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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by fedya

  1. Hello all. I got into gamequitting about a year and half before I knew about this community. I sold my gaming PC, got a cheap one for school, and cut off ties with my toxic group. I had to leave the country for about a year for work and in that time I had no opportunity to play games except for some little indie games here and there that I would play on and off, and for once in my life I used gaming as a very healthy little escape instead of a life consuming addiction. I came back to the states and immediately got a low end gaming laptop and started to slip back into addiction. This thing couldn't handle the really addicting stuff but I still managed to get hooked to games quite quickly. I went on a rollercoaster of uninstalling, reinstalling and playing these little indie games for hours on end, and uninstalling again. It was unhealthy but not as bad as before my year abroad when I had a huge rig. 

    I made the blunder this Christmas of buying a mid range gaming rig, even though I'm trying to budget to save money for a yearlong study abroad program in St. Petersburg that has been my dream for the past 3 years. I told myself I'd develop good habits alongside it and use it as a reward. Ofcourse, this didn't work. I have burned an embarrassingly large amount of time playing Escape from Tarkov. Ruining my sleep schedule, my grades even are beginning to sag, I started to notice irritability and the constant desire to run home after whatever class and spend the next 10 hours at my desk. 

    I have a really great support network for getting rid of this addiction outside of this website thankfully, but it still makes it very hard. I lied to the current group of dudes I game with and told them a buddy spilt beer straight into the rig and its fried, and now I'm working on selling it. But now all I see is all this free time and no desire to do any of the things I said I would do when I was at the height of this timewasting a week ago: practice my Russian, work out, read, etc. I just wish I could manage myself enough to game just 1-2 hours at max per day and work on the stuff I need to work on, but I can't.

    So all that aside, how do you guys spend your free time? The first time I gamequitted I was living with my 2 best friends and it was very easy. But now all my friends have left town since I was gone and its extremely inconvenient to meet them regularly. I'm at college right now but it just seems like most groups I run into their ideas of fun are, go figure, gaming, or having parties where we just drink to the point of near death. I wish I could go out there and hang out with people and spend the whole day with another human being doing fun stuff but its like this whole damn city (Atlanta) is just a giant stripclub or bar.


    TL;DR: It's a vicious cycle, I spend too much time playing vidya and get depressed because I do nothing productive for days, weeks on end, and then when I give it up and do these productive things I realize that I am, most of the time, entirely alone and bored to death. Sorry if this is pretty bitchy but I really need to see the light at the end of the tunnel here. If I can just solve the problem of perpetual boredom in my downtime I'll be free. 

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