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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by JoeFish

  1. I used to have a huge problem with CSGO cases. I would regularly buy keys and open every case I got which was a lot considering how much I played. The worst point was spending over £250 in one sitting trying to get a knife. After a while opening cases it became boring as  never really got anything good. This led to me starting to buy skins straight off the market because felt inadequate with my lack of good skins. I just wanted more and more and this ended up with me having a bit of a gambling problem aswell as I would often use gambling websites and bet my most expensive skins. I lost a lot for money this way and i just couldn't stop until I realised that I had a problem . After telling my friend about my problems I got rid of my remaining skins and vow to never buy keys again  to the this at I haven't. In terms of how much I've spent on keys/skins I'd say around £1500 and when  sold all of the skins I hadn't left got £170 steam cash so I lost quite a chunk  gambling and keys.

  2. I've found that a really useful tool for me quitting gaming was creative writing but only in the latter stages of the detox. It provides the escapism that most people are looking for aswell as the ability to be creative and focus on something and then  finally come out with something you are proud of. It's not for everyone granted but for people who love playing story based games, why not write your own? I sometimes use some of my experiences from gaming in my writing and although I would never go back, they have really helped me to give my writing depth as I have actually "lived" similar experiences to what I'm writing about, not just making it all up.

    JoeFish out

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  3. I finished my detox around 2 weeks ago now, and all i could think about coming to the end was playing games. So when the day came that my detox ended i was straight back on them, only for a couple of hours a day, nothing like what i used to. After doing this for a few days, i suddenly noticed that i wasnt actually enjoying them. I'd become so hyped up to play them and had almost over-hyped how fun they were in their absence. I realised that games werent actually that fun and that they are just something i used to use to fill my time and ive now found much better ways to fill my time, especially with my A levels coming up. I havent quit games, but i have stopped playing them. Not because im detoxing, not because im playing them too much but simply because theres other, more self-fulfilling things, that i would prefer to do. I cant say for sure but i feel almost cured from my addiction. I no longer feel the need to escape my daily life. After my last detox, i felt the same way but ended up searching for reward in other things such as climbing and relationships but now i realise that i can just be happy being me. After gaming is removed from your life, im sure you can all agree that you just feel better as a person. More motivated, happier and more sociable. Its a great feeling and a feeling that i want to keep hold of so im not willing to lose it to games. This is not to say that if im at my mates house and he asks me if i want a game of fifa that im gonna refuse but i think my days of hardcore gaming may possibly be over once and for all.

    Thanks again for all the support that this community has offered me.

    JoeFish out

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  4. Update:

    Im now 59 days into my detox and i have deleted all the games off my pc. Im doing really well and started to really enjoy life without video games, I feel like ive actually achieved something. I have chosen to focus a lot more on my studies working towards my A level exams this year and i have been going to the gym alot. I am also trying to improve my social life, i have been going to a lot of parties and get together s with some of my old friends and new ones that i have made since quitting games. I really like where im at in life right now and im looking forward to going to university in 6 months or so, i need a fresh start to completely get away from gaming culture. I often see reminders of gaming across the internet and i feel a sort of sadness like i miss playing them but i know that i am enjoying life so much more without them. I have learned that as much as gaming looks fun and innocent, it can as addictive as anything and has a lot of potential to ruin your life without you noticing. The problem with gamers is that they dont know that there is an alternative, the belief is very much that once a gamer, always a gamer and people will always judge you for having been a gamer. However, i have found that people are very accepting and supportive in my addictions, i have received a lot of support of people i didn't even know before i started my detox.

    This has been a really positive experience so far and i really want it to continue this way. My personality has changed significantly since i quit gaming, im much more motivated and sociable swell as i have lost the need to feel like i have to be the best at everything. Previously, i felt that i was judged by how good i was at things. This is why i failed my detox the first time around as i tried to switch my achievement in counter strike to achievement in rock climbing and when that failed i felt unfulfilled and like i had failed so i sunk back to my old habits of what i knew and what i was good at - gaming. The second time around my only aim has been to improve my quality of life, not to chive in anything but happiness and it has really changed my mentality and made me a much happier person. If there s one thing i can take from this experience so far it is to remember there is always another way, an opportunity to change, an opportunity for another life and there is always people out there who will support you in your troubles.

    Thanks so much for everyone's support over the last few months.

    JoeFish out

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  5. As you've probably guessed by the title of this post, I have relapsed back to gaming. I successfully completed my first detox and was more or less clean for around 8 months but I have since relapsed. Check out my other posts for the full relapse story.

    Anyways, after a month of feeling lost I've finally brought about he courage to do another detox.

    I was coming to a point in my csgo team where I realised that I didn't want to do this for the rest of my life. I was on the verge of closing a deal as entry fragger with team dragonite (sponsored by adata --they make good headphones) and they wanted me to sign a contract commiting to play 30 hours of counter strike a week. As much as i have always wanted to play counter-strike at a professional level i just realised that, one, i couldnt commit that much time and that secondly i didnt really feel right anymore. I felt like joe the person i want to be and joefish the aggressive entry fragger were two very different people and they werent connected anymore, I no longer based my personality about my counter strike playstyle, I no longer relate in any way. This led me to chose against signing the contract which was quite an emotional step for me as it has always been my dream to play at the highest level. Finally I have chosen to leave my cs days behind and quit counter strike for real now. In fact i want to quit gaming in general forever, ive spent too long hiding away to try to become the best. I need to focus my efforts elsewhere, on my actual life.

    JoeFish out

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  6. So a few of you may remember me from about 6-8 months ago, i completed a 90 day video game detox and it completely turned my life around but since then its taken a turn for the worse.

    Ive been a rock climber for not far off 7 years now and i have always been sub-par when it came to competing in the sport as there are people who start much younger. When i was still a gamer i got to the point when i almost quit climbing as i felt it was holding me back in the gaming world. Then one day in a fit of gaming induced anger i frantically searched the internet about how to quit gaming and i came across Cams videos. I watched nearly all of them in one night and in a moment of pure motivation i decided to quit gaming and focus all my efforts into climbing, soon after a girl who i knew became my girlfriend and i gained loads of new friends through her, life seemed to be going great. In the climbing world i soon got to a very high standard, higher than ever before and started to represent my county at national events. However after failing to make the UK team on 2 occasions i felt down and lost, id quit what i had known and been good at to take a shot at climbing. I felt all the stability in my life had gone, everything id trained for was worth nothing. Why did i ever quit gaming i asked myself? I started seriously thinking about my life choices, i spoke to one of my old gaming friends about it and they told me that i had done the right thing to quit gaming, but he missed playing with me. This made me feel guilty and i couldn't stop thinking about all the friends id left behind. As if on queue a few days later, my girlfriend at the time told me she had cheated on me on multiple occasions and that she wanted to end the relationship. Through that i lost nearly all my new friends and i really did feel lost. I sunk into a depression and didn't know what to do. The next day i went into college and the gaming friend who i mentioned before knew what had happened. He sympathised with me massively and joked that i should play games with him again cos he missed me carrying him on csgo. That night i went home and i felt like i had nothing to do, so i made one huge mistake and opened up csgo. For the last 2 months now ive been played csgo non-stop and i have reached the same standard that i was at before, maybe even better. Further i have joined a semi-pro csgo team called dragonite, we have a sponsor in the UK called adata and we play in LAN and online tournaments. It didnt really occur to me that i had relapsed until the other day when i suddenly felt a huge wave of guilt. I saw an advert for a cam adair video and i couldn't stop thinking about what i had done. I really want to just live a normal life but every time i try, video games just find their way back into my life somehow. I am signed onto a dragonite now and its the best community feeling that ive ever had but all i can think about is that i should be living normally. I need some help to quit again but i dont know where to look. I feel trapped in the world of gaming and i have no escape. I dont have any friends who dont play video games so it is really difficult for me to avoid the subject in basic conversations. Its like my life cant continue without gaming. I need a way out but i cant find one, thrusting myself into the dark didnt work last time and i dont think that it will again. I wish i could change and i really do want to,but my brain doesnt.

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  7. Just a bit of a catch up of how the detox is going. :D

    I'm now 51 days into my detox and i cant even describe how much my life has changed. I no longer feel such compulsion towards gaming, previously there wouldn't be a minute go by without me thinking about gaming but now i can focus more on my school work and other hobbies. My school grades have gone up significantly which has improved my relationship with my parents, I have gained many new friends just from talking to new people which used to scare me a lot (I'm assuming game induced anxiety because i see no other reason for it going away) and finally decided to improve at my favourite sport - rock climbing. I used to hate going climbing and i only went once a week to please my parents enough that they would let me play video games but when i quit video games i it became ten times more fun. I used to hate it because it parted me from my time playing video games not because i didn't enjoy the sport. So, when i quit video games i re-found my love for climbing! I now go 4 times a week and i train at the gym for it another 2 times a week. I have joined the North-West UK climbing team which represent the North-West at national tournaments and i am going to audition for the UK national team next Saturday!! I feel like I've really found my calling in life and it all started when i quit video games.

    I want to thank everyone who has helped me on my journey and while i know my detox isn't over yet, I no longer have need of a detox. I'm quitting for life. :D 


  8. Ive quit video games now for around 18 days which doesnt sound like alot of the time but its the longest ive been without playing any sort of games since i was 6 years old. I can genuinely say that ive never felt better about myself and never been happier in all my life. While this was extremely difficult at first its becoming more and more easy the longer into my detox that i get. We need to spread the news to gamers that there is life outside of video games. @Cam Adair is doing a great job at this but if it wasnt that i accidentally came across his channel by accident i would not be in this position today. My life has changed so much since i quit even though it was only a short time ago and gamers need to know this, what they can achieve in life and how they can do it. The best option i can see for this to happen is to spread the news of cams channel as it has loads of great advice on their that has stopped me relapsing many a time and was the reason i quit in the first place. Dont let other people suffer like you have with these addictions. SPREAD THE WORD!



  9. I've been a pc gamer my entire life, started with runescape when I was 6 and expanded through pretty much every game I know. Playing around 7-8 hours a day and failing pretty much every subject at college I suddenly realised that I couldn't carry on like this, further I realised that I wasn't actually enjoying the games. They had just become as necessary as breathing. I would come home and turn my pc on and play hours of csgo and league and come offline in the early hours of the morning angry and unhappy, I hated it but I couldn't stop. I haven't always been like this only the past year or so but it happened before I realised. A week ago I realised that I hf a problem and googled how to quit video games. Cam came up and I watched all his videos and since then I haven't played a single game. I'm now 4 days into my detox and still going strong but I'm having a few troubles with boredom. I know cam has made a lot of videos on this topic but I just can't shift it, I don't know what hobbies I could take up as I don't have the money or resources as it's all been invested into gaming.

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