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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Colin

  1. It's amazing how much stuff there really is to do without video games. It's even a little overwhelming, but I'm hoping to keep plugging away. Taking breaks when I need them because RL isn't like a game. I can't run for an infinite amount of time like my character. My "sprint" button has a pretty friggin' long cool down. So, I'm juggling the many different activities that are replacing my video game time.


    Today I also realised that "what the fuck was I doing that I wasn't able to see all overdue and incoming tasks?! Ah, sure, playing video games!" And even though I'm not playing, there's always many tasks (or in gamers jargon "quests") to get done!

    So, let's go and do every task until you'll need some relaxation/sleep to regenerate your energy!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    No kidding man! I'm physically exhausted. I just mowed the lawn. It's looking good af but I haven't found a good "do nothing" quest yet. Maybe reading. Meditation is good but it's really boring. Have any suggestions?

    For resting from physical exhaustion you should:

    1. Eat something healthy
    2. Read a good book/article
    3. Practice a new language
    4. Talk with other people/phone friends or family
    5. Take a short nap (not longer than 25 min, otherwise you'll feel like a zombie)
    6. Research any interesing topic for you at the moment
    7. Draw/sketch/Origami
    8. Take a short walk alone or with your dog if you have one
    9. Just sit for a while with a cup of tea and relax
    10. When you're alone you can talk with yourself. That's the best what you can do to have good relationship with the person you're spending the biggest amount of time in your life!

    I really don't recommend meditation and yoga. Not only can it be boring, but it's also dangerous as hell.

    Although, if you believe in the whole religious aspect of that practises, then this is something you should do. However, remember that yoga and meditation aren't secular.

    Hope these helps!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    Thanks for the ideas MP. That might be the first time I've ever heard of meditation and yoga being "dangerous as hell". Ha, it sounds like you've had some bad experiences. I'm also pretty sure yoga and meditation are secular (not bound to a specific religion). People of all faiths do yoga and meditate. 

    Again, thank you for the suggestions.

  2. I'm exhausted. Started cleaning out the garage and now I'm on the couch watching Netflix. It's not ideal. Netflix is basically video games but like my previous post, I don't know what to do during these times when I'm whipped. 

    Many suggestions?

    I don't see a problem with TV or Netflix, as long as you know why you are doing these things. Reading is my activity to relax, but sometimes I meditate for about 10 minutes or listen to podcasts/music. You gotta try things out and see what works for you at the moment.

    As a side note, I have studied English, French and now I'm studying Japanese and studying languages is demanding enough for me to consider it to be relaxing.

    Thanks Reno. I tried some Netflix tonight, but I think it's similar to video games honestly. I end up binge watching it. I'll try reading tomorrow.

  3. Just.. hear my rant and don't react to it.

    You can't tell me what to do. ????

    I think your rant says a lot about where you are right now. There's a lot of crap that's built up while you were gaming. Maybe there was a major thing that caused you to stick with gaming or maybe it's just been a bunch of little things over time that have gathered up. I don't believe you can get rid of the negative feelings. I believe you have to walk into them. Feel them fully. It sucks. I'm not great at it, but it works. Eventually they dissipate. The avoidance of pain causes more pain than the actual pain of the things you're avoiding.

    Walk into boredom. What's there? Where's the feeling in your body? Where is it coming from?

    I'm having trouble with boredom myself. Coming up with things to do when my body is exhausted from the fun and exciting stuff. Yoga is good, I'm trying to read (not super fun), Meditation (Headspace) is okay but boring. So, I'm not sure I have an answer for you specifically on how to get rid or lessen of the pain going forward, but... 

    I do know that if you can be aware of your feelings when you're about to relapse, it can give you some distance from them and allow you to respond instead of react to them. You'll feel the pain, but that's okay. It won't kill you and it might even be trying to tell you something if you'll walk into them.

    Honestly, let me know how it goes. I'm going through a lot of this myself right now.

  4. I'm have some trouble finding options for when I'm too tired to do much of anything. It's after I've worked out, cleaned the garage, worked on my businesses and done some yoga. Before I used to zone out on the couch and play video games, but I want more options and I'm having trouble thinking of things to do. What I think I need is:

    • Low or no mental activity.
    • Low or no physical activity.
    • Something interesting to keep me slightly entertained.

    Is there something better? Am I missing something obvious? Maybe I'm overdoing it or ... I honestly don't know but I could use some help. How do I or you handle down time?

  5. My Battle.net account is being ???? deleted ???? as I type this. I'm not sure I'm ready for this... I still really struggle with what to do when I'm too exhausted to do anything else. I don't have any real "veg out" options. I need some help.

  6. I'm exhausted. Started cleaning out the garage and now I'm on the couch watching Netflix. It's not ideal. Netflix is basically video games but like my previous post, I don't know what to do during these times when I'm whipped. 

    Many suggestions?

  7. Freeletics has short intense workouts that I've been doing for over a year. They're very intense, but I post all my workouts there. I'd love to see some of you join me if you're up for it. 


    I had a pretty solid transformation from week 4 to 14. Hernia surgery slowed me down these last few months but I started back up again last week.

  8. Tbh cam I have no idea. I think an ad or a "you may like" link mentioned a mod. That will be prevented with my text-only computer :)

    I think you're missing something more major actually. Minecraft is about exploration, survival, building and socializing. What are you doing to explore, survive, build and socialize in the real world?

    Relapses happen because you're not getting what you need from RL. If you were kayaking in the Atlantic or spear fishing in the Caribbean I bet you wouldn't have installed Minecraft. So, don't beat yourself up about it - listen to it. What's it telling you need more of in your life?

  9. It's amazing how much stuff there really is to do without video games. It's even a little overwhelming, but I'm hoping to keep plugging away. Taking breaks when I need them because RL isn't like a game. I can't run for an infinite amount of time like my character. My "sprint" button has a pretty friggin' long cool down. So, I'm juggling the many different activities that are replacing my video game time.


    Today I also realised that "what the fuck was I doing that I wasn't able to see all overdue and incoming tasks?! Ah, sure, playing video games!" And even though I'm not playing, there's always many tasks (or in gamers jargon "quests") to get done!

    So, let's go and do every task until you'll need some relaxation/sleep to regenerate your energy!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    No kidding man! I'm physically exhausted. I just mowed the lawn. It's looking good af but I haven't found a good "do nothing" quest yet. Maybe reading. Meditation is good but it's really boring. Have any suggestions?

  10. I bought a 24' ladder today and started cleaning my gutters. The goal is to repair a leak on the roof which is incredibly steep but I was able to get on the porch roof and clear out some of the trash. 

    It's amazing how much stuff there really is to do without video games. It's even a little overwhelming, but I'm hoping to keep plugging away. Taking breaks when I need them because RL isn't like a game. I can't run for an infinite amount of time like my character. My "sprint" button has a pretty friggin' long cool down. So, I'm juggling the many different activities that are replacing my video game time.

  11. Thanks so much to all! , i literally put everything that i am on that old intro, but i decided to show not my bad state, but my improvement. By now i went into playing 1 hour (from 10 hours consecutively) , i know i failed the detox, but im trying to let the balance stop my gaming addiction, while i improve the rest of my l ife. Its like stopping cigarrete, its hard to quit cold turkey , but if u wanna quit progressively, u can do it , and im aiming to that. By now im doing well, and reuploaded videos on my youtube channel (bass playing), so i hope to keep the good state of myself, thanks to all!

    You're still in the fight. No worries. Try it and see what happens. If you relapse you know what not to do next time and if not, you did it! Either way you win.

  12. If you want to be sure it never hurts to put the barriers as high as possible(meaning to give teh account to a friend and let him change the password). Because you will be tempted to play all these things again along the 90 days.  More important then barriers is to find new activities. I think you did a lot of work here and if you feel later on that gaming Content is triggering you a lot and you are tempted it may be worth to jsut burn the bridges for ood(write a ticket to Blizzard support to delete your account permanently). Good luck to you and have fun exploring a new way of living!

    Thanks, I'm doing my best to get those barriers up. When deleting the characters it's less of a barrier and more of a ... closing a chapter.


    In the past and even now I'm justifying keeping it open because of some very strong reasons:

    1. I could not make it through this process and return to gaming

    I know the feeling.

    By deleting your stuff, you make sure that you have no other option but succeed. I have uninstalled everything, but I still have my accounts, with everything I purchased. The thing is that I came to a point were I don't want to go back.

    Favorite book: The Picture of Dorian Gray / Fight Club. Favorite Movie: American Beauty / Fight Club. Favorite Color: B&W.

    Welcome, mate! gl,hf

    Doing my best to torch the bridges. Thanks for the support.

    My favorite books are probably The Slight Edge and Work the System. (I'm a business nerd.) Movie: Beautiful Mind and Color... blue

  13. A good workout tonight and some quality time with my son and wife. A good start. It was challenging to let go of the Battle.net account. I kind of wish the WOW characters were deleted but it was uninstalled before I read that part. If I relapse I'll make sure to nuke them, but so far so good. I deleted the authorization app and that should make rebooting a pretty solid activation cost. 

    Jump in and chat. The social aspect of games was a big one for me. I'll be trolling around these forums and some other entrepreneurial sites. Touch base, say hi, tell me your favorite book, movie and color. I honestly want to know. ????????

  14. i wrote a long intro, but i regret it, not because i dont want to quit, but i really dont like to explain my bad state, instead, i would like to show my improvement at quitting, because it wasted me . Sorry for the reedit, Thanks for understanding, im struggling this year to quit and i couldnt make it yet. I hope to quit asap. First day of 90 day detox from now on . Wish me luck 

    Hey Luquelli, you're not alone. Just take it one day, one hour at a time. There will be times that it sucks. Walk slowly into the fire and breath deep. Those painful feelings won't kill you and you're not the only one feeling them. We are right there with you or have been there. Good luck and keep that list of things to do handy. You got this!

  15. Hey everyone. I'm really interested in getting to know some of you. My professional background is in marketing, design and entrepreneurship. I've owned multiple businesses and currently am the CEO of a specialty coffee roaster made by and for adventure seekers. I also do some consulting on the side to help new businesses get started or established businesses make a major pivot. 

    Like I said, I'm looking forward to seeing how the system works and getting to know you all a little better.

    Oh hey Colin! If you live in SoCal we should meet up and brew your beans! They better be fantastic -insert high expectations here-

    I also have a great summer drink if you're interested in the process. It involves espresso, ice  and something you'd probably never think to use with coffee.

    Welcome to the forums, I hope this place can help you in your journey.

    Thanks Laney, I'm not in SoCal right now but I travel all the time. Send me an email at colin@wakefieldroasters.com and I'll make sure you get some beans to try.

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