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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Dan Yul 89

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Posts posted by Dan Yul 89

  1. Thanks for the reply Alexander. 

    Nice to hear that there's someone else who has this issue of games being more on the mind than actually physically playing. 

    I have not played games for a week now and I already feel I am thinking less about them. It certainly helps to keep busy though. Day 3 I did so much procrastinating, but after that kept busy with work etc. 

    Have you started your 90 detox? I joined the Respawn Elite program and its a great guide. 

  2. Wow look how far you've come already! If you had told your former self that you would go a whole week without gaming you probably wouldn't have believed it right? 

    And even though you reset your clock a few times, you pursued to start again. That shows you're a fighter! 

    I think big things will be waiting for you my friend. Keep up the good work, stay strong, have a positive mind set, and enjoy your rebirth! 

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  3. Congratulations on a fantastic week! Not only did you stay away from gaming but it sounds so productive too. 

    Gaming adverts is a tough one because if they're on TV then they're hard to get away from. But you did the right thing to regain control. 

    Keep up the good work for week 2!

  4. Hi everybody! 

    I've just signed up to the Elite Respawn program as I am ready to quit gaming for good. I had a revelation this week that I am addicted to video games. I reflected on my life and decided a certain things need changing for the good, gaming was the standout issue. 

    I started playing games when I was 5, and I am now 30 years old. It started off being just harmless fun, but when I got to secondary school I used it as an escape from being bullied. I become pretty obsessed with games and always had a something to play. But it has come to the point where it is just habit and my love for it has faded compared to what it was, but the addiction and habit is still there. 

    Now I literally spend more time thinking about games than playing them. I think about what game I want to play next, watch YouTube videos on the game, research the best price and then finally get the game. Most of the time I wouldn't even complete the game before I've lost interest and onto looking into the next. It has gotten to the point where I own so many that I can't keep up. This process has been going on for the last few years but I have finally admitted I have a problem. I said to my girlfriend I will just complete 2 more games before I start but soon realised that that is just like an alcoholic saying one more drink, or I'll start on Monday. 

    So here I am! 

    I am ready to get more time back. Get into new hobbies. But most of all, stop this constant thought process away from games and get back into touch with reality and my true emotions. 

    If you have gotten this far, thanks for reading. And if you have also realised your gaming addiction, talk to somebody you trust. I opened up to my girlfriend this week and it felt so much better to open up! 



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