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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Velhic

  1. Wow so I stopped viewing the forums because I wasn’t getting notifications of replies I figured it was just dead.

    Thanks for your response yahoo, I actually did exactly that.

    I uninstalled all my single player games I would play all day and started just playing multiplayer games with my friends only, restricting me to about 3 hours a day instead of 6-8.

    Its hard to fill the time because all I have to do seems like work to me, but I do feel better with my choices.

    Now my gaming feels a bit more like a hobby instead of an addiction, it’s only been a week, but as time goes on I’ll fill in how it’s going.

  2. I’m gonna give you the frank advice that you probably need to hear.

    You’re just gonna have to quit watching reviews and other video game content.

    You have come along way, but you still have a long way to go.

    The excitement and wonder will come back through new skills and challenges.

    And the excitement won’t be with a FAKE world, but with what YOU are capable of doing in LIFE.

  3. Thank you for responding, I’m slowly becoming more used to the idea. It’s hard sometimes when you KNOW how they’re gonna react.

    Especially my father, he’s gonna think it’s just another one of my quitting / self improvement fads. In a week he’ll be asking me if I wanna game, even if I tell him I never want to again.

    I guess I’m scared of the hurt of him not believing in me...

  4. I’m planning on telling my gaming friends individually that I’m quitting gaming for LIFE.

    Also I’m planning what hobbies and goals I’m going to replace it with.

    Im getting my affairs in order, but I feel as if im driving at a cliff full speed. Not sure what’s gonna happen if I’m gonna fly or crash.

    I feel like people close to me aren’t gonna believe me or take it seriously.

    just some self doubt would like to hear what y’all have to say.

    p.s. Not a pity party, I don’t need that

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  5. Thanks for the responses guys, I appreciate the advice it’s gonna be a shake up for sure.

    I’m planning on quitting cold turkey before the end of the year, and I’m just figuring out ways to plan my days so I’m not tempted to plug in ever again.

  6. You know that voice in your head that keeps telling you do something and you never listen?

    No matter the situation or goal, mine always says, “first step is to quit playing video games.” And until now I have never listened, or only half-assed this monumental task.

    It seems so hugely impossible to quit playing video games, as it’s so entrenched into my life. My dad, my friends, all play together every day, twice a day.

    When I go to sleep, I’m thinking of strategies and when I wake up, I power on and start shirking the responsibilities of real life and continue on the infinite power struggle.

    I’ve never followed through on anything in my life, so I’m going to try to make this the first.

    I’m going to need the most help when it comes to separating ties with my “gamer group”, because they’re gonna think it’s them, and not the games.

    Oh well first step forward, I posted.

    Thanks for reading,


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