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NEW VIDEO: The EASIEST Way to Stop Gaming

Kei Dou

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Everything posted by Kei Dou

  1. Hello. Last time i posted here was around mid-end 2015 and i have been free of gaming until now. Since I quit gaming last time, I moved cities, found a decent full time job in IT, got in shape, decided to go back to uni to get an engineering degree (i failed out first time due to gaming) while still working full time, travelled a bunch in the annual leave breaks. First 2 years of uni went alright, i had all HDs and decent project work. Gradually work started getting more hectic with new products i had to learn to support, but I prioritised uni instead and kept falling behind. My boss at the time was super nice and kinda gave me a pass a lot of the time, but i was starting to spin wheels. I started developing bad habits or stopped keeping up with the good ones to try stay on top of the marks. I didn't realise how much of a marathon it would be rather than a sprint. It seems i had enough for 2 years but the degree is 4. I thought I'd take a break from work and went to Taiwan to do an engineering internship at a research org. The trip was amazing, but savings were beginning to run out. Came right back to an intense 3rd year semester of uni with 2 major project units. At the same time i got contacted by a recruiter from Google and passed the first online interview. Decided i was going to focus on it instead of looking for a (more realistic job opp). Had to juggle preparing for an in-person interview and finishing the projects. I took the hints from the recruiter in a completely wrong way and my interview prep was all in vain. The interview was such a disconnect that the guy straight up cancelled whatever else they were going to put me through that day. This was more than a year ago and i still cringe at how bad it was, like how did i even get there, why didn't they screen better in online interview??? I was almost out of savings and hugely demoralised. I called my old boss literally 15 minutes after the interview and asked if i could get my job back. Luckily I could but I'd have start in a low place again and under a different manager. The new boss is a bit of a micromanager... I kept going with uni part time. Corona hit and it was the first time i couldn't keep up with uni. We started working from home and it became so hard to stay motivated. Working from home is also so impersonal, at least it turned out like that at my work. I used to talk shit with colleagues all the time and they are all great team players who would put me into a good mindset, they are passionate about what they do. I pretty much lost that support network to corona. Can't separate work from home anymore. Never built an engineering studies support network, been lone wolfing it the entire time. Mainly because i didn't have time for social life anyway, and it was fine until then because i socialised at work. My last project reports were honestly shit and the lecturer gave such terrible feedback(no sugar coating whatsoever to say the least) that i just quit the unit. I think i would've passed it but in the moment i felt like i wasn't going to. I still got an HD for one other unit but not without struggle. My girlfriend lost her job due to corona as well. The place we were staying at became too expensive, and its benefits of being close to work/public transport/shops completely disappeared. So we moved to a cheaper apartment in between my studies. This is southern hemisphere btw, Australia, so it's second semester now. I was really looking forward to the units in this semester originally. The move effected the first few weeks back to studying - i didn't do any. Felt so behind and under pressure that I decided to quit for the rest of this year. During the last few months i watched so much junk YouTube and have not been dealing with stress like an adult... Even after quitting uni i couldn't stop the bad habits yet. Finally, i got recommended some gaming videos on YouTube around last week and been watching them almost every day, unable to get out of vicious cycle. Writing this down it looks like it was bound to happen. Even though I'm probably cherry picking the events and personal faults i think lead to this, I didn't really prepare for the marathon and i prioritised it over basic health upkeep at times. It's hard to step back and review until you realise something dramatic is happening. It took a long time to slowly spiral out to this. And even this level is still so much better than where i was before i joined here first time. I have got to remember to be grateful for having a somewhat stable(hopefully) income at this time. I didn't go back to full gaming. I didn't go back to the original game i was obsessed with. I'm grateful I'm not alone. Right now I've resolved to quit gaming again. Try and get some good habits going. I want to become more resilient and less swayed by emotions/stress. I want to reignite the passion that spurred me to get back to study in the first place. I only have one and a half years worth of uni left, I'll be going back next March. I want to prepare for it by getting better at academic writing. I want to make some friends with similar goals, whether it's staying off gaming or self-improvement, or engineering/programming. Hopeful, but it's still a lot of hard work. Let's go.
  2. Heya, we are meeting up again this coming Tuesday http://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Quit-Gaming-Meetup/events/228576951/
  3. http://www.meetup.com/Sydney-Quit-Gaming-Meetup/events/228476021/ Hey guys, 3 of us are meeting up on Tuesday 6:30pm, come along if you're around.
  4. http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/see-do/great-outdoors/hikes/sunset-peak.jsp
  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/3edd8l/why_should_you_start_with_calisthenics/
  6. What are some of the books that help build habits? I've read the slight edge by Jeff Olson, and I understand the principle. However it's hard to stay focused on tasks, if I don't remember to do something, I'm likely to not do it simply because it's not on my mind, but not because I don't want to do it... Habits are usually a fix to that since you kinda start doing things automatically in the end. Also what are some of the habits that are the most productive in your lives(besides reading books haha)?
  7. Hello, I just wanted to share my progress as well as maybe help motivate those who are somewhat afraid of going to gym. A few days after I quit gaming, roughly a month ago, I was browsing reddit.com/r/fitness and saw this topic: http://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37yuv0/xpost_from_rbodyweightfitness_progress_ive_been/ I gave it a try and have since done 2-3 sessions per week. The progressions are cool and start from as easy as rocking away from a doorframe standing up for pushups, the community is very friendly and wiki is extensive. Most of all, there's no need for gym or expensive setups, I started at home on my floor ? That said, I eventually did end up in local small gym because it was cheap(about $40/month including pool!), because outside is very hot now, and because backs of chairs are annoying. Here's my progress spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aMD3orLPqh7vsfIVAnRw-cjJV3OcIqxJNh7rBK7EhoU/edit?usp=docslist_api Finally, I would recommend connecting with anyone online and sharing your progress. My buddy says I motivate him to go without fail just because I'm usually talking to him from gym. I would be willing to talk to anybody here as well when I'm off to exercise if it helps ? hit me up.
  8. Anything related to getting out of comfort zone is a challenge for me currently. From getting out of bed to cleaning to calling an electrician to studying and even going to the pool I recently got membership to... So I'm slowly building my tolerance, hopefully. I started a journal, and every time I would write in it would be along the lines of "I played too much, I hate myself, I hate where this is going, it will probably get much worse if I don't quit". I didn't quit after first few of those, but something changed in a way that I've been able to keep track of the disappearing time when I gamed. One day I just became too frustrated at this, found r/stopgaming and joined an online meeting. I just think now that there's nothing good for me in gaming ever again...
  9. I am coming over from reddit community where I am proud to have reached 1 month sober badge. I am from Melbourne, Australia, currently on a working holiday in Hong Kong. I have played games obsessively since I was 10, however it seemed fine until a couple of years ago when I couldn't balance it with uni studies and got kicked out. I only really started understanding the problem about a month ago when I decided to quit gaming altogether, finally having my head clear up a bit. My goals are financial stability and to open my own makerlab/hackspace. ?
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