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Posts posted by Tom2

  1. Keep it up! Don't abandon all your previous efforts!

    It's only you that can handle your issues, you are the person who can face it in your life!

  2. No physical text book? Wow that's really cool! It's very interesting to hear that your PCs were also working really hard. It's kinda funny to imagine that they are also in 90 days of detox.

    And it sounds like you're almost ok to leave this forum... You're really doing great. I can read confidence from your journal. 70 days! Almost end of the journey!

    It was very interesting to hear your soldering hobby and the story with your son. "Having kids is a great excuse to be a kid yourself without feeling guilty" lol

  3. S3_SHARE_1.thumb.png.668859858474892efe8

    Day 6 was great!

    <Gratitude list>

    1. I'm grateful for the fact that I can understand hard subject, if I invest my time.

    2. I'm grateful for the fact that I have a place nearby, where I can jog.

    3. I'm grateful for the cool night weather.

  4. Hi Ashley,

    It must be confusing and sad because you feel like there are not many options... I don't know much about being mother of two kids, but I think you can try something that is indoor activities. Perhaps you can't always be satisfied to do activities on the list that Cam made, but I think it's worthwhile to find one. Find one that seems more attractive than video games. In my opinion, in order to forget something like games, the best way is not trying to forget it. Instead, finding another thing that can totally replace games in your brain. If you're introvert like me, indoor activities are just ok to do instead of gaming. Otherwise, maybe someone else should help you out...

    In my case, I'm an university student and I also don't have much time to spend outside, anyway, creating something was a really great thing to do. I found myself staying more focused when I make, 1. My own keypoint notes of subjects that I'm learning / 2. Subtitles of educational Youtube videos or translations of good articles. The point is, creating something instead of consuming is a really good thing to do. Whatever it is, it really helps.

    I asked my mom who also has two kids, about the similar situation. She also had a lot of sad moments when the two kids start crying, and my dad didn't help. During those times, she drew pictures, and paintings after taking care of the kids. When I asked this question, I didn't mention the word 'creating something' to make sure not to lead her answer like this. However, what she did long times ago was also creating something of her own!

    I wish my reply helps you to move forward with your lovely kids!

  5. 24 June 17

    Game Free: 69 (17 Apr)

    And.... I'm back! From outer space.... ok not really. But I hope at least one person how is humming that tune. Well, what an intense week that was, and as I wrote above, it felt like I was back in the throws if being addicted to gaming again. All I was doing was going to work, coming home, making dinner, then sitting in front of the computer until I was too tired to concentrate, going to bed, and then repeating all over again. I started having the feelings of regret and frustration exactly like when I was gaming too much; feeling like I wasn't living my life as I was just channelling everything into the computer (and not even a Raspberry Pi either!). Right now I am struggling to see the difference, but I guess it will all change if I manage to get a pass for the semester. I will honestly be surprised if I get a pass, that was the most intense subject I have ever taken, not along the lines of anything I have studied before or be interested in, and I am not sure if I displayed a thorough understanding of the concepts. If I don't pass it is not the end of the world, as I think I will restructure my degree to be less intensive so I can spend more time with my family.

    So what did I learn over the last few weeks? I have learnt my flow states are at their strongest as soon as I wake up and about an hourish after a run. Subsequently I have been running every day, even if it was just a "hot shoe shuffle". At least I was getting out there and getting in the zone. Caught up with all the Gamequitters podcasts, listened to some linux ones (and learnt quite a lot), and some anxiety ones. I found that if I speed up the playback, I have to concentrate more on listening and retaining the information which distracts me from the burn/lactic acid, and next thing you know I am starting my cool down. 

    I also learnt that I don't like sitting at my desk anymore. I found I was most productive when I was away from my desk; taking my trusty $180 3 year old laptop outside to the balcony, on my hammock, the dining room table or even the couch. I am curious about this one, especially when I became self aware of it. I'd like to dig a little deeper and find out why, my gut feeling is it has something to do with being at a desk for a lot of the day now with my current job, or maybe its because it is where I used to sit and play games and have the same feelings of regret or frustration. I think I might start taking notes on why I have chosen to sit somewhere else and what I enjoy about each of those areas and see if I can identify a pattern.

    Finally, I found that my productivity goes 'through the roof' when I stop trying to multi task. I always took pride in my ability to multi task, but I found that if I shut everything down and focused on one topic only, I would get into a semi-flow state as I found it so easy. For example, when I started studying I put my phone somewhere else, either in the bedroom or in the kitchen, I closed all programs (web browsers, file managers, everything), turned off all extra computers (don't need 3 computers just to write in a document!) and full screened what I was working on, I would power through what I was doing. I also started trialling listening to alpha waves for focusing/productivity. Not sure if these are a placebo or not, but I think it helped (apart from making me melancholy a few times), so I need to do some more research into the theory of them.

    Where to from here? Well I am immensely proud of myself for getting through last week. There were several times where I was so stressed out I couldn't sit still or focus or really string more than a few sentences together - this would have been my cue for gaming. But I powered on. It made me realise that gaming is going to be a vice for me for some time, no matter how much I think I am not addicted or how I think I am doing ok. I have been having crazy dreams as well, which have curiously been about games. Usually they are about whatever topic is causing me grief, but this time it was all about games - ones that looked like Age of Empires or Civilization, but I can't entirely be sure as I haven't played them for years. Hopefully that stops now. My focus now will be spending time with my family to make the last few weeks up to them, prior to starting it all over again next semester! C'mon only 3 semesters to go mate, you can do this. I do have 48 hours to still make any revisions to my paper, so I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but I'm taking today to go to the park and just do random stuff with my son, even if it is not productive. 

    I do really want to start on my electronics projects as well. Wiring up Raspberry Pis to a few things and tinkering around with them. Try my hand at a bit of soldering! I also want to get back on here and see what everyone has been up to, I have missed that a little bit!

    69 days! Awesome!

    Life as an engineer looks always tough... Work (or study), going home(or staying at a lab or company), making dinner, then sitting in front of the computer and desk... Sounds like you're doing great. I hope I could be more patient person like you... I'm going to live like that gradually.

    Maybe changing environment affects our mind in some way... I don't know what exactly happens, but I should change the place where I am, when I can't focus more.

    My brain is single core... so I can't do multiple things at once... Besides, it was surprising to hear that you have 3 computers! Does every one of them usually work really hard? Using a lot of CPU? Just wanted to know what happens to computers owned by people who related to computer science..

    Keep it up then! Looking forward to reading your next story.


  6. Hmm, 36 days is 10% of the year. That's WOW for me.

    Wow for me, too. I've never thought about that... All I had been thinking during my first try (which lasted 45 days) was 'haaa... when do I reach 90 days....'

    It's good to hear when people in this forum saying that they're having busy days! Keep it up!

  7. Hey Tom, 

    I can't speak Korean, so I have no idea what your posts say :P However, your daily graphs of how you spend your time are awesome. What program are you using for that? 

    Hey Tom, 

    I can't speak Korean, so I have no idea what your posts say :P However, your daily graphs of how you spend your time are awesome. What program are you using for that? 

    I would also like to know! Looks great. Let me know if would find something on your own ,Moe

    It's a mobile app called, 'study checker'. I don't know if it supports other language. :)

  8. S3_SHARE.thumb.png.c2ecc1c4931fdebf52387

    Day 5 - 꽤 괜찮았다

    - 일하고 나서 피곤해서 공부를 많이 못 했다. 가족과 영화를 보기로 해서 시간을 좀 썼다. 그래도 좋은 날이었다.

    - 비가 와서 좋았다. 난 비가 좋다.


    <감사한 일들>

    1. 비가 와서 감사했다.

    2. '헝거게임'이 싸서 좋았다.

    3. 빗 속에서 좋은 음악을 들으면서 운전해서 감사했다.

  9. S3_SHARE.thumb.png.ee2c158a6895b4b87580f

    Day 5 - quite good

    - Didn't study a lot because I was tired after work. I also had to spend time with my family because we watched a movie. It was a good day, though.

    - It was a good day because of the rainy weather. I like rain.


    <Gratitude list>

    1. I'm grateful for the rainy weather.

    2. I'm grateful for the cheap price of 'Hunger Games'.

    3. I'm grateful for driving in the rain, listening to nice music.

  10. I am not sure how to define the the whole last night, because there is nothing wrong with listening to classical music or educational videos. The problem is that I am using those as a form of procrastination and not doing the important stuff I need to get done instead. I would prefer to start reading books instead of looping the same music videos over and over again. 

    Well, I think that moment could be relaxing time.

    You can do better from now on. Don't think of it as a big thing...

    I do it too much. In the evening it was about 4 hours last night, and during the day also a bit of time and adds up to too much. Not all days are like this though. 


    Don't say "too much" in front of me!!!! (Sorry... just kidding...) 84.7% of free time(about 8 hours) spent on Youtube!!! Yeah!!

    It's my record of 17th of May.

    I was much more lazier than you. I even relapsed once already. You're gonna be fine if you had learned from that experience. This is not me saying it. Cam said this. If you think that moment was a waste of time, then don't give in next time. Don't be stupid like me. Show everyone including the past-yourself that you're getting better.

    That day, I also thought the same way as you did, 'I do it too much'. And I got the similar response like I replied.



    After that day, I did my best to use my time more productively. It's not perfect but quite improved...

    Perhaps I should shut up, as I'm on day 3 of the second attempt, but I just wanted to share my experience. I think... we're not robots so we need some lazy moments from time to time... Ignore my reply if you don't like it :D But tell us that you're getting better tomorrow(and tomorrow, and tomorrow's tomorrow...)



    yup, I totally agree with you. I haven't been writing about the fact, that I actually improved and at least the time spent on the computer is of higher quality than it used to. A few months ago, I used to alternate between watching gaming streams porn and now that changed to a way more positive content. I am in the process of justifying which parts are actually wasted vs wisely invested. One example is self-help material or nutrition - I remember Cam had a video about this, saying you need to be creating too and not just consuming all this theory and information all the time. 


    There is a great book which relates to internet addition called The Shallows, by Nicholas Carr. I only read small bits, but I realized how important it is to choose to read books, over short articles  or videos about the subjects you are interested in. I tend to usually go for the easy way, and absorbing information in a very shallow way. I am thinking of probably reading that whole book, as it relates to my problem a lot.


    And even though many times I absorb positive information on the internet, a lot less time is spent on the high-priority goals and tasks on my already written list. I want to turn it the other way around : spend 80% of my time for the high-value tasks, and 20% on consumption. I want to favor reading a whole books more, than watching a documentaries/reading short articles, because from what I understood reading the book "The shallows", the benefits are far greater from reading a book and the understanding gets do a deeper level. Also might be worth looking into "Deep Work" by Cal Newport as it relates to the same issue.


    So yesterday was a bit easy-going as I decided to take a small break the whole day. I checked discord and youtube way too often, and I need to avoid that from now on as it's possibly the biggest trigger and usually gets out of control. I also want to go for long-stretches of time without using the computer at all as this will improve my focus and that in turn will get me far better results from what I am doing. Only use it with a specific purpose in mind like searching for a job and checking email once a day.


    This has turned rather into an internet addiction journal, but it's a problem that prevents me from achieving my goals and it's not easy to take control of it

    I think it's also helpful to stay more focused when we create something rather than just consuming.

    When I just read and solve problems in my textbook, I get bored so quickly. It takes only 25 minutes to get distracted.

    However when I create my own thing, in my case it's keypoint note, I'm able to focus on subjects for 40-60 minutes. Another example is making subtitles of Cam's videos. I can concentrate on this task for 90-180 minutes!

    If you find your own way to make something, It would be great like Cam said.

  11. Second, let me appeal to your sense of urgency. School should be your number one priority right now. Quit video games, and study. It doesn't matter if you fail, if you don't even try, it will feel even worse. Try and talk to your professors and to academic advisors (and financial advisors if your apartment/food/water is being threatened). Asking questions will help to clear your head. Work with the people closest to your anxiety. If you're worried about class, professors are the best people to talk to. And you're probably paying them a shit load of money to answer your questions and work with you. Take five minutes to write down all the things you need to do. Everything that comes to mind. Just put it on a paper or in a word document. Prioritize it if wish. Then go down the list and start checking them off. It might help to order them from easiest to hardest/shortest (time to complete) to longest. If you need to send some emails, do that. Five minutes and email. Five sentences to break any ice and get into contact. "Dear Prof, I'm Tom, a student in your CE 341 class. I'm currently worried about my performance on the finals coming up. Can we meet so I can ask questions on the subject? Thanks! Sincerely, Tom2". You can (and maybe should) ask them how to study.

    Next, a "just do it" mentality may help you for this term, but it sounds to me like there are much larger issues you might want to address. It sounded like you weren't satisfied with your degree. Hell, maybe you're not even satisfied with college. There's this quote from a show I like (called Bojack Horseman) that says, "It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are. It takes even longer to realize it doesn't have to be that way." That's a good summary of my experience. If your major or college doesn't feel satisfying, if you're not reaching for the goal because you want to make to a difference, then you're never going to put 100% into it, even at it's most pleasurable and exciting. So don't. Stop. Take a break. Find yourself.

    I went to a university right out of high school. What a horrible financial mistake that was. This year was my fourth year and I'm only at junior standing. I'm looking at about 30,000 USD in debt (about 34,327,000 Won according to Google). I did it all because it was my mom's dream for me to go college. I wanted to be a computer scientist which perfectly with all of my major interests. Eventually, I realized that I didn't know why I was doing it. I'm grinding away and getting half-baked successes and many failures. What's the point, right? The most reasonable goal for myself seemed to be to work for a Google a year before burning out and having my current existential crisis then. What a shitty goal, right? My dream was to burn out after a year with Google. I was only in it for the money and for someone else's wishes. The dream I had for myself had no purpose and no destination. So I stopped. I'm taking a gap year to find myself, to volunteer, to travel anywhere that I can, to live I life I can be satisfied with, to make some real friends that have their own goals and ambitions, to get a girlfriend (who can hopefully be my unwavering companion), to get fit, to not eat college garbage, and to find a reason to own my education. I don't want to do it for my mom. I don't want to do it for the money. I want to do it because I want to progress society.

    So I suppose take what I say with a grain of salt. I'm still in the middle of the journey. Truly though, you should live the life you want to live. Build the other parts of your life that are just as important. For friends, you can try and contact your gamer friend outside of the game. Make it a priority to be around people who support you and want you to succeed. Not having that is like you're missing half your life.

    I digress... You can and will get through this. It is inevitable, one way or another. I'm not sure if you're religious, but that might help bring meaning to your life. If you're not, here's what I like to think. Everyone dies eventually. There's no reason to die early. Struggle and fight to be happy, in spite of the misery or boredom of life. Even people who are homeless and destitute can have moments of happiness. They can still have good days. So fuck circumstances. Happiness is attainable no matter who you are.



    I really appreiciate your advices.

    I've never thought about reaching professors. I will try this when my autumn semester starts, especially when the hard moments come. I moved to my hometown this summer, so I think writing e-mails is possible now. "Shit load of money"... yeah, I wasn't aware of that. :) 

    The next thing I've been thinking for a while is whether I'm going to keep studying or not. As I don't have something else to do instead, I'm going to keep this. I may find something that interests me and pays me someday. But until then, I wanna try more, even if I can't be a perfect student. I want to push myself to focus more, not like the spring semester, peeping around to make excuses.

    About taking break, I don't want to stop now. Instead, I'm going to learn and practice the way to deal with my stress. I'm going to be more generous to myself. In fact, stop doing what I do is scary. Someone can say that it's important to be brave. But after thinking about it, I decided to make progress slowly, rather than looking around. There's reality and life, so I can't ignore it totally. I've been studying and preparing for the next semester and certificate since I wrote this relapse post, and I think it's going well. I don't have grief a lot like the spring time. I want to try again, from slightly different perspective.

    I watched some videos recently, of some people who chose what they love, as their job. They said, it was fulfilling and satisfying at first. However after long time, they've got stress from their job, and couldn't enjoy it anymore. It sounds weird, but they said, if we choose whatever we love as a job, it becomes obligation, and makes them not to love the things anymore, ironically. After watching couple of videos saying the similar things, I started to think that doing what I was doing can be a good option. The only thing I have to practice is knowing that it's ok to make mistakes and failures.

    If I fail again in autumn because of the same academic issue, then I will quit then and change my route. In this case, the definition of my failure is not getting low grades. If I give up trying and run away from my problem, then I will sentence the situation as my failure.

    Again, I'm really grateful to have your advices and stories. :) 


    P.S : This reply is also the reply to @giblets I guess. I read your reply after I wrote this one, and my answer would be similar. It took an hour to write this, as I'm not a native... Please don't think that I consider your reply as a small thing. Thanks giblets! I'm glad to hear from you.

  12. S3_SHARE.thumb.png.7d931b7305390cd5b3ff5

    Day 4 - 열심히 살았다!

    - 토질역학 한 단원을 끝냈다! 스스로가 대견하다. 내일은 상하수도공학을 공부해야겠다. 내일은 네 시간은 하고 싶다. 그게 내 작은 목표다.

    - 대학 친구들에게 연락 끊었던 것에 대해 미안하다고 했다. 이건 내가 다시 게임하기 시작했을 때 일어났던 일이다. 친구들이 괜찮다고 했다. 이번 두번째 시도에는 꼭 성공하고 싶다.


    감사 리스트

    1. 공부하려고 의자에 앉았을 때 딴 짓하지 않고 바로 공부하기 시작한 나 자신에게 감사하다.

    2. Google Docs를 이용해서 공부했던 내용의 핵심 정리를 할 수 있어서 감사했다.

    3. 두번째 기회가 주어졌다는 것이 감사하다.

    4. 내 저널과 답글에 반응해주는 사람들에게 감사하다. (이걸 읽는 당신도 거기에 포함된다!)

    5. 엄마가 맛있는 걸 만들어줘서 고마웠다.

    6. 일하는 동안 유튜브에서 좋은 음악을 많이 들을 수 있어서 감사했다.

    7. I'm grateful for the fact that I can study a new subject tomorrow.

  13. S3_SHARE.thumb.png.ac24b7fcb0eb9c7cc1ea7

    Day 4 - Successful!

    - Finished one chapter of soil mechanics! I'm proud of myself. Tomorrow I'm going to study 'water & sewage'. I want to study 4 hours tomorrow. That's my small goal.

    - I told my university friends that I'm sorry for ignoring their messages. It happened during my relapse. They told me it's ok. I want to succeed the 2nd attempt.


    Gratitude list

    1. I'm grateful for myself being decisive when I sat on a chair to start studying. I didn't hesitate to open a textbook.

    2. I'm grateful for Google Docs. I really enjoy making my own key points documents from textbooks.

    3. I'm grateful for the fact that I have the second chance after relapse.

    4. I'm grateful for the people who respond to my journal and replies. (That includes YOU reading this now!)

    5. I'm grateful for my mom when she made some tasty food for me.

    6. I'm grateful for the fact I can listen to some great music from Youtube while I was working.

    7. I'm grateful for the fact that I can study a new subject tomorrow.

  14. Last month I was upset because I saw some people writing about what their passions and life goals were, and I felt like I didn't have any.

    Well, that's wrong. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I do have some, but they are different than what I think most other people would list.



    Life Goals:

    1. Eat every kind of fruit

    2. Have a big backyard/nature property

    Ummm... I think I don't have life goals.... I've never thought about it.. The goals I've been setting up were always something temporary. I should make mine, too.

    Your first life goal... that's so adorable! (no offense... I'm not native and I'm not sure whether I chose the right word to use)

    I think you can be a botanist someday! :) 

  15. I am not quitting or anything but the reason I haven't been updating is because I have started to feel stressed, tired and insecure. I'm having a real hard time. I will try to update weekly instead and see how that goes. 

    Hi Ben,

    I think sharing your situation is necessary if you're having hard times. I already relapsed once after 45 days of no gaming. When I was about to relapse, I stopped writing daily journal. Before that, I wrote everyday, even if I spent the whole day doing nothing. I didn't write journal at that time because It was painful and embarrassing to write that I was not doing daily routine. If you have trouble, it's ok. Don't make mistake like me. If I had written something here before I relapse, maybe I could have got some advices or pep talks... And the result could have been different.

    Of course your case can be different. But I think there's risk. It's not a huge task, is it? Writing some sentences everyday... The length doesn't matter... It will only take 5-10 minutes out of 1440 minutes of one day... right? Only about 0.5% of a day! Writing journal also helps us to stay calm and plan the next things. It's your life, and I don't have any rights to tell you what to do. So it's up to you. If you still think writing weekly is better, you can do as you want to...

  16. Hey man!

    Nice job you're doing here! Making this pie charts each day keeps you HELL YEA accountable! Keep it up whenever you have worse day and moments of doubts!


    I'm curious what kind of application are you using for this awesome pie charts? I'm using Time Meter and it doesn't make anything like that :/

    You live in South Korea, you should be grateful for that. There are many other things you can be grateful for. How about making a short gratitude list each day? Even 3 things a day are enough to feel more fulfillment in your life :)


    Ah, and also thank you for your activity in my own journal! You keep Mad Pharmacist even more ON FIRE during though examination time! Just making me more indestructible! :D

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    Hey, I'm grateful for that you've visited my journal!

    I really enjoy reading your replies at other 'game quitters'. Especially This one. It made me smile a lot after reading that. :)

    The app I'm using is called 'study checker'. I don't know whether it supports other languages. I can make daily, weekly, monthly, and random period chart with this.

    I think listing 3 appreciable things everyday is a good idea. Maybe it would help myself getting out of depression someday when I have a tough time.(especially during my autumn semester...) It's 10pm now, and I'm going to post it around 12am.

    See you soon... 'Good' Pharmacist :D

  17. 5 Day

    Today it was very bad. I started watching some porn and other stupid things. I think that i am very lazy and comfortable person. Every day i must have schedule or goals or whatever but worst is do nothing. If you do nothing you feel bad and than you make stupid decisions which later lead to regret and pain. Gosh I know what to do but despite of that im making nothing. Am i that stupid ? Ohh man...:(

    It's ok if you've decided to change your actions from now on.

    You still have a lot more days to change. If it's hard to endure, just try something small that you can achieve. I also had a lot of days doing nothing. At that time, I felt the same way as you did. We have no choice to move forward step by step. It's gonna be alright. There must be some good days and bad days. You're gonna have good days if you don't give up.

  18. Day 17/90. Also 22/22/3 soda porn fap. I'm surviving but it was a rough night. My sleep schedule is weird now. I typically fall asleep around 9:30-10 and I sleep on the couch in the living room where my Mom is. If I tried the bedroom, I'd get hit by anxiety, loneliness, or racing thoughts. I usually wake up somewhere between 11pm-1:30am, stagger into the bedroom and sleep for a few more hours since I'm nice and tired.

       Last night didn't work out. I slept on the couch until 1:30am but when I went to bed, I just couldn't get back to sleep. I tossed and turned all night long. I even went back to the couch but that didn't help. So about 4 hours of real sleep sigh.

        I think part of it is the fapping. I'm back to day 3 without it and this was my last real source of dopamine hits. I think some of those withdrawal symptoms are coming back since I've closed that part off. I can't go back because I do not want to go through this again. I do not want to sleep on the couch forever.

          In brighter news I dled the Duolingo app and was studying a little German last night. That was fun. I took years of it in college. There's a couple of native German speakers at work that I was talking to yesterday and trying to remember some of my old phrases. You talk to people more without headphones I notice.

        I got more compliments from my boss and a coworker on how slimmer I looked. That makes it all worth it right there. All the anxiety I'm experiencing is worth it if I transform myself


    Good to read your journal of 17th!

    I sometimes have insomnia and I don't know what to do when it comes. I can't sleep either when I have a lot of anxiety. In that case, I try something really consumes my energy from my brain. For example, I read a long, and complex articles that I'm not interested in. It helped me to fall asleep. Another way to sleep is having some achievements during daytime. It makes me so happy and look forward to seeing the next day. Making achievements during daytime is not always successful, but it works for me to fall asleep.

    I hope you could develop your own way to have a good night sleep. Perhaps if you learn German more deeply and thouroughly, it could help... I guess... You will find the answer soon unless you give up.

    It's very encouraging to hear that you're changing in a good way. Keep it up!

  19. I am not sure how to define the the whole last night, because there is nothing wrong with listening to classical music or educational videos. The problem is that I am using those as a form of procrastination and not doing the important stuff I need to get done instead. I would prefer to start reading books instead of looping the same music videos over and over again. 

    Well, I think that moment could be relaxing time.

    You can do better from now on. Don't think of it as a big thing...

    I do it too much. In the evening it was about 4 hours last night, and during the day also a bit of time and adds up to too much. Not all days are like this though. 


    Don't say "too much" in front of me!!!! (Sorry... just kidding...) 84.7% of free time(about 8 hours) spent on Youtube!!! Yeah!!

    It's my record of 17th of May.

    I was much more lazier than you. I even relapsed once already. You're gonna be fine if you had learned from that experience. This is not me saying it. Cam said this. If you think that moment was a waste of time, then don't give in next time. Don't be stupid like me. Show everyone including the past-yourself that you're getting better.

    That day, I also thought the same way as you did, 'I do it too much'. And I got the similar response like I replied.



    After that day, I did my best to use my time more productively. It's not perfect but quite improved...

    Perhaps I should shut up, as I'm on day 3 of the second attempt, but I just wanted to share my experience. I think... we're not robots so we need some lazy moments from time to time... Ignore my reply if you don't like it :D But tell us that you're getting better tomorrow(and tomorrow, and tomorrow's tomorrow...)


  20. Good job taking positive steps and talking to your dad's co-workers. I know how intimidating that can be. Be proud of your successes...they add up!

    I'm glad to hear your reply!

    I just finished writing some sentences at a depression webpage... It was intense... The mood there... made me so solemn. I also have slight depression so I thought I could share some thoughts. However it wasn't as easy as I've expected. Anyway, thank you...

    I'm going to go to bed because it's 1:30 am in South Korea. I'm looking forward to have another good day tomorrow. I hope your day be successful! No matter how many hours left today.

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