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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Interesting Ted Talk


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I have seen that it has been mentioned here and then in the forum, but just today via accident, I watched the Ted Talk by Johann Hari called "Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong. I highly recommend it. Some of those ideas I already knew deep inside of me, but I couldn't really forumulate them properly. He did it straight on and everybody, who considers himself to be an addict, should watch this. 🙂


Edited by Alexanderle
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@Captain_Pilz that is a really good question. For me personally, I think it comes down to isolation and loneliness. I had nothing really outside of my appartment and their was always this screen in my room, which would be a little bit like the drug water. I think I spend the last couple of months trying to improve my rat cage if we use that terminology. Maybe you have similar experiences.

Edited by Alexanderle
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