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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Introduction To My Journey


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Hello all, 

My name is Bryan and I've been trying to quit video games for about 4 years now. I tried to use Game Quitters back in 2017 but my mindset was so skewed that I only made it about 65 days into the 90 day gaming detox before relapsing and repeating my seemingly endless cycle of trying to quit. For this post, I'd like to keep it short so essentially my reasons for quitting video games is because they are my crutch. When video games are in my life, especially the big ones (League of Legends and World of Warcraft), everything else is secondary. To be honest, I have made a lot of progress with my life in a large number of aspects, however my growth only happens in the times when I am refusing to game. In these spans of time, I have put myself in a much better position to lead a healthy and wholesome life, yet I still consistently revert back to gaming and then all my progress is "frozen" and I fall down a well of depression and despair. My aim with quitting video games is to change my habit and to put all this energy I have towards goals and interests that I have been cultivating for the last 4-5 years. I don't really have the introverted replacement hobbies that I need to change this habit, and my main goal right now is to stay motivated to find a few that stick. I don't have any interest in gaming in any form anymore and I will do whatever I need to succeed with this change. I hope that I can stay connected here in this community to receive the help and support I need as well as reciprocating that to anyone else in need. Here's to the next 90 days...and the rest of my life game-free.

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