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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Samage

  1. Greetings all,

    I've been doing short v-logs for my journals. I've found them to be more useful than typing it up as I write a lot for work and talking through the stuff I am observing has been more helpful also.

    The channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPInylyJAmjw8htmuO33Qg

    I'm not trying to build a youtube career, genuinely. I have a great job already. But if there are people who like that way of interacting more or want to follow along with someone in a more personal way while they quit themselves, they're up there and up to day 26, so plenty of days to start with.

    All the best to everyone who is quitting, it's a hard road but one everyone in our generation must eventually go through, with how prevalent it is today.


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  2. Mate,

    Similar situation here with all of that. I think the hiding it from the partner is part of the Man Child Cave theory I have. 

    Stick with the outdoor pursuits and if you're indoor, make sure you have a list of things to do inside that aren't gaming or adjacent to gaming.

    If you want to see more being done, how about doing it yourself?

    Good luck sir, and good luck with the IVF stuff. It's no joke but well worth it if you are successful.

    • Like 2
  3. Hey all,

    Todays video is about when the universe shuts a door on you because it's not right for you and how that repeated for me recently with games and cards. Why it happens and what to do if you feel it happen. All personal experience and opinions but things that have resonated with me greatly.


  4. Greetings all,

    In order to make journaling easier, mine will be on youtube as 10 minute long video logs (ish). For those of you who don't want to read or reply in the forum, this may interest. I'm not trying to build a career on youtube, it's just the easiest way for me to get my thoughts off paper and out into the world. 

    As JP says, "Your speech creates your reality" (paraphrased) and that's why my journals will be in video format. Days 1-3 are on the channel now.

    Thanks, and kia kaha to all you quitters.

    Link to first video: 


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  5. Then my suggestion is to do your best to remove as much of gaming from your life as you can and that may mean sacrificing things you want. I have the same issue with video editing and my desktop, but I've removed all steam, origin, bookmarks to sites, youtube subs etc, so when you're on the machine, it's just work.

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  6. Hey mate,

    You're on the right path, small changes are easier to maintain.

    However, you may need to ditch the things that allow you to relapse. Your PC is probably on of those things. Reading your post, it seems like you think about WoW in terms of playing it, and not in terms of the damage it's done to you. This leads you to compromise with yourself. removing the portals that allow you to relapse is an important step in breaking from addiction. An example from my experience with quitting drugs, I have to get rid of all the equipment and tools around that habit. Even one glass pipe is enough to trigger a compromise that leads to a relapse.

    Good luck mate. If you haven't already, read 12 Rules for Life. It'll help.

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  7. Greetings all,

    My name is Sam. I'm a 37 year old kiwi living in the US. I started playing videogames when I was around 12 or 13, when it was almost more educational than leisure. This developed into a habit after high school on consoles, but eventually I got a PC and it was daily, for hours. WoW was what really sucked me in though and from 2004 onwards it has been a part of my life that I've spend well over 10's of thousands of dollars on over the last 20 years. Consoles, new PCs, new games, subscriptions to websites that talked about games, swag, merch etc. During all this time, I was a habitual marijuana smoker and masturbator. I had relationships but they weren't good ones and the more I gamed, the less it satisfied me. My first marriage fell apart because I was an unmotivated soft dick who got mad because the internet was too slow. I smoked dope to distance myself from the shame of it and the shame of accomplishing nothing as I got older and my friends went on to bigger and better things. -

    As I got older, I noticed that gaming didn't satisfy me, so I spread my attention to other hobbies, like 40k (expensive and time consuming), MTG (expensive and time consuming) and other drugs that got me more distracted so I didn't ever have to face that crushing self-recrimination. Over the last 4 years I've taken long breaks from marijuana but I used gaming to cover up the hole. More recently, I decided to quit properly because I had noticed I was having obstructive issues with my lungs and my capacity for breathing had noticeably diminished. 

    Day 1 I had a melt down after losing 3 card games in a row to a friend. I stormed around my "man (child) cave" wanting to break stuff and I did. After locking myself in my bedroom and failing to fall asleep I decided to let the gates open and just let it all out. The common theme I noticed in my rantings was how much of a loser I felt I was because of how much time I'd wasted on being unproductive and the main culprit was all the toys, games and other childish things I'd continued to immerse myself in. I wasn't a good husband or a man, and if I continued down this path, how good of a father would I be?

    I spent the rest of the night going through my cards, games, consoles and getting every single thing related to it either trashed or setup to sell. Then the following day, I got rid of it all. That's today. 

    A bing search yielded this website and here I am. Looking over the forums, it seems like this is an issue for a lot of people. As someone in the older bracket, hopefully some of you younger bucks can get this process started sooner and get motivated to do so by reading some of the older bucks stories. It's real. The guy who runs this website is bang on about life waiting for you outside of the gaming and drug funk.

    So, hi.


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