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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by MartinV

  1. Howdy, everyone.
    My pen name is Martin V, and to be blunt, I'm here because I'm sick of video games, as well as aimlessly watching youtube/ porn or browsing the web whenever I'm not playing them.

     It's been 2 weeks into my summer vacation and I've barely done ANYTHING productive.  I've just graduated high school, and with endless spans of free time to fill, I've completely avoided everything that I planned to do, always reminding myself that "I'll pick up on the slack tomorrow".  But if I keep this up, there won't be a tomorrow.  Just the same day, everyday, usually playing  hours upon hours of games that I no longer have the passion to mention, and I won't stand for it any longer.  Not only that, but with college coming round the corner, this lifestyle will soon become unsustainable, especially since I've decided to pursue an engineering major.  This isn't even the first time this has bothered me, as this attitude of procrastination coupled with lackluster discipline is what would always cost me an A on my report card, a potential social life, a chance at the Honors Society, and worst of all, rejection from my dream college.  Even though I'm transferring to said college after my freshman year, I know that if I keep living this way, I'll eventually drop out of college and fundamentally give up on any chance of a well paying career, simply because it "looks too hard".

    Now this sounds all swell and dandy on paper, but when it comes to actually stopping myself from these bad habits or encouraging new ones, I just can't bring myself to do it.  And even when I do, it only lasts for an hour or so before it's back to the same monotonous cycle.  I want to learn to program, to start working out, to have friends for once instead of acquaintances (or even a girlfriend if I'm lucky), to simply get a job.  That's why I'm here.  I want to take the 90 day challenge, and I want to succeed.  I don't know how far I can go, considering that I've never been able to get passed 3 days before.  But once you hit rock bottom, you can only go up.

    I wish everyone here the best of luck.
    Martin V.

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