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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by magicalmerlinmark

  1. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Another good response to my own songs performed at an open mic 2) Not waking up with too much of a hangover 3) Time to work on my presentation!
  2. Today I'm grateful for: 1) the sun peeking through the clouds. 2) a slow morning 3) another open mic tonight
  3. Today I'm grateful for: 1) A very drizzly morning 2) a yummy breakfast 3) a workshop that went really well yesterday
  4. Thanks Cam Today I'm grateful for: 1) Not missing my bus. 2) Awesome Çs hosts 3) The Great community we've found
  5. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Starting to explore England 2) A beautiful sunny day 3) Meeting up with old friends!
  6. Today I'm grateful for 1) The rain drumming against my window 2) The green of Spring growth 3) The Spring flowers that are starting to come out
  7. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Finishing my worksheets 2) An opportunity to talk about industrial agriculture to a wide audience 3) Being able to wake up without an alarm clock or bell
  8. Today I'm grateful for: 1) An opportunity to go slow, at my own pace. 2) The chance to give my dog a big long walk 3) To have made a great lunch!
  9. Thanks Chen Today I'm grateful for: 1) More people signing up to my herbal workshops 2) The chance to explore another town today 3) The daffodils are all in bloom
  10. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Time with my family (young and old) 2) Cheesey biscuits! 3) Day 49 of no games!
  11. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Opportunities to do work that is aligned with my focus. 2) The sun that's shining on this cold morning 3) The opportunity to grow and improve my new hobbies
  12. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Being taken in by wonderful strangers 2) Exploring my country's history 3) Coming home to a wonderful home cooked meal
  13. Today im grateful for: 1) Pancakes! 2) free time to explore london 3) karaoke with my friends ^^
  14. Today I'm grateful for: 1) Going off to explore London 2) The karaoke evening we have planned 3) The wonderful breakfast I'm about to make!
  15. Today I'm grateful for: 1) The killer workshop I did last night 2) The sun that's shining so bright 3) The chance to go and explore my hometown
  16. I dropped two tabs of LSD yesterday and had an experience that was quite something. I didn't get a lot of sleep today but that's no problem. I had a dream I succumbed to my video gaming urges (first dream like this) and then in my dream I stopped myself - So I take this as a good sign! Today I'm grateful for: 1) A storm which is bringing amazing winds 2) The class I will be holding tonight on herbal medicine 3) My partner's coming to England for a month today
  17. Thanks Cam Today I'm grateful for: 1) A whole day to enjoy my new hobbies 2) The feel of the wind 3) The Stephen King book I'm reading. It's great stuff
  18. So things to watch out for in an urban environment. Don't pick: 1) by old industrial land - Contamination of heavy metals is a problem. 2) By busy main roads - Same as above. 3) From your neighbour's garden, unless you ask first (or it's late at night and you have ninja skills.) Harvesting herbs is pretty simple. The best time to do it is 24 hours after rain on a dry day. That way you don't have to worry about dog pee or anything of the like (the rain washes them better than you ever could) and the herbs shouldn't be wet when you pick them. Just tie them up with string (not too big a bunch) like the image. Keep your drying herbs out of the sun, in a cool dark place. To make a tea just put 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb and add hot (not boiling) water. Leave them for 5-15 minutes and enjoy! If you're interested, get yourself a Peterson Field Guide. Yes you have to learn a few botanical terms (what's a lobed leaf look like etc.) but I was surprised at how quick I could identify plants. I'm still working on my handout but I'll put it up when I'm ready
  19. I'm learning more about setting goals and observing my behaviours recently. It's really giving me insight into what I can achieve and how to set my mind on it. Today I'm grateful for: 1) My comfy trousers 2) The herbs that will help heal my body 3) The opportunities I have to help others.
  20. I went and volunteered today at the local food bank. All part of getting more social and connecting with my hometown's community Today I'm grateful for: 1) A free cup of tea and biscuits! 2) Spending time with my family 3) Free time to achieve my goals and move forward.
  21. It's on my to do list to make a herbal medicine hand out sheet - I'll do a first draft and when it's ready I'll post it up here. It'll answer some of your questions and those it doesn't I'll answer afterwards
  22. Today I'm hungover, threw up around 7am. I'm nearly fully recovered 5 hours later. Pretty miraculous for me as I've had some real bitches in the past. It's time for me to try and stop drinking for a while - I'll try till this time next week Today I'm grateful for: 1) Facing my hangover. 2) The party I had that led to said hangover 3) Time I get to spend with family later
  23. I've not heard of this one before - There's so many to learn What kind of effects did you experience?
  24. Today I'm grateful for... 1) The youth and playfulness of my 15 yr old dog. 2) The opportunity to see friends this evening. 3) The fact that I signed myself up to some volunteering at the local food back. Today I'm going to achieve... 1) Searching for organic seeds for a medicinal herb garden 2) Donate my old train set to the local hobby club. 3) Start drawing my future reality.
  25. Today I'm grateful for... 1) 37 days of no gaming. Go me! 2) All of the new tools and skills I'm learning here. 3) The fact that my guitar skills are greatly improving now I have all this free time!
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