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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. I'm sorry not very good at this I would appreciate it if anyone could give me some advice I really need it any advice I would be very grateful I have only done a intro msg on forum and that's it just haven't known what to say.Tried to stop gaming so many times now. Have a problem with my dopamine or something I'm not getting any enjoyment from anything really even nit as much From gaming anymore how weird. I brought 3 xboxes one was 360 as I wanted to play some old games and 2 xbox ones (one didt have a disc drive so brought another one). I wanted to play some old game I haven't played and then my 2nd relapse was to play fitness games on xbox but I struggled to do that. Currently Really craving getting the new lego star wars ( which im probably going to buy) as I want to play my favourite characters,play through favourite parts of the movies and to explore.Mayve I just want to control and be in that universe which I love. When i brought game pass None of the games really interest me I'm very fussy and only like NBA,Lego,Star wars and marvel. I get alot of cravings to play games but when I actually play them I'm sort of disinterested and don't want to play it which is a continual cycle which also causes me to buy new things all the time. One of my bad habits is I buy books but don't read them love the feeling of buying something feel like I always need too. My phone use with youtube is bad I go on it all the time can't do much without having it on as well eg:when I'm eating or putting cream on. I put it on when I'm bored which is alot of the time and don't know what to do in a day. I write things on to do list sometimes but are short, don't take long to fill up day and/or I put it off and do them. I watch gaming videos on youtube all the time can't help it my brain craves them and hasn't changed this is what I watch/listen 90% of time All I do at night is scroll on my phone. When I come back from work I just want to relax which is normally what I do the whole of the next day and don't do anything I just don't know what to do. I have been referred to a gaming clinic as j still have 2 months before I get a assessment Im like why not buy lego star wars, can finish story in that time so I'm able to play it and try it so it's off my mind but might be wasting my time like I always do and time is going by so fast I'm already 19 now! I live with my mum and I'm not very independent and struggle to be self reliant I rely on other people alot. Maybe I need to go away from my house as I'm maybe too comfortable right now I don't know. I have a couple dreams,ideas and asprirations which I would like to try but feel like I can't, it's too hard, too far away etc.Dont know how to start and try some of them. I hope this makes sense I'm not very good at this at all I'm sorry. Thank you so much. Might have forgotten to say a few things to say but need to get some sleep now :).
  2. Hi @Alex1 Thank you. That's great well done you. Yes I know it's important to find other things to do like rock climbing etc. I haven't found activities yet like I want to start doing some online courses but I procrastinate and don't do it. I see well done you for making that change. Just curious why was working at costco not helping you develop yourself was it because you were not enjoying it and struggling? Yes you are absolutely right! I just feel I don't know a bit scared to leave games behind and I don't really know who I am in some ways. There's games which j want to play but I'm trying to resist it as I know it would be a waste of time. The problem I'm having is like I said I'm going on my phone alot and not doing tasks on my to do list cause I feel there too hard to do. Thanks for your msg Alex your doing great keep it up!
  3. Hi Everyone. I have played games since I was very young. I have been having trouble with it since primary school and it got worse in secondery school from age 11 onwards. I wasn't really doing any other activities apart from gaming. It has impacted the grades I got, the things I could have done when I was younger, socialising etc etc. I would just come home from school and play videogames. I didt go to college and I was just at home gaming it got really bad when I brought a ps5 as my friend's were getting it as well and they were getting me really excited after I previously sold my ps4 in secondary school. I would always check ro see if my friends were on to play with them and just stare at it just waiting for them to come on. I was just drawn to ps5 couldn't think about much else. I sold it last year didt have it for long and then I got an xbox one to try and fill what I felt was missing again. I tried to play in moderation but I was getting to many thoughts and my brain was still drawn to it even though I was only playing for 30 mins to 1 hour at night. Currently I got myself a job (started last month) which I have been struggling with at times. I have not been gaming for a 2 or 3 months since I contacted Cam however I did relapse a few days ago.i still have the xbox one at the moment. I lack discipline and my mind set is/was not right. I still watch gaming videos which isn't good and I keep looking to see what games are on sale even though I want to quit. I procrastinate alot and don't get things done, find it very hard to get myself to do things eg: I want to do online course but instead I go on youtube and watch videos. My phone use especially on youtube has increased dramatically since trying to stop gaming.I struggle with my mental health alot and my health hasn't been the best at the moment. I want this to change I have got the respawn programme but have been putting off doing it and only have done the first module. I want to complete the respawn programme that's one of the things I'm focused on. I want to be able to be more productive and stop wasting my time mindlessly scrolling and consuming content. I want to get a job I enjoy and am passionate about. To just be a better person in general, to not get distracted as much and hopefully to be happy. Like I said I'm going to try and complete the respawn programme and follow the advice from that. I am going to get two books from tanya goodin about phone and tech use and hopefully this will help but I have alot of trouble with taking action. I have been nervous to create an account for the forum and start using it. I have kept putting it off and I didt really know what to write (sounds silly I know) Thanks for reading any help and advice would be appreciated i want sure how in depth to go with this if you need more information let me know. I also want to try and help others if I can do. Sorry for not remembering the dates eg:when I sold my ps5 etc. And apologies if what I wrote is all over the place. Thanks so much for reading it means alot and I hope you are well.
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