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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by rexsomnii

  1. Hi everyone,

    Joseph here, I'm 37 been playing games since the old DOS days.  Was a pretty lonely kid and used it to escape and have been playing games ever since.  

    Although I can easily talk about all the benefits gaming has, and why I enjoy it so much, it's hard to admit that I do have an addiction and that it has definitely prevented me from achieving some of my dreams and goals.

    As of right now I'm trying to pass a big licensing exam for physiotherapy and if I can manage to pass I will have the opportunity to be able to provide for my family financially.

    It was kind of a spur of the moment to look up gaming addiciton to deal with my procrastination and it just made me face my problems I wasn't intending to quit gaming as i've been comfortable and set in my ways for so long.

    But if I'm truly honest with myself it's something that needs to be done.

    Emotionally I'm scared I won't be able to live without gaming as it's been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember.

    I'm frustrated because I was actually in the middle of a game and if I stick with it and do the 90 day detox well I'll be leaving the story midway.

    I'm feeling resistance as I find myself mumbling to myself ohhh I know all this already, why did I pay for this.  It's not so well recorded etc.

    That being said I am slightly hopeful that I can get through this and at least pass my exam.


    Anyhow I don't want to bring anyone down with my negativity just being honest. 

    I do want to give a shout out to anyone else who is struggling or wanting to quit games and that I whole heartedly support you and want you to succeed. 

    All the best to everyone else out there!



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