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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

What to do if you like your addiction?


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Some Context:
I've been addicted specifically to Pokemon GO for a while now. I "quit" in November of 2019 and relapsed again this past September (so close to year lol). After about a month and a half of game play I deleted the app after arguing about it with my wife who's rightfully not to fond of me playing.


Unlike other times I've stopped playing this is the first time I don't really want to. I want to keep playing. Other times it's been "I have a problem I want to stop" this time it's "I have a problem but I don't care, I want to keep playing". I totally get why I'm addicted, I know exactly how the people at Ninantic hooked me into their stupid machine I get it. It used to bother me but I'm kind of indifferent now. I know it's a waste of time but idk. Anyone have thoughts? Feel similarly, or have any idea what to do when having a video game addiction doesn't bother you like it used to?

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4 hours ago, freedomplz said:


Some Context:
I've been addicted specifically to Pokemon GO for a while now. I "quit" in November of 2019 and relapsed again this past September (so close to year lol). After about a month and a half of game play I deleted the app after arguing about it with my wife who's rightfully not to fond of me playing.


Unlike other times I've stopped playing this is the first time I don't really want to. I want to keep playing. Other times it's been "I have a problem I want to stop" this time it's "I have a problem but I don't care, I want to keep playing". I totally get why I'm addicted, I know exactly how the people at Ninantic hooked me into their stupid machine I get it. It used to bother me but I'm kind of indifferent now. I know it's a waste of time but idk. Anyone have thoughts? Feel similarly, or have any idea what to do when having a video game addiction doesn't bother you like it used to?

I think we reach a point during recovery where we don't care anymore. You ask yourself what's there even to gain from this fight? You're comfortable and it doesn't matter. You might be stuck in a loop until you realize that you feel better without playing and want to move on.

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That's addiction mate, you love it, thats why you keep doing it, despite the damage or impact to everything else.

I gave Pokemon Go there for a while, shortly after my first detox to 'help' me with motivation to get out and run. But I found it constantly took me out of the moment and I wasn't enjoying the run for what it was, so quit soon thereafter.

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Hard agree with the other folks here. For me, the issue with addiction wasn't an active hatred of what I was doing so much as it was just a flat inability to care. Of course I knew it was bad. Of course I knew that I could have, should have, ought have been doing something more productive.

Just in the moment, I really didn't feel any of that in any meaningful way. It was a game. It was fine. The consequences weren't immediate, weren't real - And, if they were, by God I'd better play a game so I didn't have to think about them. Addiction's like that. You find yourself doing something without really knowing, in the moment, why.

Edited by Commissar
'Addiction' is not 'addition.'
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  • 5 months later...

I also have been addicted to Pokémon Go for 5 years now. I can’t put it down . My kids tease me about it and yes, it’s not only embarrassing , it’s just such a waste of time. 
When my phone tells me how much screen time I have spent in a week , I nearly die! So ashamed . I don’t know how to go cold turkey , especially with a new in game’event’ starting tomorrow . Please help....


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Why don’t you level up your physique and health instead of a virtual character and write down at the end of the day in your scorecard:

Haven’t overeaten: 5 points bonus

Ate healthy: 3 points 

exercised: 2 points

Applied better technique/new routine: 5 points bonus

Researched for developing a strong back (new book, read 5 pages): 3 points bonus.

Brushed teeth: 2 points

Net total: 20 points

You have to score at least 18 points each day to pass.

If you don’t exercise one day, then divide fitness research points for that day by 3 (so you get just one point). If you don’t exercise for a week, Research for exercise stops giving you points.

Cumulatively add up points at the end of the year. Look in the mirror, write down how much your concentration, endurance has improved etc.

Next year keep adding those points. Keep researching and looking in the mirror.


Edited by Amphibian220
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I was at this point many times. I reinstalled Cs:go so many times and It was amazing.  For the first two  days I usually think: there is no way I‘m going to ever stop playing this game - surely there is going to be a way to implement it into my daily life in a healthy way.  After 1 week  though, I realize what affect it has on me. Your brain in addiction mode can‘t think rational and it does anything to get that „high“ you get from gaming. But think about it, what is going to make you happier in the long run? A sport or a game with virtual „pets“. 

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