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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by cordharel

  1. If you have problems with your stomach and want to quit coffeine/coffee you might try out black/green tea if you are not able to quit alltogether. 

    I started to take a black tea at work as I don't want to drink coffee all the time. Just make sure you put the tea bag in for just 1-2 minutes.

  2. Day 10: Yes Tom it's already more than one week and today I actually feel good. I just watched "untracable", this horror movie where a guy kidnaps people, places them in traps and then puts it online and then the more people view the video the faster the poor guy dies... Really scary but also good movie if you are into horror.

    Yesterday I was SO sad! Really. I came home from school and I was so pissed and sad at real life. Like... I got out of school and walked around in town a little bit... getting out and trying to find maybe a restaurant or a coffee shop... or to find a cool spot in real life. 

    And the sad thing is: Right now in the whole town there is no single place I want to be! I was into a comic book store where I used to go when I was younger. But I am not into comics anymore. The only store I would like to go is the bookstore but I already have enough books to read so I did not go. I also used to go to electronics store but really nothing is interesting me.

    And the people? To be honest I just saw so many weird people in town! I don't know... And I just hoped that I would not know anyone so I don't need to chat with one of them...

    The only good thing that saved the day was that my treasure came home to me and talked to me about her work and everything and by the way I don't know if I have mentioned it already but my girlfriend is pregnant in week 12! :D

    Uhm yes I won't go into much details what we did afterwards but it was really cool and afterwards we just laid in bed listening to really romantic music like this one: Hmm I just realize inserting a link does not work anymore so there you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOCIgpb4Yd0

    So yes today I am feeling better and I also love to have other people going the same way... it really helps me... I often have ups and down when I am alone right now...

    - What is a behavior I'd like to change next?
    I realized that my whole life, or better, my thought concentrate a lot about myself, my feeling, my hobbies, my everything. I want to say less "I" and be more interested in other people and ask them about their day. 

    All the best guys!




  3. 1 Week 1 Day: Hey my friends I have some news. I have been to the psychologist and it was a great experience.

    First I just told her my general story that I am playing since childhood and everything. Then she asked me many questions like "What is your favourite game? Why? What do you love about it?" or "What do you expect from these sessions?" or "If you stop playing now how do you expect your life in half a year?"

    It was so cool to finally have a person to talk to, to tell all your thoughts about why you game or what you love about it. And then when you don't know what to say anymore to hear some questions to keep you going maybe into a new direction. 

    She said she usually recommends to moderate gaming and not to full stop, but I told her I already quit 8 days ago and I will continue with it. It's a very good offer of my school and like I said the first five times are free but even if I would need more I think it would be totally worth the money.

    Just by going to a professional it gives the whole thing a totally different dimension in my opinion. I am serious now! Not like these other times where I would stop playing and then start again because "why the hell shouldn't I? Games are awesome!...." 

  4. So I assume you work at home in the way you speak about your office?

    Yes I also think time spent with your little ones is time spent well invested! :)

    I also like garlic. We lately had Raclette and my girlfriend made her first ownmade garlic sauce with 4 garlic heads... my mouth tasted like garlic even 2 days later :D

  5. You can do it! I believe in you!

    Just don't stare at the screen haha!

    My recommendation would be to play some music and dance a little bit if you are alone! B| What music do you like? Progressive metal or house or trap or dubstep or meditation music? Maybe don't dance to meditation music...

  6. OOhhh the netherlands... this is where Happy Hardcore comes from, isn't it? I love happy hardcore :D

    Yes you should definately take a picture next time.

    Can you explain what this means about your dreams: "It took more than half an hour to record them." ? :S Record on tape?

  7. Day 6: I really had a great day at work! I feel so great! Had some tough meetings with some business guys :D

    Uhm I don't really have some more news but as you all seem to be so interested in my threadmill I may share a video with you that I haven't shared with anyone yet...

    Looking back now it all seems to surreal... really... it feels like an eternity...

    Today I am still using the threadmill and I totally love it but I only watch movies with it and don't play games anymore haha :D

    Please be nice to me I am a camera newbie and only made 3 videos so far :x

  8. Please don't go for 100%. Every person needs to have some rest and quiet time. Studying or working can not be done 100% or even 120% like some people do.

    I also need to study for school but if I am not in the mood I can not do it - I usually start early enough to get into a phase where I am in the mood to study so I don't need to force myself.

    Hmm should I also restart to meditate? I did not get into it yet...

  9. Hmm I think many people are obsessed with games. I once read from one guy in the Factorio forums: "Oh no this game is my personal hell - I usually start a new game and want to gather every single resource there is on the map" ;)

  10. Day 5: I am happy to say that it's all fine until today. I did not have cravings or anything - In fact I did not think a single second about dota 2 or any other game! I thought alot about my school (that I enjoy a lot) and a little bit about my work.

    Yesterday my girlfriend and I watched the two movies of "the collector". They were not bad but nowhere near the awesomeness of "SAW".

    I also watched Star Wars Episode 1 on my threadmill but I don't think it's such a masterpiece. I started Episode 2 and I already like it more...

    Today on Sunday I am learning Javascript for my school. Since I am no longer playing I like to study as it brings me forward. My girlfriend tried to play The Sims 3 (she didn't play for several months) but she got so angry and depressed by the game's advertisements of Sims 4 and that one single addon costs 40 Euros - The price of a full game. Let me say that again: The price of an addon for Sims 3, a game that came out loooooong time ago and already has a successor, costs 40 freaking Euros! WTF? Shame on you EA!

    She now plays "Craft the world" - The perfect game for a girlfriend that occasionally plays on the computer haha! I don't mind her playing as this neat game is not what I used to play.

    In school I watched some guys play league of legends and thought: "Wow gaming really IS a timewaster..."

    Today I fantasize a little about how awesome it would be to be a Commander and command units in a war... but don't worry I will not start to play anything. I tried some wargames or paradox games in the last weeks but never got into them. Everytime I played them I thought "well... it's okay... ilttle bit boring... I could just play some dota instead" ;)


  11. Hey Octsober

    Welcome to the forums! I see some points in your text that could belong to my life. The thing is: If I needed to stop playing because for example a bet or something bad happened in real life I was totally able to. But after 2-6 weeks I always began to whonder "Why am I not playing games anymore? It's so much fun... I want to play again I am not addicted anymore!" and BAM there I was again in the cycle of playing games every day.

    Wish you all the best for your company! I am sure that if you stop playing games you will have motivation to work on your company because you will be glad for a time-filler :)

  12. Hey Phoenix

    Haha so great you were afraid of going alone and in the end you talked with so many people. That's great! Yes I would also recommend just going alone if you have nothing to go with but really want to go. I am lucky that my girlfriend usually comes with me when I want to go to a concert but even if she wouldn't I would just go alone - I mean if there is a concert of "the offspring" you GOTTA go right?

    I am also proud that you didn't drink too much. I have enough experience with alcohol but still keep drinking too much IF I go out with my friends from school. It just happens that you want to stop but then all people say "COME ON just one more beer!" and WOOSH you drank 2-3 more beers.

    And the next day you regret it ;)

    By the way I also realized at some time how "alone" I am while walking through the city. I am often alone because I need to buy something or whatever but most people go to town with 1-2 friends. Hmm it's hard to explain but I just want to say I know this feeling. One of the positive things about this is that I am super efficient buying stuff haha

  13. Well you know... I have already tried to stop gaming several times... and then went back again after some days/weeks because gaming is awesome and I wanted to feel the rush any everything. But my mind is already kinda used to it. So the hardest part will be to not play games in some weeks I think. Right now I am very convinced that this is the right path to go.

    And I called my journal "Party Journal" because I hope this path will be more and more a party haha

  14. Hi Gank!

    I am interested in how this continues.

    I am always surprised how people in my school or office have this direct relationship between alcohol and achievement - In my opinion alcohol should not be understimated. I also used to like to play a game of dota while drinking a beer sometimes and that's really okay - But I have a friend that used to drink 1 to 3 liters of beer every day and that is just way too much.

    I hope that you can also enjoy writing without beer. :) I could also imagine myself as an author...

  15. I would also like to start a journal where I can write about my achievements.

    Day 3: Well I must be lucky - Since Tuesday, since I decided to quit I did not have any cravings yet. Then again I had a really long time to think about it and I am very sure now that I want to quit. You know not like the usual "I need to quit... but gaming is soo freaking awesome!!!".

    I already have a small achievement to share: For many years I used to go home as early as possible from work or whatever event was on so I could play as long as possible. Today we only had school until lunch and the afternoon off - But instead of going home to play I went with my friends from school to learn with them the whole afternoon! Not that I needed to do it, I purely did it for the social aspect.

    Then at home I ran a little bit on my threadmill (Oh yes, that was my big dream this year - I bought myself a threadmill and a television in front so I can watch & run) uhm yes and I watched Star Wars Episode 1. I saw some of the Star Wars movies when I was younger but was never into them.... you know... I am more into the SAW series B| but I still enjoyed the first one and will continue as I got them all here on blueray.

    Afterwards I took a bath and then took my time to prepare a greek salad for me and my girlfriend... Then I waited for her to come... and waited... and when I was too hungry I started eating when my girlfriend called and reminded me that today she would not come to me... so sad for the salad! At least with today's technology I was able to send her a picture of the salad so she knows now what she missed haha! What a time we live in! :D


  16. I tripped on my way home and smashed on the ground

    Yes real life is dangerous, take care ;)

    When I say to my girlfriend that I am addicted to games her reaction is "Again?" 9_9 as she is already used to it - We are in a relationship for 10 years now. I can always ask her or talk to her about everything - that's great.

    I also have problems going out. I mean usually I sit in front of my computer. And the place where I live is really boring like it is not a city or anything... just some houses where family live. So if I go outside to walk after about 30 minutes I ask myself "And what now? Where's my quest?" ^_^

    I also like lakes maybe I can also meditate at one sometimes... I usually walk around if I ever go outside.

    Wish you all the best for day 14+!

  17. my other problem is I think I'm addicted to gaming news, videos and spend countless hours watching and reading about them which I don't enjoy at all. The games I usually play are the ones with a story but I don't enjoy them and I tell myself hopefully one day I will love one in the future.

    This! This is me! For YEARS I was looking for the one perfect game that would satisfy me forever!!!!! Because even after the incredible rush of winning a 1 hour long dota 2 game I thought "There must be more! I want this feeling forever!"

  18. Hi all

    So I started gaming in the age of 6 with super mario land on the gameboy. I have played through so many games since then it's uncountable. Back then they were a mistery and so awesome!

    Today in the age of 30 I have seen it all. I only watched gaming videos on youtube, read gaming magazines/blogs/whatever and I own 486 games on steam (many that I haven't played). Usually I play Dota 2 (1467 hours playtime) but it just got boring. Nothing surprises me anymore or satisfies me.

    I am just not happy. My whole life is based around gaming and I am in a dead end now. Still I continue playing.

    I have stopped playing games some times before but I always came back because games are awesome! But they do not satisfy me anymore.

    And yes real life is boring haha! But I want to quit gaming!

    What I forgot: I am quite successful in my job and school: I am doing a field of study IT bachelor right now (got 2 of 4 years already) and I work as an application engineer in a big bank. Just if you whonder. My parents have done a good job ;-)

    Gaming used to be my PASSION in my life. Now I need a new one...

    With friends... well... games are my actual friends :-D This may sound weird (or maybe not) but in the age of 20 I started to say "no thanks" to all my friends because I wanted to play my games (I was always the kind of person that could busy himself forever even as a child) I didn't even like to play online with friends because then you always need to wait until the game starts or you can't quit when you want... and I personally love that freedom I have that I can start/quit whatever/whenever I want on my computer. So yeah my friends slowly started not to ask me anymore if I wanted to do something... also I had this marijuana addiction from ~ 17-22 that may have lead to where I am today. But difference is... I was never into smoking marijuana by myself I just slipped into that. While I personally loved gaming and did it because I wanted to!

    I could tell you some more stories like the year when my girlfriend quit the relationship for a full year because I was only sitting in front of the computer or when I was so addicted that I tried literally ANY gaming genre because I was looking for that new kick... but I think I'll save some of those for later.

    Oh and by the way I am from Switzerland... If you are interested how things are here feel free to ask.


    Edit: Your introductions just motivated me to write the therapy team of my school (they have an offering for people with an addiciton). Let's see how this develops...

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