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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by NesteaDrinker

  1. 19th February:

    For some reason coudln't fall asleep this night so naturally I woke up 3 hours later than planned. Somehow squizzed my 2 hour session of drawabox before my fiancee arrived with her things (she moved in today). During the practice I did half of the top view study of the motorcycle. Not only I had less anxiety before study than ever I also realized that the top study and the front will be easier because of symmetry. Looks like in few days I will be doing the proper perspective drawing. For the rest of the day I was helping my fiancee with her stuff and also put her new desk together. After that I did also 1 hour of love life drawing assigment (100 ribcages). I made it exactly to 50th ribcage and it also became less overwhelming so thats another success. Now it is time to go to sleep.

    Reminder of my goals:

    I will finish the drawabox course (3 studies left) by 11.03.2022
    I will finish the love life drawing beginner series by 25.02.2022
    I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 
    I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027

    Practice counter: 10 hours

  2. "but I seem to be unable to really stretch myself into longer work sessions without taking a break every 20-25 minutes"

    This is so relatable, how long are your breaks? Mine are 5 minutes while in a drawing session and 30 minutes beetwen bigger tasks.

  3. 18th February:

    This time according to my plan I didn't oversleep and spent 9 hours in bed instead of 12. I ate something while listening to a spi podcast and then immadiately got to work. First task - 2 hours on drawabox course. I finished the side view of a motor which already is a big win for myself and it was less stressful this time. Next I was practising what I've learned earlier in love life drawing beginner course for 30 minutes and the next 30 minutes I wanted to spent on next video lesson. Oh man, I had to take a break 15 minutes after the video. The assigment for this one was to draw 100 simplified ribcages from different perspectives using 3d model and I got so overwhelmed by the amount of the work required that all I wanted was to turn it off and call it a day. Thankfully a break while listening to a music gave some positive effects and I was going to face the challenge and not only I finished successfully this hour but managed to squizze another hour for ribcages today (31 ribcages in total, yay!). So to sum up I was drawing today for 4 hours. Beside drawing I also decided to reconnect with 2 of my online friends. They were my gamer friends once but now we mostly speak about art (they are drawing too). We had really a great time, a lot of laugh and helping each other in our drawings and projects. That was a good day. 

    There is also one thing I haven't mention and that is I also made an instagram account yesterday. I use it only as art journal. Log in, put fruits of my effort and log out. I don't allow myself to browse.

    Reminder of my goals:

    I will finish the drawabox course (3 studies left) by 11.03.2022
    I will finish the love life drawing beginner series by 25.02.2022
    I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 
    NEW! I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027

    Practice counter: 7 hours

  4. Hey

    Relapses happen to the best of us. Maybe it is a time to take a huge step back and rethink some things in life. Quitting games is great first step but it won't automaticly make your problems dissapear but it gives you time necesarry to solve them. Step back, think what you could do better after you quitted and before you relapsed. Is there anything to change? How to change that? What are the steps? Reread your journal. It is the best time to make a new plan for yourself. Also you made it to 100 days! Thats great! You did it once, you can definitely do that again.

  5. My introduction: 


    14th Febraury:

    Today I realized I should have spent more time on my art. I have been learning for 3 years now and feel like I should be already good at it. But I'm not.

    I tried to do some math and during these 3 years I spent maybe 600 hours on art and this is probably exaggeration. It could be 300 or 400 but I haven't really tracked it. I have started many courses but haven't even finished the most important one for me: drawabox. I have started it in december 2018. Some complete this course in few months, some in 2 years and here I am at the finish line after 3 years but unable to end feeling like the slowest student in the world. It has been almost 5 years since I played League last time. I was good at it, made it to diamond and now here I am drawing feeling like a silver or even bronze. There is a game that is coming out soon and I feel some cravings towards it.

    15th February:

    I told myself if I do all of my chores and a drawing session then I can decide if I buy this game. So I did, unpacked some stuff in the new home and picked up a drawing that I was afraid to finish. Of course I messed the drawing up but that was expected to be honest. The linework was good but I thought I can use colour pencils without proper training beforehand and make a masterpiece. And I ruined it as expected, the drawing went to trash can but hey, at least I tried. I felt even proud of myself to take the courage to try. Still can't decide if I should buy the game (I don't feel like I want to write the name of it).

    16th February:

    Slept too much again (I'm isolated because I have corona virus so I don't have to work now). I'm having a headache but I was ready to make a decision. Instead of buying a game I decided to give respawn programm a try. Decided I won't be drawing today, instead I'm going to devour respawn content. On this day I did most of the modules and the worksheets, told my fiancee that I won't be gaming anymore and I need her support (she is a non-gamer fortunately). I wanted to make forum account but something went wrong so I wrote an email. Before sleep I made a vague to do list.


    17th February:

    Slept too much again (12 hours). Damn you vague planning! Got up, dressed up and went to kitchen to make a dinner (too late for breakfast). I got bored while eating and my autopilot wanted to surf the internet, then I remembered that I have written my go to activity when bored. Opened up the samsung notes and here we go - I should listen to a podcast. And I did! After dinner I closed up the podcast and decided to do hardest thing on my to do list - "Spend 2 hours in total making a drawing for the drawabox course". I'm on the last lesson and I need to make 8 drawings of vehicles using reference and techniques described in the lesson. I have already done 5 of them. Now it is time to draw a yamaha motor. I even started doing the sideview study but I knew that I have to start over, it was too sloppy. So here I am very anxious and stressed hitting start on a clock and making new attempt. And since you are reading this I want you to know that I survived and I drew for 2 hours! I haven't finished the sideview yet but it looks way better than previous attempt. After that I did another thing on my list - "Spend 1 hour in total on the love life drawing beginner series". Another success. Both of these task really empowered me. Ok, lets go, now easy tasks - unpack something and finish respawn. Of course both of these ended up successfully. The only thing left today is this forum account (thank you for helping me with registering!) and starting a journal. And as you can clearly see I made it today.

    Also here are my goals in the near and distant future:
    I will finish the drawabox course (3 studies left) by 11.03.2022
    I will finish the love life drawing beginner series by 25.02.2022
    I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023     -        I did some math and the dream scenario would be to spend 17 hours a week practising drawing (884 hours a year). We will see if it is even possible.

    Practice counter: 3 hours

    Also below my quit tracker:



  6. This isn't the first time I quit gaming. The first time I typed out how to quit games was many years ago and many things changed since then. I don't remember the exact date when I started following this community but I do have (fortunately) the date of me quitting League of Legends. It was almost 5 years ago, exactly 20th May 2017 y (1734 days I believe). Since then I improved a lot:

    -got a girlfriend (she is now my fiancée)

    -found a new hobby (drawing)

    -got better looks

    -got a nice home (together with my fiancee)

    -and even got a better relationship with gaming

    But it isn't enough. Given that we all have only 24 hours even 1 to 2 hours of gaming is too much, especially if you want to change career like I do. My typical day looked like that:

    Wake up at 9 am, go to work, back from work at 6 pm, go to sleep, wake up at 9 pm, do a drawing session (30 minutes to hour if at all), game a bit (for hour or two), browse the internet (reddit, youtube) untill 2 am and go to sleep.

    Friday to Sunday after work nap and then spending time with friends.

    Repeat. Looks not that bad except bad sleeping habits but definitely far from perfect for someone who wants to be a good artist who gets paid for making art.

    It has been 3 years since I picked up drawing and today I realized I have spent not enough time on it. If I ever want to make it my career I need to change that but that means:

    No more gaming and no more mindless internet browsing.

    So here I am again ready respawn and be more serious about drawing. Gotta go make a journal to keep myself sane.


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  7. Hope it isn't too late since it was posted 15 days ago but I think it is time for you to revisit respawn book if you have access to one or free youtube videos. You are about to relapse my man, I won't stop you from doing that but think about the alternative. Try new activities, revisit what you can do to engage your mind, what to do when you are bored and how you are going to socialize. Gaming isn't the only way. I know it hurts that you can't run as much as you would like but you were able to develop one passion beside gaming and now I believe you can add another one to your arsenal.

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