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Everything posted by NesteaDrinker

  1. 22th June: - did 15 minutes sketches for 8 portraits - some of them gone really well - I'm going to draw another 8 tommorow Goals: I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 8 Practice counter: 254 hours
  2. 21th June: - another 3 hours of learning art - I was breaking down cheek area in the photoshop - tried some quick sketching today - it went quite badly - gotta try again tommorow Goals: I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 8 Practice counter: 251 hours
  3. Thanks a lot! I'm doing my best 😄 17th June: - did the last breakdown today - realized that I was drawing the cheekbone wrong - that's ok, I'm grateful for spotting it before I moved on to the next exercise Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (8/8) (DONE!) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 8 Practice counter: 248 hours
  4. 16th June: - another breakdown done - I'm going to draw one more before moving on - no reason to do 15 of them - can't wait for the next exercise Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (7/8) (changing quantity) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 245 hours
  5. 15th June: - finished another breakdown - it was gigachad this time! - I'm going to change the subject to women now Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (6/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 242 hours
  6. 14th June: - today decided to draw more challenging angle - it went quite good! - also have started another drawing Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (5/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 239 hours
  7. 11th June: - 3,5 hours of practice today - being aware of dunning-kruger effect decided not to reduce the amount of breakdowns Im going to do - for now focusing on increasing the difficulty of the exercise - today I was drawing front view which is much harder than 3/4 view - the result was quite ok Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (4/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 236,5 hours
  8. 10th June: - todays practice was a little lighter - I was revisiting drawing noses and lips for the completionist sake - Next week plan is to revisit how to draw hair and lineweight and apply it to next breakdowns - I will probably reduce the amount of breakdowns Im going to do in total. I feel good about my progress so far and I don't want to waste my time. I just feel in my bones that I need a new challenge. Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (3/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 233 hours
  9. 9th June: - it was hard to wake up earlier today - but still it was worth it because I have started next portrait study - finished the portrait after work - feeling like Im getting better Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (3/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 230 hours
  10. 8th June: - the eyes drawing practice paid off, it really helped with understanding the structure - quite proud with todays break down but still need more practice (also forgot to go in depth with jaw and cheek planes) Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (2/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 227 hours
  11. 7th June: - I was learning how to draw eyes with structure so I can do better with my next drawing - Feeling tired today - Hope to get some good quality sleep Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (1/15) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 224 hours
  12. 6th June: - another 3 hours of practice - broke down the real face using asaro method - it was hard but the result was quite good - need to work on the eyes area Goals: I will draw 15 break downs using asaro method by 06.07.2022 (1/15) NEW! I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 221 hours
  13. 3rd June: - 3 hours of practice today - I was breaking down heads in photoshop using the asaro head - the exercise is going to be hard on paper - I'm both excited and frightened at the same time but this one is going to pay off later on Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (20/20) DONE! I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 218 hours
  14. 2nd June: - 1 hour today - finished the lay in exercise! - tommorow I will be preparing for the next exercise - drawing planes of the head of real people using asaro head as a guide Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (20/20) DONE! I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 7 Practice counter: 215 hours
  15. 1st June: - 1,5 hours today - almost finished the lay in exercise - I'm going to finish the last sketch tommorow morning Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (19/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 214 hours
  16. 31th May: - one hour of practice in the morning - my brother visited us after my work - we played spirit island boardgame - it was great! Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (18/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 212,5 hours
  17. 30th May: - 3 more hours today - think I got really good at those simple lay ins (almost done!) - can't wait for the next exercise! Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (17/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 211,5 hours
  18. Thanks for the suggestions! Thanks! Highly recommend the curriculum for solo artist for fast results and consistent results!
  19. 26th-29th May: - focused more on taking rest - went swimming with one of my best friends - played some boardgames with my brother - 2,5 hours in total spent on drawing - getting better with lay in exercise Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (15/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 208,5 hours
  20. 25th May: -one hour today -I was drawing bigger today and did my best at proportions today but failed a bit with the angles -someday I will get likeness on my first try -after work we have played some boardgames with my brother Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (13/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 206 hours
  21. 24th May: -continuing drawing simple lay ins -less mistakes in proportions this time but I definitely need to start draw bigger -tommorow my brother will visit us to play boardgames - can't wait! Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (12/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 205 hours
  22. 23th May: - 5 more simple lay ins of various heads - still doing mistakes in angles in proportions but they look 3d at least - hope to do better tommorow - also reached 200 hours milestone! Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (7/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 202 hours
  23. 20th May: - only one hour today with one lay in - after work went swimming with my cousin - before bed spent the remaining time with my fiancee Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (2/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 199 hours
  24. 19th May: -celebrating 5 years without league of legends! -learning how to draw simple lay ins -I was tracing photos in photoshop to get better how to do it -at the end of the session I made the first sketch - it went okay Goals: I will draw 20 simple lay ins by 09.06.2022 (1/20) I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 198 hours
  25. 18th May: - only one hour today- my brother visited us - we played brass birmingham (boardgame) for the first time - love it! - figuring out how to draw simple head lay ins and gathering references Goals: I will draw 20 asaro head by 20.05.2022 (20/20) DONE! I will have 800 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2023 I will have 3000 hours on my practice counter by 01.03.2027 Goals met: 6 Practice counter: 195 hours
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