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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Have been gaming for awhile.


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Hey my name is Chris and I have recently joined the game quitters community to get support for my massive video game playing compulsion. I constantly play games and a lot of times for upwards of 8 hours at a time. I am also on the nofap forum as well I guess I can just say I need to get my life straightened out and my first step starts today.


I am 26 by the way.

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Welcome Chris! Congratulations on taking the first step. This kind of stuff can be hard but it's always helpful to talk with those that have struggled or are currently struggling with the same or similar issues as yourself. If you ever have any questions then feel free to ask or type something into the search bar and I'm sure you'll find plenty of information. Again, welcome and I look forward to seeing more of you ?

Edited by EpicJ0J0
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