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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by ben69

  1. I have this exact same issue. I've deleted Steam, my games and I've even repackaged my Logitech G13 to only reinstall Steam, redownload my games, and take out the G13. Then I'll try to convince myself that I have a handle on this. Then I'll play for a few hours, get depressed, uninstall Steam, my games, put back the G13 to only do it all over agian. The issue I have is I own a gaming laptop. I need a laptop for work, and I don't have another one to use. I've been going thru this cycle for the last few months and it's driving me crazy. Willpower doesn't work. I know what it is. Whenever I need to do work, I go straight to my games. Dopemine is a powerful drug. lol. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

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