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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Ending the Loop


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Hi! I am a 20yo(he/him) college student studying English, Art and Music. When I was introduced to my 1st video game- Tanki Online(haha yes very lame)- I was so overwhelmed with it I would play up to 6 hours per day. As of yesterday, I never play more than an hour a day. But, even that amount I find harmful- I could have cleaned up my room, taken a longer shower, do some exercise, talk to my friends... So, I decided to quit, once again. 

Previously, I've quitted countless times. I would get incredibly mad at myself, delete all of my games and social media accounts only to crawl back into gaming within a week Each relapse would be slightly better than the last- the amount of time I spent playing decreased over the years- but addiction would still win over me. I stumbled upon this site just a few hours ago, but reading all the stories here is so inspirational! I really hope that this time there will be no relapse- I plan on playing games from now on only if that is a way to connect with people whom I can not see physically. Time to break the loop of relapsing yeeeeeee!

Here's my priority list for today(I'm keeping it general on purpose):

  • Finish up the 1st three parts of my last Final
  • Submit paperwork for my campus job
  • Practice for the performance tomorrow
  • Make a list of things to do for Winter Break
  • Clean up my room
  • Do other various paperwork for volunteering, other jobs, financial aid, and classes.
  • Talk to my grandparents 🙂
  • Draw on my own.
  • Pick a new book to read.

Hehe I'm so excited to press the "post" button, I have so much faith in this! See you later, and thank you so much for the read!




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Hey Alejandro, thank you for encouragement, means a lot!  

Tomorrow I am performing with my Jazz Ensemble, I have a solo trombone part. Pretty nervous since I always was pretty average, but this year I am at the top, which came down unexpected. I was thinking I wouldn't even make into the ensemble. 

What about you, do you do any music?

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Thank you so much, congrats on making it to day 5 already!

I think not only it is hard, but sometimes we think we admit our weaknesses, when really they are just the outcome of our true weakness. Like, I used to think I am afraid of public speaking, when it really was being afraid of talking to people in general lol

Good luck to you as well, we got this!

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12 hours ago, Pochatok said:

Hey Alejandro, thank you for encouragement, means a lot!  

Tomorrow I am performing with my Jazz Ensemble, I have a solo trombone part. Pretty nervous since I always was pretty average, but this year I am at the top, which came down unexpected. I was thinking I wouldn't even make into the ensemble. 

What about you, do you do any music?

That's pretty neat. The trombone ! Cool instrument. No I don't play anything, but I've been curious about learning how to produce my own music - perhaps a future hobby of mine! 

Break a leg for your performance!

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@LampshadeI have a huuuugeee list of titles of books that I just randomly find on the internet, from 80s Sci-Fi to argumentative research works on the topic of Abortion. Not sure what exactly I want to read over the winter break, but I haven't really educated myself about the history of Civil Rights, and, more recently, BLM movements. Currently I'm reading an art textbook(so much math what the helll).

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Alright, day two! I started the day with embroidery, which is frustrating, but I am getting better 🙂 

Showerthought of yesterday: It's really not gaming that is the core of my problems. Rather, it is the outcome or the product of all my other issues, like fear of social interactions, melancholic attitude towards life, and occasional mood swings.

Deleted both my twitter accounts yesterday, cuz honestly I barely interact with people, and those people game hard. The first thing I woke up thinking about was my dreams rather than twitter feed, and that felt great! When falling asleep, I still can't stop thinking about "playing sometime in the future", and every time I feel excited about anything video games appear in my mind for a moment. Gotta look for more ways to make my life exciting I guess 😮

What I missed yesterday:

  1. Didn't talk to grannies
  2. Barely cleaned my room
  3. Didn't get far with the exam
  4. Didn't do some paperwork for school

Today's to-do:

  • Start posting art on my Instagram again!
  • Clean up the room, eugh
  • Finish the 3rd part of exam(didn't get that done yesterday)
  • Start Part 4 of exam- I need it done by Sunday noon(deadline is Monday noon, and I want to have extra time to look over and 2x-check)
  • Embroider more while at work
  • Stay hydrated
  • Keep a balanced posture while typing
  • Nail that Jazz Performance!
  • Be on time



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Good lucks with your exam.

I think you did a great move by deleting your twitter account. Most social midia - like Facebook, reddit and youtube - at least have some productive and healthy uses; however twitter is just a big waste of time.

Edited by dasvira
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Yesterday was insanely busy, I barely thought about games. There were a couple times when I could have gone to r/games or watched some gameplay, but instead I found a nice TV Show to start(The Boys). Other than that, the performance went super well- I think I could have done better but the conductor of the ensemble was very happy with it. Worked about 10 hours yesterday total, most I've ever done in a day this semester lol.

Showerthought: I have 11 tiny moles on left hand and zero on the other. Thanos would be upset.

Things I still need to get done:

  • Talk to grannies!
  • Clean the room
  • Get most of the exam done
  • Do the paperwork

Other stuff to get done:

  • Send out a lot of emails
  • Hide the secret gift I am working, dumbo
  • Start planning out a daily schedule for winter break, it's coming soon!
  • Brainstorm ideas for holiday family presents
  • Don't just draw, learn to draw better.
  • Start posting on my art insta again!
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Yesterday I was quite lazy- I got things done but the quality was meh. Finally caught up with my to-do list though, so today I can start fresh yeeeahhh!! 

Showerthought: I am glad I am not transparent, human organs be lookin nastyyyyy.

To-Do, and not to-do today:

  • keep up no fap(yesterday was tough)
  • Don't watch more than 30 mins of The Boys, time yourself
  • Get part 4 done today. I must get it done or it will suck big time tomorrow.
  • Send out email for a club meeting
  • Eat well
  • Exercise, and stay hydrated

What I will do immediately after this:

  1. put on chopstick
  2. Refill water bottle
  3. Respond to other comments on this forum
  4. Get going with the exam.


Have a good Sanday everyone, hope you're staying safe and warm!


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Good Morning!

Yesterday was a mess. Got most of the stuff done, but also spent about 1.5-2 hours watching the boys and being on social media. Relapsed with nofap yesterday, and was tempted to install some games again. Not feeling too bad about that, but do not want either to happen again.

Showerthought: Ants don't die in microwaves cuz they are sooo tiny. Nice.

I think instead of a to-do list, which I already have, I'll write a mix of goals and wishes for today:

  • I hope to finish the exam on time and get an A in the class
  • I hope to be on top of my stuff- work for an hour, then 15 minutes of rest. 
  • Exercise is important- do it how I like it, but at least 20 minutes of some movement. 
  • Don't give up trying! I'm so close to ending this semester well, I can't stop now
  • Be nice to people around me- work on gifts for friends, send a couple "thank you" emails...
  • I wish the internet connection to be stable and not to be mentally tired 

Alright, gonna get goin'!

  1. Get water
  2. Hydrate
  3. Work on exam non-stop for an hour
  4. Watch 15-20mins of the boys
  5. Work for another hour on exam
  6. Go get lunch and chill


Let's make the most out of this day everyone, start the week stronk!

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21 hours ago, Pochatok said:

Showerthought: Ants don't die in microwaves cuz they are sooo tiny. Nice.


Next major extinction event, ants will be the species that recovers and takes over for sure.

21 hours ago, Pochatok said:

Don't give up trying! I'm so close to ending this semester well, I can't stop now

Were you gaming this semester? If so, imagine how awesome your next one is going to be.

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Good Morning!

Today's been super lazy so far. I'm pretty much done with school- got all work in early, now there is only a few slow projects to do for the next couple weeks. 

No gaming relapse, but watched about an hour and a half worth of The B0ys. To me, doesn't matter if it is social media, gaming, or any other stuff- I feel like I am being equally unproductive. So I think I'll try to make the most out of the rest of the day. 

Yesterday was a mix... I worked super hard from morning until 5PM, like non-stop, but after that I got fairly lazy and barely did anything until late evening. I suppose it is good to take the rest of the day off after working so hard, but my partner is still working hard like crazy and I just kind of feel bad for not doing as much. At least I should be doing things to take care of her. And, take care of others too. Just because my life got easier doesn't mean I should stop helping others.

Anyways, gonna try to work hard today! Goals:

  • Try harder.
  • Be aware of the time passing
  • Know when to do what
  • Be ahead of yourself, not behind
  • stay hydrated
  • take care of loved ones
  • when tired, rest in a healthy manner


Hope y'all have a nice Tuesday 🙂

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Everyone has their "lazy days" once in a while (or often...), try to keep up an do better tomorrow.

BTW, I binged all 8 episodes of the boys S2 about a month ago. I sometimes feel like TV shows can be just as addictive as gaming. Though every person is different, I am curious to hear your thoughts.

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12 minutes ago, dasvira said:

Everyone has their "lazy days" once in a while (or often...), try to keep up an do better tomorrow.

BTW, I binged all 8 episodes of the boys S2 about a month ago. I sometimes feel like TV shows can be just as addictive as gaming. Though every person is different, I am curious to hear your thoughts.

Oh yes, I believe that they are essentially the same thing. Let me see if GoogleScholar can offer any research on this... BUT, from my experience I sink time in both equally, and feel equally shitty when doing either one in excess. 

Here are the articles lol:

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14 hours ago, Pochatok said:

Be aware of the time passing

Maybe this could help: Something that I've started lately is setting timers for tons of things. I feel like gaming completely warped my sense of time. I just want to be able to feel how long things take again. I even set a timer for the shower just so I know how long I've been in there.

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16 hours ago, championeal said:

Maybe this could help: Something that I've started lately is setting timers for tons of things. I feel like gaming completely warped my sense of time. I just want to be able to feel how long things take again. I even set a timer for the shower just so I know how long I've been in there.

I second this.

I use timer for some activities like, accessing this forums and in case I need to search something in the internet. But even for most of activities I don't use a timer, I am writing in a piece of paper my start and ending times. I think it does helps me to keep focused.

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Thanks @championeal @dasvira

I have been doing less of social media, and gaming is gone for now. I still need to time my TV binges, but so far I've been simply tracking how many episodes I watch/day. 1.5 hours total or less is the goal(~1 episode plus a sneak peak of the next lol). 

Also, I have been gone for a couple days, sorry! I just moved back home for thanksgiving and was just very tired and zoomed out yesterday. My finals have wrapped up well, just waiting for some people to reach out to me about future projects now.

Showerthought: When we think there is "no smell" in a place(outside), we are still smelling our boogieees. We always smell our bogies. Ew

Goals for today:

  • read and study for at least 2 hours(timer hehe!)
  • Exercise healthy
  • keep a good posture
  • stay hydrated
  • don't spend too much time in my room
  • help family with stuff
  • Make a schedule for break!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

cheers, Po

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