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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Da_WizIV

  1. Hi everyone,

    My name is David and I live in Santa Clarita, CA. Yesterday I was feeling lazy and not really wanting to do anything so I decided to do a Google search as to why I didn't feel like doing anything. After a lot of further research I came across Game Quitters and it actually peeked my interest. I began reading a ton of different testimonials and articles that have been posted to the website. As I began reading more and more I started to feel very convicted that literally all I was reading was me. I also took the 9 question quiz at the website's home page and answered 7 out of 9 questioned with a yes. I knew that I had a problem indeed with a gaming addiction, but I have been in denial about it for so many years. I am glad that I have caught it now, though, because I wouldn't say it is ruining my social life, but it has definitely affected how productive I am and I have not been pursuing any kind of career because of my lack of interest to do so. I decided today that I am going to do this 90 day detox that has been mentioned on the website and we will see where I end up in 90 days. I do think this is going to be very difficult for me down the road, but today I feel excited and proud. I hope that all of you can be encouraging and helpful to me through this whole process. Thank you so much to Cam for creating all of this and setting everything up! Without this support, I don't know if I would've been able to come to the self-realization on my own that I need to quit playing video games. I have done 2 lessons so far in module 1 and they have been great! Through this whole process, I want to be able to become much more proactive and productive in my life. I don't want to just work and then go home and do nothing. I want to try new things out and find new hobbies that I might enjoy. I also want my social life to be even more active. I want my focus to be on helping other people more in whatever way I can and I need to get rid of video games to free up my time for that. I also want to help my mental health and overall mental state and I really think that this will help my brain activity to increase and for myself to grow in many different ways I never thought I could. A final thing I really want through this is to actually take action in pursuing a career that I want for my life. So many times I told myself I could try something and I either didn't ever try it or I got bored with it after a while because it was taking up time where I could be playing video games. So I am hoping through this that I will take more action and control over doing things that can advance me into a career.

    Thank you to everyone who read my post and is going through this whole process with me.

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