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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

I'm back. Again.

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Hello everyone,

I'm Nenad. Some of you might remember me from 1-2 years ago. I have been struggling with gaming and life in general for the past 5 years. I'm back to the forum again since my life has hit a critical point. I have had anxiety and panic attacks ever since I finished highschool. Before, during the end of highschool I felt as though i was improving and had barely played games. But anxiety has made me retreat back into my shell and for the past month I've been playing video games for 10+ hours a day. Life has become increasingly difficult mentally in the past 2 months. What i thought was a small problem during highschool has brought up my biggest fears. I don't think its only gaming, but its a big part of the problem. I'm going to start seeing a therapist in a months time, because i really need help and just can't be sure with my thoughts anymore. One of the upsides are that my mom and siblings have accepted that i have a problem and want to help. That's what i think is keeping me going mostly. I have decided to pause 1 year before I go to university. In the meantime I'll be working jobs full time and part time. For the next year I hope to get my life to a desirable point and start living to the fullest. I'll try my best to post daily journals on here so I can keep my self accountable to the end goal. I truly hope that with the support of my family and a therapist I will be able to get my life on track. So yeah, life is still fucked and I'm back here for the x time.

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Hello Sarma!

Seeing a therapist is a great idea if you're struggling with anxiety. Oftentimes it's just a chemical imbalance and can fixed fairly quickly. Even if it isn't, they'll teach you techniques for handling it, which can be very helpful.

Don't worry about having done this x many times: what matters is what you do going forward. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it. We're all here for you!

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7 hours ago, indyc said:

Hello Sarma!

Seeing a therapist is a great idea if you're struggling with anxiety. Oftentimes it's just a chemical imbalance and can fixed fairly quickly. Even if it isn't, they'll teach you techniques for handling it, which can be very helpful.

Don't worry about having done this x many times: what matters is what you do going forward. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it. We're all here for you!

Thank you. Your support means a lot! 

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Welcome back! You already made a huge step seeking professional help and the support of your family. I did the same some months ago while I was relapsing. I was reluctant at first, but in the end helped me a lot, so I hope it will help you too ?

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