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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Merdoc_Rowboat

  1.  Day 5: 3/14/16

    Washed my car after work today. I was a lot more meticulous and deliberate than usual. I think that I rushed through washing my car other times so I could get back to gaming but today I took my time and made sure my ride was clean.

    Then I go back outside within 30 minutes of washing my car and it already started to gather pollen.

    This time of year is the bane of my existence. Allergies be rough.

    After that I practiced on my guitar and learned a pretty easy song. "Pop Song 89" by R.E.M. The song itself is easy enough, there's a fun guitar lick that's the central focus of the track. It was challenging to learn, but not so much that it was frustrating. Only took me about 30 minutes to learn the whole thing.

    My Mom and I talked for a bit, and she wants to go out and play tennis on the weekends when I'm home. I thought that was a great Idea. Before I quit gaming I was wanting to take up tennis.

    Went to my friend's house to play pool and hang out. Now that I'm no longer gaming I feel like a part of our friendship is dead, and It makes me kind of sad. I'll need to make time on an off day so we can go out and do things together.

    So Tomorrow's goals are thus:

    - Work out at least once. Twice if I'm feeling frisky.

    - Start a new book, or begin re-reading one.

    - Practice "Pop Song 89"

    - Comment on 5 forum posts. and they have to be meaningful, or at least heartfelt.

    I feel like this week is going to be challenging for me. Thanks for reading. You guys are great!

  2. Day 5: 3/13/16

    Woke up around 10:00 to go to church. My girlfriend's niece was singing in the choir so we went to a different church than normal it was sweet to see the kids sing, and they fed us after the service so I can't whine too much about that.

    While we were there, there was talk of baby goats. So we go home to change and run over to my gf's brother's place. Hopped in with them and went to see the goats. As expected they were absolutely precious.

    I shall post pictures.

    After that we went back to her house where we decided to enjoy the outdoors on the back porch while she studied. she studied for about an hour while I perused the gamequitters forum.

    When she decided to take a break I suggested that we practice shooting for a bit. So we shot at this dead tree that she had in her back yard. She lives in a rural area so we didn't have to go to a range.

    After dinner her brother and his wife came over and brought the little ones and they proceeded to decorate us with Mardis Gras beads and other weird stuff.

    I shall post pictures of this as well.

    Today was a good day, I haven't really thought about gaming today. I had a few dreams, but other than that I've been looking ahead towards a life free of videogames.

    Tomorrow I'm heading back home and I'll be around my games again, but I'm confident I can keep myself fulfilled, and avoid dwelling on them too much.

    Thanks again!


    2016-03-13 21.56.42.jpg

  3. Day 4: 3/12/16

    Slept in for a bit. After I woke up and had breakfast I helped my girlfriend with her gardening. I was mostly weeding and getting bricks out of the ground to be used later.

    Finished up and had a great lunch: homemade burgers and potato wedges.

    My girlfriend had a friend over to study so I downloaded a drum machine app and began playing with it. Eventually I would like to play some music at bars or do open mic nights. Itd be cool to have a good setup where my girlfriend and I can do cool shows that aren't just acoustic.

    After that we went out to eat and had a few beers before crashing for the night.

    This week I wanna start making some short term goals that I can look forward to completing week to week. That's something gaming gave me was something to look forward to every day.

    As always, thanks for reading. 

  4. Hey Nate, welcome to the forums! Best of luck in completing your goals! I recently started the detox as well. I'm on day 4 and I've been away from home for a while so it hasn't been difficult to avoid gaming. So this coming week is going to be particularly challenging. But I know that there are great people on the forums that will be glad to help. And I hope that I can be one as well.

  5. Day 3: 3/11/16

    Got up at 7:00 this morning to hit the gym before work.

    My dad works night shift so I told him about the detox before I left. He's excited and proud glad to say.

    I did several bench press workouts. I checked the forums and try to leave some supportive comments to my fellow quitters. I hope by being active in the forums I can inspire others to do the same.

    Work was dull. I was so tired I had to take a nap in the car outside on my break. I left a little early for home and took another nap before I left for my girlfriend's house.

    Also, she told me that she and her brothers were trying to catch an alligator out of this abandoned pool in the woods near her house.

    Unfortunately we were unsuccessful.

    My mind hasn't really been on gaming or that fact that I'm not gaming. Normally, I'd be here eagerly awaiting the next chance to game. So its been a pretty easy day.

  6. Day 2: 3/10/16

    On the drive home got a little emotional about this quitting thing. Was listening to R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts."

    Hit me right in the feels. Started tearing up, singing at the top of my voice in the car trying not to drive off the road.

    After work, I went and ran some errands I'd been putting off for a while due to gaming. Got some workout supplements (pre-workout/protein powder.) Then I went to Walmart and got some new work shoes, a torque screwdriver for a little project, and some ammo for the next time I go shooting.

    After that, I went home and took apart my butterfly knife so I could clean it. Then mom got home and I told her all about game quitters and the 90 day detox. She just wants me to find my way in life. At the end of the conversation she was hoping that external factors weren't keeping me from doing what I want. And I told her "the only thing holding me back is me."

    Thanks again for reading. 

  7. Day 1: Hasn't been terribly difficult, I've been out of town away from my games so I haven't had that temptation.

    Told my girlfriend about the detox and she is extremely excited and supportive. I expected nothing less.

    I've had a few saddening thoughts about giving up gaming. My best friend is a huge gamer as well and not sharing that with him saddens me. But we do share a love of ping pong so there's that.

    I'm anxious about going home. I get up super early and drive two hours from my girlfgirlfriend's house in order to make it to work on time, after that and possibly working out I'm going to be home, tired, and I'll have free time. That'll be my first real test.

    Thanks for reading. :)

  8. My Name's Matthew, and I've been playing video games as long as I can remember.

    I always played by myself as a baby; Mom said I was always entertaining myself, they could go in the other room and leave me by myself and I wouldn't make a sound.

    My earliest gaming memory is wave race on the N64 and it was pretty much downhill from there.

    I Isolated myself from friends and family. I wouldn't do my schoolwork so My folks took my gaming privileges away during the school week.

    Friday after school, mom would always take me to Movie Gallery where I rushed to the video game section to try out a new game. Time was precious, I only had a short amount of time to play these new and exciting games so I had to make the most of it.

    I didn't want to do anything else on the weekends but play video games. This went on until after middle school when my folks lifted the weekday gaming ban. After that I did what I needed to do, but just enough to get by so I could have plenty of game time. My grades were slightly above average and I never participated in extra-curriculars until late in my high school career. I didn't want to pour all of my gaming energy into other things.

    I believe having games so restricted from me early in life is partially why I game almost constantly when I'm not at work, or at the gym, or driving two hours to see my loving girlfriend; any free time I have is time I could spend playing video games, and if I'm not spending that time gaming I feel as though I'm missing out.

    My life revolves around gaming. I go to work and while I'm there I'm thinking about all the fun I'm going to have when I get home and start gaming. Meanwhile in the back of my mind I remember all the things I really should be doing instead. Like fixing that pervading issue with my car, or looking for a better job, or planning for my future. It all gets pushed to the side.

    I'm feeling a lot of sadness choosing to give up this thing that I've devoted so much of my life to. It's going to be difficult but I have to try and beat this addiction. If I'm ever going to get anywhere in life.

    Thanks for reading, I'll see you guys out in the real world.

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