing forward. If you want check my journal. Fear is my problem too. But I'm on my way to managed it.

  10. Yesterday at my job interview we discussed about Counter Strike 1.6 and reawaken the memories on good old no stress days. But these days are gone! Now we are adults who must do what they like to do! 

  11. Today i will not post a spreadsheet. I was at a job interview in company where i'm actually on my graduate practice. Everything was good but they made pressure on me how can I managed stressful situation or how to force people to act according to manufacturing plan. One question almost made me crying: How would your friends describe you? I said that I'm lonely wolf with no closer friends. I said truth. I must managed my loneliness and dont cry on this forum. I have a plan to go out and start talking to people. Thats all. Thanks Mettermrck for kind words! You are awesome.

  12. Man i have suggestion for you. In every meal you have add some vegetables or make salad! You will eat less and have full stomach at the same time.

    Good work! Your progress is very inspiring for me! You are on good way to become more complete person. 

  13. Hi guys!

    Yesterday was quite difficult because i was very sad in afternoon. I haven't power to meditate. I laid on my bed and watch that 17 years! old cartoon in English The Emperor's New Groove. Gosh time go very fast. I dont exercise because my arm is overtrained.   


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  14. I must write here this statement because i must remember how imporant is this life chaning path for me. 

    No one will define me! I define my self! I make my own future!

    Masturbating define me? Nope

    Pornography define me? Nope

    Other people? Nope

    Dark side of me? Nope

    Gaming define me? Nope

    Laziness? Nope

    Negative emotions? Nope

    My actions, habits, attitude? YES! You are great person and that I'm wiriting this also for you guys! 

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