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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by TrevorA

  1. Hi everyone, 


    Been sober two weeks now and I'm really struggling to hold on. I've lost my only coping mechanism and im struggling to fill the void with other activities or hobbies. 


    Can anyone suggest some that work for them? 


    P.s my wife is upset thinking all i find joy in is video games and wondering why her crying face confronting me isn't reason enough to stop playing. I tried to reassure her that im just struggling but i know it didn't take. I have been very moody and verbal with my upset at quitting. 

  2. Hi everyone, 


    Im having a real hard time. I have been experiencing memory lapses and holes in my memory. Is this a symptom of a long time video game addiction? Its caused an issue with myself and my wife because it looks like im lying when i say i cannot remember doing something. 


    Now im not even trying to say im innocent. She confronts me with the evidence that i did something. Usually something im not supposed to. My problem is dual in that i cannot remember doing so which is scary and also that i look like a liar.


    Dishonesty has been a huge problem of ours leading up to this moment. I have massive issues with vulnerability and inadequacy. It's caused me to pursue video games to an unhealthy degree and to lie to the woman i love because I'm scared to just be myself. 


    Can someone help me ?

  3.  Hey everyone, 

    Im on here because im looking for support with quitting video games for good. I would normally say im looking to reduce the amount of video games to a normal amount but given that my unhappiness with myself and my life drove me to cheat online and pursue video games to an unhealthy degree; im looking to leave games forever. 


    I hope this will be a safe place to be during the transition. I'm very scared.

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