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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Simms

  1. Day #4

    Had another slow start to the day. Am I having a gaming hangover? Hard to see. Been feeling sick and it could be coincidental, could be gaming. I'll continue to monitor closely.

    Brain fog all morning, struggled through the afternoon with a difficult project.

    Gratitude journal

    Well behaved hockey players for a smooth provincial game.


    One amazing thing that happened/I did today

    Floated dates for a mountaineering trip with my dad and GF. Great progress towards who I want to be here in the mountains.


    Worked lines for Midget A provincial game.


    5 minutes - breath awareness - struggled to keep mind from wandering yesterday. - Struggling with meditation in general.

    Reading + taking notes

    No reading today. Cut time too tight, going to get some more sleep, see if I can shake this "sick feeling."

    Note: Dropping the "Be in bed before 10PM - not a focus area" - reevaluate?

    Weekly Goal(s)

    Climb 2x, Stronglifts 3x - So far 1x climb, 2x stronglifts. Still on pace.

    Journal daily - So far, so good.

    Monthly Goal

    Information gathering on buying a mountain bike. - Visit the bike shops in town.

    Use Training for the New Alpinism to assist in shaping training plan.

    Get cost estimate for 11,000er guide. Persuing the alternative option.

    3 Month Goal

    Climb 1x technical, 1x non-technical 11,000er in the Canadian Rockies.

    Outline novel.

    Do an editing pass of one of my shorts.

    What went well today:

    Nice smooth hockey game, performed well.

    What I could have done to make my day better:

    Put my laundry away.

    Misc accomplishments:

    Brought bag lunch.

    Dressed up for hockey game.

    Got taxes 95% done.

    I think on Sundays I'm going to do a weekly reflection - something to keep in mind.

  2. I'll recommend the most straight-forward beginner climbing workout I know: 4x4's - Trainingbeta explains them very well here: https://www.trainingbeta.com/4x4s/ it's a great site to explore for climbing info and as your training progresses. I have their advanced workout plans I can share down the road if you start pushing into harder grades and want something more structured.

    I like Reddit's bodyweight fitness routine and if you can do most of it, follow it, but for beginner strength training I like "Stronglifts 5x5" the most. https://stronglifts.com/5x5/ - There's an app for it for both Apple and Android. You can learn the whole thing in about 10 minutes. You alternate days, and you'll see changes within 8 weeks. I'm actually doing it again now.

    As far as the rack you linked, it looks ok, but is limited in function. I'd recommend this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bodymax-CF415-Squat-Spotter-Catchers/dp/B00MFP2TMU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1487909246&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=squat+rack&psc=1 - It's what I own. You can do all the major lifts off it when combined with a bench. It also has dips handles on the back. For pull-ups, just about any sports store should have one of these: https://www.amazon.co.uk/GM-Door-Gym-Black-Large/dp/B003TTUGRQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487909584&sr=8-1&keywords=door+mounted+pull+up+bar They don't damage doors and are simple / easy to use.

    The simple beginner workout you listed will get you going. - Stronglifts will make you strong - Fast. You'll see the muscles within 8 weeks if you follow the progression, stick with it for 12 or 16 and others will start to comment. - Do 4x4's and you'll fly through the grades in climbing. Remember your fingers are going to take the longest to get strong and finger injuries suck, so watch out for thin holds and if something feels like it's going to tweak, better to just let it go if you're training. If you're projecting... go hard ;)



  3. Day #3

    Feeling very tired today. Took a long time to really get moving. Ended up progressing all my tasks to where they need to be at work.

    Gaming feels like the easier part of this at the moment. There's a constant urge to check my phone, look at news, social media, whatever. Frustrating trying to stay focused.

    First time I'm really taking agency over quitting gaming and following the process. It's helping with accountability and is a daily reminder of all the things I'd rather be doing that I'd been neglecting.

    Gratitude journal

    GF for bringing my skates I'd forgotten to work so I could get them sharpened.


    One amazing thing that happened/I did today

    Came to terms with a destructive habit - when upset, I need to get active, doing something positive about it. All I can control is me.


    Squat 5x5 115

    OHP 5x5 70

    Deadlift 1x5 145


    5 minutes - breath awareness - struggled to keep mind from wandering yesterday.

    Reading + taking notes

    Taking a break from Fifteen Dogs - the chapters are long, there might only be 5 to the whole book. - Finished The Blood Mirror.

    Note: Dropping the "Be in bed before 10PM - not a focus area"

    Weekly Goal(s)

    Climb 2x, Stronglifts 3x

    Journal daily

    Monthly Goal

    Information gathering on buying a mountain bike. - Visit the bike shops in town.

    Use Training for the New Alpinism to assist in shaping training plan.

    Get cost estimate for 11,000er guide. Got the quote - $925 per person for the trip I want to do. Alternative option is $625 per to learn the skills, then do the trip on my own. - Both options more than I'd like to spend. Needs more thought.

    3 Month Goal

    Climb 1x technical, 1x non-technical 11,000er in the Canadian Rockies.

    Outline novel.

    Do an editing pass of one of my shorts.

    What went well today:

    Moved all the bars forward. - Came up with a new blog topic to write in the future.

    What I could have done to make my day better:

    Worn glasses instead of contact lenses.

    Misc accomplishments:

    Brought bag lunch.

    Spent no money today.

    I think on Sundays I'm going to do a weekly reflection - something to keep in mind.

  4. One of the best ways I've found to make new friends is to take multi-week courses (ideally > 8) and/or join sport and social leagues as a single player.

    The key is to attend EVERY week, AND go out after if the groups going out, AND go to any post course events. - Be interested, put yourself out there.

    You won't always click with everyone, or anyone, but being scheduled to be with the same group of people at the same time for many weeks takes away that barrier of "when are we going to meet", and especially with sport and social leagues it gives you something to do while you're there!

  5. Hey guys, very simple question requiring a rather complicated answer potentially. Obviously I'll take any advice but am hoping to hear from people who have run into what I'm running into time and again and eventually overcame it.

    Long story short, how do you overcome major hurdles that you KNOW are coming and could last for a prolonged period of time? One example would be a major hit of nostalgia that could last days or even weeks. How do you prepare yourself to give yourself the best possible chance of overcoming such obstacles?

    When Mists of Pandaria was released for World of Warcraft my friends organized a LAN to celebrate. I'd been relatively clean from Warcraft since Wrath of the Lich King, but I was really excited. Like, a kid at Christmas excited: It was a chance to re-connect with old friends I thought... I'll have so much fun I thought! And it's coming out in September! It's a new semester of school, I won't really be that busy!

    To my shame, I attended the LAN - We played for 20 hours straight, drank lots of booze, ate crappy food. - And you want to know how I felt when my girlfriend came to pick me up the morning after? - PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY ILL.


    I feel lucky in a way. I'd gone back to school and was maintaining a 4.0.  - I realized I wasn't willing to compromise that, I knew I needed to go through recruitment for Accounting jobs and I needed to keep doing well at school. It was literally one thing, one good thing about my life I wasn't willing to compromise.

    This is my suggestion: Can you think of one thing about your real life. The life you're living right now, that is worth giving an extra 10% for in exchange for not gaming? It's easy to think: "Well I can game, and keep maintaining that thing anyway." -- But there's the trap. Because life develops slowly, it requires less care, but constant care. And when you start gaming you lose your vigilance. At first you're gaming, and still growing your passion. Then you're gaming, but it's still okay because you're maintaining all the things in your life. Then one day you drag yourself out of bed at 10AM - You realize everything you were passionate about has been declining. If you're lucky it's all still there, simmering away on a backburner, but it's evaporating. And what do you have to show for it? "Champion" ... "Legendary" ... "Gladiator" ...

    It's not worth it. Life is slow, but it needs your care and attention, and it's worth it. Give it all you've got!

  6. Love the journal, great journey so far!

    I especially like the way you're getting to the gym and working on your coding. Those skills you develop are always there down the road. Having those kind of positive skills to draw on help to get me back on the right path when I'm struggling with my self-image, who I am.

  7. Day #2

    Mediocre productivity at work. - Read google news a little bit too much. - Replacing reddit, need to shut it down.

    Gratitude journal

    An excellent client meeting. - Thanks to MAB for including me.


    One amazing thing that happened/I did today

    Threw my name in to referee the Midget Provincial Tier 1 game on Thursday. - Got it.


    Climbing - 1.5 hours - 2 auto-belay, 2 tall top ropes, 2 tall leads.


    5 minutes - breath awareness

    Reading + taking notes

    Chapter 2 - Fifteen Dogs, no notes

    Getting to bed before 10pm


    Weekly Goal(s)

    Climb 2x, Stronglifts 3x

    Journal daily

    Monthly Goal

    Information gathering on buying a mountain bike. - Visit the bike shops in town.

    Use Training for the New Alpinism to assist in shaping training plan.

    Get cost estimate for 11,000er guide. Update - Prepared the request - Submitted, but the form timed out, lost the tentative itinerary I put together >:(

    3 Month Goal

    Climb 1x technical, 1x non-technical 11,000er in the Canadian Rockies.

    Outline novel.

    Do an editing pass of one of my shorts.

    What went well today:

    Good climb, felt strong, didn't get completely shut down on the hard route.

    What I could have done to make my day better:

    Try out "scribing" for lack of better word existing novel. See if it helps to improve prose.

    Misc accomplishments:

    Brought bag lunch.

    Climbed during the afternoon. - Worked Late

  8. I think bungee-jumping is one of those memories that will never fade. - I was deathly afraid of heights when we went up there. It was a comfort zone shatterer. Years later as a climber I still have my moments with heights... but being confronted with my fears has forced me to grow.

    @Schwing - Love the point of view. Can totally relate to falling back down and starting to slog back onwards. Now that I've  spent some time reflecting on past slogs, it's lightening the weight of this latest.

  9. Day #1

    Unplugged the Xbox. Moved it to the storage room. - Installed "Forest" app on phone as a productivity reminder. - Need to find a way to block Reddit on my Android phone.

    Gratitude journal

    Cam for making this space available.

    GF's enthusiasm towards being back on the right path.


    One amazing thing that happened/I did today

    Started this journey


    Squat 5x5 110

    Bench 5x5 100

    Row 5x5 100


    5 minutes - breath awareness

    Reading + taking notes

    Chapter 1 - Fifteen Dogs, no notes

    Getting to bed before 10pm


    Weekly Goal(s)

    Climb 2x, Stronglifts 3x

    Journal daily

    Monthly Goal

    Information gathering on buying a mountain bike. - Visit the bike shops in town.

    Use Training for the New Alpinism to assist in shaping training plan.

    Get cost estimate for 11,000er guide.

    3 Month Goal

    Climb 1x technical, 1x non-technical 11,000er in the Canadian Rockies.

    Outline novel.

    Do an editing pass of one of my shorts.

    What went well today:

    Was a zombie in the morning - didn't think any work would get done. - Despite this managed to layout shell for valuation project. - Good progress.

    What I could have done to make my day better:

    Exercise in the morning or during the day.

    Misc accomplishments:

    Worked through the holiday.

    Brought bag lunch.

    Played with dogs for 5 minutes.

  10. Love your openness - I especially liked your day 2 entry. It's been my experience the hours it takes to de-entwine one's life from gaming is almost therapeutic. Glad to see you bringing your wife on board too!

    Especially nice reading about your experiences with a vibrant family and seeing your projects being accomplished. Keep up the good work!

  11. Nine years ago I met Cam for the first time. I spent a weekend under his coaching, and it was a significant contributor to my path of positive change. I’ve been following his journey ever since. I deeply regret failing to support his trip to Tanzania and have taken action to rectify this going forward.

    In the time since metting Cam, I quit playing WoW, finished my degree, got a job 1% of 1% of applicants get, earned my Chartered Accounting designation, and have been dating a strong, thoughtful woman for the past 8 years.

    Recently I moved, simplified my life, and de-stressed. When I was busy, I made time for fitness, and personal development. In an ironic paradox, with all the free time I’ve completely sunk back into bad habits. Playing far too much Halo 5, in total. – 19.5 days, or 468 hours – roughly an hour a day on average since the game was released. I’ve stopped working out routinely and am losing my climbing fitness.

    So I’m here to remind myself of everything I worked so hard to get. To offer thanks to Cam, and take advantage of the content he’s creating to get back on the right path. I’d also like to give back however I can. 90 days and onwards begins today.


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