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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by sparK190

  1. UPDATE!

    Day 6, Sept 10th, 2017 ~ I've become  incredibly productive...

    Countless hours are wasted everyday with gaming... once you take that distraction off from your day you become so much more efficient... at least that's what happened to me... I've been working happier, I won't lie... I haven't been gaming but I do putup gameplays or streams on my second monitor, I feel like that is a nicotine patch for me... I'm not even putting attention to it. I just need the "noise" to get the dopamine rushes and try to keep my cool :( ... I'm working on this, I promise...


    On another note, I'm physically suffering the consequences of prolonged sitting, both because of gaming, work and a lack of exercise... My lower discs hurt soo bad... I can't remain a long time sitting... to deal with this I have scheduled self working hours... I'm going to bed at 9pm and waking up at 6am.

    Here is a diagram explaining my pain :D 

    Image result for lower back disk pain sitting


    I just ordered an inversion table:

    Image result for inversion table

    This is to help me release pressure on my lowerback and hopefully regain enough mobility to start working out... Being in shape has now become my top priority goal! I refuse to live a life of sedentarism and low energy!!

    Another thing I noticed about quitting games is that our brain is so use to the dopamine rushes videogames provide... that causes our attention span to seriously decay... you get "bored" fast and nothing really interests you... I think I just need to power through the abstinence symptoms until it is out of my system completely... Today I talked about my decision to quit gaming to a hardocore gamer friend and he kind of agrees with my point of view but at the same time he thinks: "what am I supposed to go if not gaming? this is the one thing im good at"...

    I know it can be harder for people who are really into competitive gaming because it's like giving up a part of your life... the countless hours you've put to master a skill... plus he said: "it's not like i'm harming anyone..." and I said: "that's not true... and you know that..." I finished that talk saying that I don't want to pressure him to quit games or anything, just that I hope it's not too late or have to lose something to come to that conclusion...

    I'm not trying to be a preacher, I just want to share what makes me feel good, I appreciate the time he took to hear me out and I completely respect his decision.


    TL;DR: i'm being more productive, i use streams as a nicotine patch (trying to cut off on it though), my back hurts, i ordered something to help me out with it, a talked to a friend about my decision and reasons to quit gaming... i'm still hanging in there!

  2. glad you could could make I m still new to this journet myself

    I'm aware it is not going to be easy... but it is for the best... what games do you used to play? Console? PC? Competitive? Single Players?

    I'd be glad to accompany you on this journey :) 

    Welcome to the forum Spark! You seem to be an ambitious guy with a steady head over your shoulders. Competition, achievement, sense of having a mission, those are things that drives us towards videogames.

    And it's great, it shows potential. You will have to learn to guide that energy and drive you have (because you have it, never forget) like a laser, into other activities with long-term purpose (unlike videogames which are tragically short term). It can be frustrating and overwhelming at times, but that's how true progress is supposed to feel, challenging.

    About your friend, how about looking for a new activity you can share together? Since #homo is discarded (?) you could try some kind of outdoors activity, like a sport, unless one or the two of you is the stay at home gamer kind. Even going for drinks or hanging out could work (exercising is greatly recommend anyway, for extra dopamine release). Kudos for having taken a step for bettering your relationship with your gf, if you are in good terms she can become a great support (and a source of new things to do as well).

    And also, awesome to see another spanish speaking member! I'm slowly becoming less and less lonely. (Actually I'm assuming, your English is suspiciously good...)

    Hey there, Hitaru... I came across your story as well, I was planning on messaging you later. Yes, spanish is my native tongue but have been speaking english ever since I can remember, specially when I was around 9 years old and got hooked into starcraft! The spanish speaking community was very  small and I was lucky enough to find friends who were patient with my english, pointed out my mistakes and taught me a thing or two...

    You had me burst a laugh with your #homo comment, hahaha!! The thing with this friend is that he lives in another city about 40 minutes away, we don't hang out much IRL... I guess we'll stick to memeing on Facebook, lol.

    Right now, what I am trying to do to channel my energy is try to see my job as a videogame... the more hours I invest, the better I become and the happier my girl is... you know how it is... happy wife, happy life!


    I've wasted over 3100 hours of my life trying to master League of Legends... and many more into other games... to what end!? The thing with having gamer friends is that your ranking is worth something... but ONLY in that small society, outside of it you probably look very stupid for spending that much time in something that is not productive for your life... I remember being happy about achieving a high rank in a game and my girlfriend not giving rat's ass, lol...

    I just wish I had spend all that time at the gym... 

    My girl has been supportive but when I relapse into gaming again she can be aggresive and bash me a lot about that and it bothers me only because she is right...

    I've always been kind of a loner... right now all of my friends are gamers (sadly none of them live at my city *sigh*)... 

    That's why I joined to this forum, to make new friends but instead of them being gamers, they'd be gamequitters just like me :D

    I'm planning on picking up home workouts and some shakes to get back in shape... back in the day I used to be a fitness freak and seeing where gaming got me makes me feel disappointed in myself. I have serious lower back pain and a few (many) extra pounds... but hey! I'm still in time to make a change!

    Thanks for taking your time to read my story and write to me. I'll take a look around the non-english forums..



  3. Hey there, fellow game quitters!

    Day 1, Sept 6th, 2017 ~ Uninstalled my games

    I've been gaming and grinding my way through their "ranking system" since 2014... I need to stop... NOW...

    I'm an Online Internet Marketer solopreneur and I work from home... I'm every day in front of the computer and whenever I'd get overwhelmed with my ambitious projects I would turn to video games to escape the thinking process of doing my job... since I work alone, there is no "boss" to tell me what to do or if what I'm doing is correct, I just have to go for trial and error investing my time and money, but that is a good thing because that's why I'm able to charge well for my services... the thing is I got hooked so much on competitive gaming such as CS:GO, League of Legends and Overwatch, being an above average performing player in all of those... the games are designed with so many psychological drugs it bothers me that I am 100% aware of the tricks and flashy lights and keep falling for the false sense of accomplishment... anywho... Yesterday I uninstalled most of my games and told my best friend that I'd be tuning down all the tryharding in games... being honest and #nohomo I'm afraid we will stop being friends because all we have in common are a lot of video games... I talked to him about how I felt and he told me to worry not...

    I'm living with my girlfriend and own 3 dogs and 1 cat... my gaming was starting to be a serious issue with my girl because I haven't been putting the hours to my projects and if I don't work money just don't come obviously...

    I decided to join this forum to share my experience while quitting and hopefully I can inspire others to do so... 


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