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  1. My name is Matt. About a year ago I found game quitters and decided it was for me. Gaming was my purpose in life for about twenty years. I needed to reframe my relationship to gaming so that I could move forward with my life. Not long after my detox I got a job offer at a bank in my town. I've been a teller since September of last year. I also decided to embark on a personal journey to stretch my creative muscles. I met an old friend who I had a falling out with about five years ago over a girl. Before the falling out we made Machinima which if you don't know what that is, it's basically film making inside a videogame. We created a series and made several episodes before giving up on it before finishing it. Now years later I reached out and asked if he wanted to make films together again. We started working on it in November of last year, and finished it a couple of weeks ago. We we're allowed to present our film at an Indie film festival at the local university even though neither of us are students there. While we didn't win any of the prizes offered, we got to get on stage and answer questions about the film. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Even my parents got it, which is a good sign we did something right. (Me on the right with the bear looking like a proud son.) My biggest contribution to the film, was starring, writing, and recording original music and ambiance for the film, and while it isn't perfect, we're extremely proud of what we accomplished. Gaming has a part in my life now. I play video games occasionally, but were it not for my initial decision to quit gaming for that 90 day period. I would not have gone to the party where I met up with my old friend Justin, who was the director and creator of the premise of the film. I'd like to share it in the hopes that it might help someone to realize that when you let go of the thing that dominates your life, you're free to pursue new more exciting ventures. Thank you. Please feel free to leave a comment on the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDQqkGLK5sU&t=3s
  2. My name is Matt. About a year ago I found game quitters and decided it was for me. Gaming was my purpose in life for about twenty years. I needed to reframe my relationship to gaming so that I could move forward with my life. Not long after my detox I got a job offer at a bank in my town. I've been a teller since September of last year. I also decided to embark on a personal journey to stretch my creative muscles. I met an old friend who I had a falling out with about five years ago over a girl. Before the falling out we made Machinima which if you don't know what that is, it's basically film making inside a videogame. We created a series and made several episodes before giving up on it before finishing it. Now years later I reached out and asked if he wanted to make films together again. We started working on it in November of last year, and finished it a couple of weeks ago. We we're allowed to present our film at an Indie film festival at the local university even though neither of us are students there. While we didn't win any of the prizes offered, we got to get on stage and answer questions about the film. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Even my parents got it, which is a good sign we did something right. (Me on the right with the bear looking like a proud son.) My biggest contribution to the film, was starring, writing, and recording original music and ambiance for the film, and while it isn't perfect, we're extremely proud of what we accomplished. Gaming has a part in my life now. I play video games occasionally, but were it not for my initial decision to quit gaming for that 90 day period. I would not have gone to the party where I met up with my old friend Justin, who was the director and creator of the premise of the film. I'd like to share it in the hopes that it might help someone to realize that when you let go of the thing that dominates your life, you're free to pursue new more exciting ventures. Thank you. Please feel free to leave a comment on the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDQqkGLK5sU&t=3s
  3. Day 90: 6/7/16 Today I've finished the 90 Day detox. 1st try and no gaming whatsoever. I say that less to brag about it and more to acknowledge that gaming isn't what holding me back in life. I think I may be struggling with depression and anxiety disorders. These things may in fact be what keeps me from moving my life forward. When I try to plan for the future in any sort of meaningful way I get anxious and depressed. Anxious because of all the fears that come with growing up and being an adult, and depressed because I don't believe that I can do it. I hope to one day find the courage to get help with it so that I can beat it. But for now I celebrate an accomplishment. I set out to go 90 days without playing videogames and I have done just that. I've invested more time with friends, learned how to be proactive in certain areas of my life, I've improved my musicianship, I've invested more time to family. These are all pretty positive things that have come from the detox that I will continue doing going forward. @Cam Adair @Falky @Ironfly @Dannigan @WorkInProgress @hycniejsy @SpiNips Everyone here has been super great. Thank you guys so much for your help in not only keeping me from gaming but listening to what I had to say as well. Best of Luck everyone!
  4. Today I've finished the 90 Day detox. 1st try and no gaming whatsoever. I say that less to brag about it and more to acknowledge that gaming isn't what holding me back in life. I think I may be struggling with depression and anxiety disorders. These things may in fact be what keeps me from moving my life forward. When I try to plan for the future in any sort of meaningful way I get anxious and depressed. Anxious because of all the fears that come with growing up and being an adult, and depressed because I don't believe that I can do it. I hope to one day find the courage to get help with it so that I can beat it. But for now I celebrate an accomplishment. I set out to go 90 days without playing videogames and I have done just that. I've invested more time with friends, learned how to be proactive in certain areas of my life, I've improved my musicianship, I've invested more time to family. These are all pretty positive things that have come from the detox that I will continue doing going forward. @Cam Adair @Falky @Ironfly @Dannigan @WorkInProgress @hycniejsy @SpiNips Everyone here has been super great. Thank you guys so much for your help in not only keeping me from gaming but listening to what I had to say as well. Best of Luck everyone!
  5. Day 67: 5/16/16 it's been awhile, so I thought I'd check in. You guys will be happy to know I've been game free since I last posted. I've just been fairly busy with my daily life and my relationship. So where I stand right now. I think I honestly need to get therapy. I think I have depression, anxiety, or something. I feel like that's what's keeping me from growing up. I get depressed or anxious and I just go into mental auto pilot, without really doing anything to move my life forward in a positive direction. At the same time I feel as if I'm making excuses and I need to just get off my ass. Why can't I do it? Why can't I make any progress in my life? Well that's for another time, I've had a beer and I'm pretty buzzed. I worked all day today so I could have tomorrow off to put a new timing belt in my car. I forgot that today my cousin was celebrating her birthday today. I felt so horrible and selfish because I took that extra shift at work instead of remembering that we were going to celebrate. In going to get in touch with her and apologize formally, we aren't very close at all so she'll probably think I'm being weird. Which I am, I've never been one to reach out, I've never grown closer with any of my family members. And it's really sad. anyway I'm drunk and tired now. I'll try and follow up tomorrow. Peace guys.
  6. Hey man! Welcome to the forums, staying active here is going to be one of the greatest tools you have in quitting games. Having a community of people with the same goals is essential. We're here for you bud! Best of luck!
  7. With the running man, I think you should give yourself a pat on the back. You did it! You made it happen; just keep up the consistency and do what you can, and you'll see progress. It's okay to take time off as well. Your body and your mind need rest. You're doing great pal.
  8. Congratulations man, a lot of what you said really struck a chord with me. The detox has been easy for me as well, and in the last couple weeks it's become more and more apparent to me that gaming on it's own wasn't the source of all my problems. In the last year or so it had become somewhat of a problem for me, but I thought that giving it up would make me get up and do what I need to do. but that hasn't been the case at all. While I'm proud of myself to a degree that I've come this far, I still have a lot to learn about living in the real world. I still intend to meet you at the finish line, so don't worry about that! Best of luck moving forward friend!
  9. Welcome young Robin! Keeping up with this journal is probably one of the best things you can do to help you stay clear of gaming. And it's good to set you staying active as well. Best of luck to you!
  10. Congrats on your new belt man. And good work resisting temptation. Have you told your friend about the detox? I told my friend about it and he supports my desire to better myself and although he'll still play rocket league when I'm at his place he doesn't pressure me into playing. He also makes sure I'm okay with it.
  11. Maybe one of these days I should start reading all these books that Cam has recommended. Day 53: 5/2/16 Today was kind of dull. Just went to work and came home. I've been distracting myself with youtube videos mostly. Mom and Dad got home from their weekend in New Orleans and we talked about my desire to go back to school. basically they said that they support me 100% and expect me to do what I need to do to get through it. Also they got me to mow the lawn so I guess I wasn't completely useless today. I think I still have a ways to go with this no gaming journey. I'm half way through the detox, but I haven't gotten any more disciplined in doing the things that I need to do. I've just replaced gaming with other things, when I should really be using that time to advance my life forward. Life in the modern age is permeated with distraction. Everything is designed to tear you away from the harsh realities of daily life. Music, games, movies, books, TV, and whatever else. It's all an escape. Since life is so stressful and difficult, we want to get away from it when we have time. Some of us spend our entire lives escaping from life instead of living it; we get sucked in and we don't ever want to leave, life has to tear us away from our escape. We sacrifice so much for our escape. We love our escape. I'm tired all the time. Always ready for bed. Whenever I get home I just get in bed first thing. I feel like I could sleep for a thousand years. Tomorrow I want to do more things than I've done today. I intend to work out after work. Then once I'm home wash my car and rotate my tires.
  12. Thanks friends! Your input is much appreciated and I will do my best to consider everything you've said. @WorkInProgress you've always been there to speak to me about this kind of stuff I really appreciate it. and @Cam Adair as well. Your presence on your own site is truly astounding. I've never seen anything like it. To be the founder of a site like this and take the time to talk to all of us is truly astounding and I hope you get the props you deserve. So... Day 51: 4/30/16 So today was the big day. The day that I've put my relationship in jeopardy for, the day that I finally replace the convertible top on my car. I went to a gentleman in Georgia named Kenny The Convertible Top Man. Normally he comes to you to do the work, but I live a bit to far out of his range so I came to him. He was a swell guy and I'm very satisfied with the results, maybe I'll get to that later. I just got off the phone with Rachel and we talked for a bit about me and my unwillingness to grow up and be an adult in the relationship. She's frustrated because I don't make plans, take initiative or think about her needs like someone in an adult relationship would. And that's what she wants, an adult relationship. I told her that I would try harder to grow up and find my way but at the end she said we need to sit down and talk about if the relationship is going to work long term. If I'm being completely honest, I don't think it's going to. She's working her ass off trying to achieve her dreams and I'm just here twiddling my thumbs and trying to find my way in the world. She isn't going to wait around for me to find it and start working toward it. She has to go and do what she needs to do to meet her goals, which I think she will, but I don't think that I'll be there with her when she does. I don't have the fire that she needs in a man. I don't have the ambition, I don't have the life experience, I don't have the drive. I have the compassion, I have the humor, I have the taste, I have the generosity, but it eventually comes down to what she feels is most important for her in her life right now. I don't think I have what she needs right now. Maybe someday I will, but I think it will be long after she's moved on from me. I just hope that if we part ways that she finds happiness in the work that she does and in the friends that she has. and I hope that she doesn't dwell on me.
  13. Home stretch brethren! I like what you have to say about moderation and setting aside time to play videogames. If one chooses to play videogames post-detox, they shouldn't make it a point to do so; they should just do it and be aware of it and enjoy it for what it is: another form of media to enjoy, not unlike books, tv or movies. Rather than set aside time to do it like it's an essential part of their day. That was a bit rambly I hope that made sense. TL;DR I agree.
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