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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Rbarton

  1. day 17 already, wow congratulations! You already got very far in this detox! 


    If you don't believe that you can one day go back to gaming on your own terms, then why keep the PS4? buying a new one would be a huge barrier for you to start again


    Keep it up Rbarton! looking forward to your next entry

    Good point Wigger. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. Day #17

    Should I sell my PS4? It's tempting. It might help with the struggle and then it might not. My wife says not to because she thinks I can return to gaming one day on my own terms. I'm not so sure. I noticed the other day I was still getting digital copies of Game Informer and still being sent offers on PSN.  That's not good. I got rid of those notifications pretty quick. I'm struggling because some new games are coming out that I would really like to play but I know I can't. I also believe I can't just go back to gaming once my 90 are up. With me, it's all or nothing I'm afraid.  I've been filling my time with model car building, turning in job apps (searching for a job) and studying graphic design. Also, I've been reading a lot. I'm reading "Outwitting the Devil" by Napoleon Hill. It's about finding the secret to freedom and success. Really good read.  Anyway, enjoy your day.  

  3. Day #13

    Staying busy, working on goals is helping with the struggle. I keep a notebook of things to do the next day and lay it out on my desk where I can see it. I then get those things done and check them off the list. This helps tremendously. I need structure and schedule. It needs to be methodical so I can stay on track. If I go idle for a long period of time then I can get into trouble. This is tough. Tougher than I thought it would be. I want to play. Instead, I will start on a model car. A passion I had before getting sucked into gaming. I hope this works. I'm thankful for the ability to write on here. Thanks for this platform.  Enjoy your day. 

  4. Day #2

    I'm anxious and nervous today. I don't know what to do. At this time of day I would have already put in a couple of hours of gaming. Being unemployed does not help. I need structure, schedule and goals.  I need to fire up some old hobbies. 

    What I'm grateful for:

    Game Quitters

    My wife

    The ability to express my thoughts


  5. Hello. Rick here. I'm 42 and from SW Missouri. I realized about 3 days ago that I believe I'm an addict. I feel I've pissed so much of my life away it's depressing. I'm not sure how I came upon Game Quitters but after watching a few (A LOT) of Cam's videos I decided to make the commitment to the detox. My wife jumped for joy.   My goal here is to be a better person, help people and to understand the why behind this addiction and why I didn't see this sooner. I'm anxious and nervous and I don't know what to do with my hands at the moment. :)  

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