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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Colin

  1. Congrats on two weeks dude. Three weeks now? :)

    Yep, three weeks now. I just noticed yesterday that Netflix has to be curbed too. I can't delete my account because it's the main profile for my family, but I tried to setup some barriers to prevent me from getting lost in the abyss. Thanks for checking in - how was the summit?


    Thanks Alex, how long have you been without games?

    I finished my detox 166 days ago, after my third attempt. Although I did play a few hours of games with friends some 140 days ago when my brother invited old gamer friends over, but that's not important.

    Anything else you'd like to ask I can help you with?

    Not at the moment, but thanks. Maybe down the road. I'm maybe 2 weeks without games and it's easier everyday.

  3. Hi Colin, I just read up on your journal, and you're doing amazingly to have gotten rid of all your accounts, even your Blizzard account!

    Without your account to haunt you, you'll undoubtedly have much more time on your hands and freedom to try new activities. Better yet, make a 'new you'! Quitting the games is the first step, afterwards you can develop yourself into the person you really want to be.

    Every now and then you'll get cravings to play the games again, but they pass, and generally become less frequent over time.

    I hope this helps and best of luck with taking control of your life! :)

    Thanks Alex, how long have you been without games?

  4. Very inspiring Colin, great work, for me I am pretty addicted dota2.  I have deleted dota but it sucks how i can redownload it in 10 minutes with fibre... You post inspires me to delete my account. You're more of a man than me :P

    Hey, sorry I'm so late to reply. Work has been feverish. You only need a few minutes of courage to delete the account and then you can mourn it's loss. You just have to trust me that it gets better with time. You feel like crap right after it happens, but if you find new things - and you will - that's when things start getting better. You start feeling better. 

    Shoot me a text anytime you need a boost. My twitter is @ColinDentino, direct message me anytime.

  5. My Microsoft account is also marked for deletion. It takes 60 days, but then my XBOX account will also be gone forever. That chapter of my life will officially close with no way to return. I would have to start over again - still a possibility, but it's a high activation cost to get back into hardcore gaming now.

    It feels good actually... Like throwing out a bunch of clothes that you wear all the time but don't really like. (but never really knew)

  6. Battle.net, all my Blizzard games, characters and perks... RIP

    That was a difficult process. The Blizzard reps kept messing up the tickets so I had to keep asking them to close it. I attached my passport ID no fewer than 3 times to the ticket thread and even then they just deactivated my authenticator app, but finally... After multiple attempts, success!

    It hurts a little, but this is a new beginning! I can't go back anymore. If I wanted to start gaming again I would have to start from scratch. #burnbridges


  7. Do you plan your weekend or at least  plan activities one day ahead? It's really helpful to make day productive.

    I don't right now, but that's a good idea. Also, I just found out that the Blizzard rep didn't cancel my account... I can feel the draw again just knowing it's there. I'm going to try and get it deleted again.

  8. What could you do your weekend mornings that would make you feel empowered for the weekend?

    Working out? Yoga? Reading? Brunch with a friend? Focused time on a project?

    Good insight. I ended up working on business stuff that I hadn't gotten to during the week. Then I went for a run in the afternoon. It was okay, maybe not the best solution but it worked. I'll keep experimenting. 

  9. I still have the muscle but I'm a little fatter after my surgery, but I've been running and doing Freeletics for a few weeks now. I just changed my diet and that's helping with the weight. So I'm back on track but not back to where I was before surgery yet. 

  10. I told you. Deleting your characters sucks. Like really really sucks. Like you, I was embarrassed at by how much it hurt.

    I did it after going back and forth a few times. I did it quickly, like a bandaid. Just went through the motions and ... They were gone. 

    My first thought... I can probably call to get them back. 

    The thing is, the thing you can't see...

    Every time I cut a line, it hurt, it was hard, but then I felt a release. It's like the lines holding me back on the world were being cut and as painful as that was, they let me start moving forward again. 

    Do yourself a favor. Cut the lines. Do it quickly, have a good cry, and feel yourself start to awaken again. 

    In solidarity...

  11. Weekend mornings are turning out to be my biggest challenge. Normally I would just game in the morning until afternoon. It was an awesome release or at least that's what I think it was. After watching Cam's videos maybe it wasn't really a release. It was an escape from my life. 

    How do I find that same escape?

    Should I be escaping anymore?

    What do I replace that time with?

    It's silly because these are the same questions I've answered during the week, but on the weekends they haven't been answered yet.

    Feel free to drop your two cents below if you want. Thanks

  12. Lol, caught me there! I uninstalled the game, but couldn't bring,myself at the time to delete the toons. After all the work I put in I was not willing to look at them and dismantle them. Ugh! I know you're right. At some point hopefully I can do that as final closure.

    It really feels bad when you do it. Seriously. I felt stupid at how much it hurt, but it gets better and even feels good - like you accomplished something - after awhile. Good luck man. It's not easy but you're not alone. 

  13. I would just say to anyone, find your strength and stay with it. For me, reuniting with a rededication to what matters in life with my wife and kids has been huge. I have also been really digging into the Bible and finding a lot of strength there.

    It's a hard process, no lie. Remember to put in the time on doing cool stuff outside gaming that deliver the same thing. Like going on adventures with the family or taking some quiet time to read a new book. We're here for you when you need us. You're not alone.

  14. Hey SanctiaV,

    Ya it's tough! I'm only 2 weeks in on a journey I started alone, with just the support of my family. I'm 40, married with 2 little boys. I realized I was fighting my family and justifying my gaming time in Destiny. It owned me. Its still trying to pull me back in. I haven't let it go totally. I'm getting chat room messages constantly from folks in my clan as they prep for a new dlc coming out in a couple weeks. I can't stand it. I had to leave those chat rooms cuz even hearing about it is causing me to second guess my decision to leave it all behind. Keep in mind what it does to you when you go back. Keep in mind the victory and freedom you feel the longer you stay away and stay strong. Set little goals and knock those out and gradually increase them while gradually cutting ties at the same time if need be.

    EvergreenAxe467, this is going to be the hardest thing to do, but after the intense emotional pain there is a release... delete your Destiny characters. I did it with my WoW toons and it fucking sucks... but then it's a little more okay, and a little more, and then it's actually okay.

  15. Hi.

    I'm 30 years old. I never worked in my life. I receive a small money from rental of a house that was from my deceased mother. This is the only money I get, and I'm responsible for my sustain. I already dropped out 3 times of 3 different universities. I'm currently matriculated in a engineering course, but I it's only in order to eat the free lunch and dinner.

    I live alone in a rented room and have no friends, only going out to eat. I wake up and start a mixture of gaming, wikipedia and my country's imageboard. Than I go to sleep. It's been like this since my 18.

     Year after year is getting worse. Sometimes I think that now I made to the end of the hole, but always can be a little deep. Even my healthy is deteriorating because I started to drink 1L of a inexpensive and garbage local soda almost every day since last year.

    It feels like I slept with 20 and awaked with 30, really old and with regrets.

    I can't awake up and realize I have 40.

    Gaming and browsing mindless in the internet has to go. Has to go forever. It has been years that it isn't funny anymore.

    Some people don't "wake up" in their entire lifetime. This process will take time, effort and be painful but you have support in us. Lean on us and stay the course. 

  16. You're not alone at all SanctiaV. I just went through it. I didn't delete my WoW characters until I was already into detox because it was too emotional. I didn't delete my Battle.net account until even after that so it's a process. Just stick with it. Do what you can, be gentle with yourself as you move in a new direction. It takes practice.

    Message me anytime you need to talk with someone. I just went through this process. I'm on Day 9.

  17. That last post was some junk that I couldn't get rid of. It must have been a bug with the forum software GQ is using. If I delete it, it comes back so I'm just going to leave it.

    I haven't posted much because I'm doing well. I played a lot of chess last night, but "a lot chess" isn't even close to the same as "a lot of No Man's Sky or World of Warcraft". 

    I think my Battle.net account was officially closed. It's not recognizing my login anymore, but I never got a confirmation email. Hopefully it's gone because I'm at the point now where I'm thinking, "Sure I can game in moderation", but I know I can't yet. After a few years of sobriety maybe, but I'm not even close yet. I'm on Day 9... lol

    Life isn't that much different actually. I have more time to do other things, most of which is sleep at night. The initial push was hard, really hard, but now things are getting easier. I have a new routine, it's nothing crazy like DJing in the Netherlands or spear fishing off the coast of Madagascar, but I'm hoping that will come with time. #slightedge

  18. Hey Colin,

    I'm trying to find some things for this situation as well and I don't know how much of a fitness fan you're but for me "preparing meals" works pretty great at the moment. I just had like a super full weekend with around 14 hours of sports and 10 hours of work, today I woke up and felt like doing nothing and if it would had been 4 weeks ago I would had played video games on the couch for 6 hours. Instead I made myself a nice breakfast, restored some energy and then went and bought some food and prepared it for the next 2 days and I already feel like I'm ready to go now for something, either physical or mental. Also I had like relaxing 3 hours enjoying different smells and tastes while not really draining my powers, physically and mentally. Maybe that Idea could sometimes work for you too if you're into eating habits and working out.

    That's awesome and already helpful. I took some time out today to do just that. It was great. Relaxing and helped me head in the direction of my goals. Thank you for the support and suggestions. They're awesome. 

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