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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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This is my first time ever writing an online post like this. To be honest, I am terrified.  I quit video games two months ago, and tonight, for the first time in a long time, I felt a strong urge to return to gaming. I managed to hang in there, but as I was browsing game quitters I came across community member Undsoweiter's journal, which really inspired me. I feel that I need to do this in order to hold myself accountable for my actions.

Undsoweiter, if you are reading this, thank you.

Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 1 -- 05/09/19

NF 64 Days (NoFap)

NP 94 Days (No Porn)

NG 64 Days (No Gaming)

CR 41 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 9 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 9 Days (No YouTube)

WF 9 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


What I am grateful for today

The weather today was wonderful! So much so that I went for a short walk in the afternoon.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Nope. Went to bed at 10:20.


Spent 22 minutes reading Anna Karenina.






Spent 14 minutes on Duolingo. Still working on basic vocabulary. A teacher told me they could give me a Spanish textbook tomorrow so I can really get started on learning the language (I'm self teaching).

Outdoors time

Walked to school and back. Also went for a walk around the block around 5pm.


Spent an hour typing. Hit a peak speed of 93 WPM. (After quitting gaming, I taught myself proper typing).


Proofread and checked all the math for my project for physics class.

What went well today

The weather was great and I overcame a massive urge to relapse into gaming.

What I could have done better today

Studied my calculus and spent less time typing (I'm sort of using typing as a crutch to resist urges and as a form of escapism instead of gaming).

What I will do differently tomorrow

Do some meditation in the morning. Use reading to distract myself from gaming urges if they occur instead of mindlessly browsing the web.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. To reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set it as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).



Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Hi George,

thanks for refering to me, but I am just somebody who build on the other members of this community and as far as I can see in some parts you are far more advanced than myself especially the 64 days of no fap, damn you rock! I am doing the challenge myself at the moment and managed to ramp it up to 11 days again (my record so far is 25days) and I have decided accept this as my next big challenge/change in life.

As somebody who eats as less refined sugar as possible (sweets maybe twice in a bad month) I tell you no sugar helps really well with resisting the cravings because your mind is not so sluggish as before. Another help I use for resisting urges is running/working out (if you read my journal then you noticed this for sure) the noting technique I learned from my meditation app and as last way out a cold shower (believe me nothing gets your cravings faster out of your head than this^^)

Edited by Undsoweiter
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Posted (edited)

Thanks guys!

Yeah, Undsoweiter, my jaw just straight up dropped when I saw your workouts. I also run, but nowhere near as much as you (I have a race on Sunday and have been saving my energy and avoiding injury for the last couple days).

I have mad respect for the cold showers. I tried that a while back, but I frankly just couldn't handle it at the time.

As a side note, for NoFap, one thing that's worked really well with my current streak was quitting porn a month before starting no fap. If you kill the porn habit, then kill any other fapping stimulation, you're getting rid of big factors that make you want to fap. After that, the not fapping part becomes a lot less jolting. Before trying this I would have streaks that lasted a week or two but I never really got that far until I could get myself to quit the stimulation. 

Wishing you guys the best!

Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 2 -- 05/10/19

NF 65 Days (NoFap)

NP 95 Days (No Porn)

NG 65 Days (No Gaming)

CR 42 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 10 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 10 Days (No YouTube)

WF 10 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One amazing thing about today!

1) I went to an environmental rally with some friends! It was cold, but spending time with others and protesting with a purpose was really satisfying!

2) Played Uno at school with a bunch of my classmates. The chemistry teacher made it through the day's material about halfway through the class, so some of the guys put some tables together and about 9 of us played Uno. Usually I shy away from social situations like this using the excuse that "I need to do homework" or something of the sort, but spending time with all these people that I've known for years (it's a small school) was a lot of fun!

What I am grateful for today

My mother for being incredibly supportive!

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm



Spent 21 minutes reading Anna Karenina after waking up.

I'm getting sick of reading about Kitty (although her character development is becoming more interesting). I want to get back to Anna and Vronsky, as the political intrigue of their affair and Tolstoy's philosophical stances are, for me at least, the heart of the novel.




None ? 


Spent half an hour on Duolingo. Turns out that I will be getting the textbook on Monday, as the teacher had some unexpected meetings to attend.

Outdoors time

I spent an hour at the environmental rally (it was raining). Then walked back to school and later from school to my house.


Spent just 13 minutes typing! Hit a peak speed of 92 WPM.


Did some homework in class as usual. Though I definitely have some to do this weekend, I feel that I didn't need to do more today.

What went well today

Today rocked! I handed in a project that I've been struggling with all week, went to an environmental rally, spent time with friends, went shopping with my mom, did the dishes and watched and show with my dad. I should be done this post by about 9:30 which means that I will probably get to bed before 10 ?.

What I could have done better today

I'm sure that there's something that I could have done better today, but frankly I don't feel the need to nitpick. It's been a really good day!

What I will do differently tomorrow

Tomorrow morning I will spend a few minutes meditating and in the afternoon I'll finish my homework and study for my biology test. 

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).



Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 3 -- 05/11/19

NG 66 Days (No Gaming)

NF 66 Days (NoFap)

NP 96 Days (No Porn)

CR 43 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 11 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 11 Days (No YouTube)

WF 11 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One amazing thing about today!

1) I helped an older woman find her shopping list which she had lost in the supermarket. Turns out that she dropped it on her way into the cooler ?.

What I am grateful for today

The great trail system in my city!

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Yes ? 9:54.


I spent 43 minutes reading Anna Karenina.

Thankfully, I got past the current Kitty arc (just finished part 2) and was greeted with some really interesting chapters about Levin and his brother Sergei. I enjoyed them so much that after reading the morning, I picked the book back up in the afternoon.


More than 15k steps (resting for tomorrow's race).


5 minutes silent meditation around noon.


Spent half an hour on Duolingo.

Outdoors time

In the morning, I drove my dad up to the store and did the grocery shopping for the week.

In the afternoon, I walked downtown to get my bib for tomorrow's race. I scouted out the course on foot and then walked back home (took about two and a half hours in total).


I only spent 15 minutes typing today! Unfortunately, my WPM was a fair bit lower than usual. 



What went well today

I spent loads of time outside and took every opportunity that I could to get out of the house and away any gaming temptations.

What I could have done better today

I could have spent more time on my homework and done meditation in the morning.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Tomorrow I will go run my 5k (my goal is to break 20 minutes) and spend a fair amount of time stretching because I know that the run will make my legs super sore. I'll also finish my homework (which I really should get done).

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).



Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 4 -- 05/12/19

NG 67 Days (No Gaming)

NF 67 Days (NoFap)

NP 97 Days (No Porn)

CR 44 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 12 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 12 Days (No YouTube)

WF 12 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) I ran my first ever sub 20 5k (just barely made it in at 19:59)!

What I am grateful for today

My dad who is incredibly supportive of my running.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Cutting it close with 9:59, but yes.


I didn't read today. 


More than 7k steps.

15 minutes of stretching (before and after the race).

5k Race (19:59).

An hour and a quarter of biking to loosen up my legs after the race.


I didn't meditate today.


I didn't work on my Spanish today.

Outdoors time

In the morning, I got a lift from my dad down to the race and spent roughly two hours there (including my race).

In the afternoon, I went for a bike ride to loosen up my legs and to get outside.


I only spent 5 minutes typing today.


I know that I should probably have done some homework today, but I'm not super worried. I'll just have to pick up some of the slack tomorrow. 

What went well today

First and foremost, I gave my mom lots of love and wished her a happy mother's day. Other than that, my race went great, I watched two episodes of GoT with my dad (he wasn't fazed by the Red Wedding at all haha), went for my first bike ride of the year, took a long nap, did the dishes while listening to my grandfather's CD and just generally enjoyed life. No cravings at all. It was really nice.

What I could have done better today

I could definitely have done some homework. I've got some work to do if I want to do well on my tests this week. I also could have spent more time on my day to day habits (reading, Spanish, meditation), but they were even lower on the priority list than the homework.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Get. My. Homework. Done... Also, read and meditate in the morning.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).



Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 5 -- 05/13/19

NG 68 Days (No Gaming)

NF 68 Days (NoFap)

NP 98 Days (No Porn)

CR 45 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 13 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 13 Days (No YouTube)

WF 13 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) I got invited to take university courses next year (last year of high school). Although I will probably turn it down, it is nonetheless flattering. 

What I am grateful for today

Eliud Kipchoge, who inspires me to be my best self!

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

I was studying biology and went to bed late at around 10:40 ?.


I didn't read today. 


More than 3k steps.

13 minutes of stretching.

16 minute run/walk at lunch.

An hour of kickboxing.


I didn't meditate today.


12 minutes of Duolingo. Trying to get that textbook ASAP.

Outdoors time

Walked to and from school.

Went running at lunch.


I spent 12 minutes typing today.


I got a fair bit done at school.

Studying Biology before bed.

What went well today

My legs weren't super stiff from the race and so I was able to do some kickboxing ?. The weather was great and I spent some time with friends at lunch.

What I could have done better today

I could have done some meditation and reading. Also, I could have done more homework, although I'm in a fairly good spot at the moment.

What I will do differently tomorrow

I will study biology and meditate in the morning. In the afternoon, I will do some studying and exercise (maybe a bike ride). I should also start reading again.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).



Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 6 -- 05/14/19

NG 69 Days (No Gaming)

NF 69 Days (NoFap)

NP 99 Days (No Porn)

CR 46 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 14 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 14 Days (No YouTube)

WF 14 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) I got my Spanish textbook! My teacher even gave me some homework and sheets to go with it (basically I get to take the school's Spanish class outside of school hours).

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that I have such great friends!

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Nope. Stayed up a couple minutes late to get in my meditation. Went to bed at 10:04.




More than 3k steps.

Half an hour of biking.


5 minutes of silent meditation before bed.


Worked on a written comprehension page for 10 minutes in chemistry class.

Spent a half hour on Duolingo. 

Outdoors time

Walked to and from school.

I went biking for half an hour in the rain.


12 minutes of typing. My pace is currently around 75 WPM, which is pretty solid.


I studied biology for half an hour in the morning.

I got a some chemistry and physics done at school.

What went well today

My biology test went well. I got my Spanish textbook which is really nice. I also went and did some exercise outdoors even though the weather wasn't great. Also spent quality time with my family in the evening.

What I could have done better today

I could have spent more time on homework. I'm noticing that homework is currently one of my big weaknesses in which I am not investing enough time. From this point forward, I am to do at least half an hour per night for the next week to improve my consistency.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Tomorrow I will do my reading and meditation in the morning. I will also go to kickboxing and study some Physics, as well as some Spanish.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).

Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 7 -- 05/15/19

NG 70 Days (No Gaming)

NF 70 Days (NoFap)

NP 100 Days (No Porn) ? ? ? 

CR 47 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 15 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 15 Days (No YouTube)

WF 15 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) We got to do yoga at school and I found out that I get to do track starting tomorrow if I want.

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that I have few obligations and can therefore work on myself as I please.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Went to bed late at 10:41 ?.


I read for 23 minutes this morning. 

Finished the Levin section ? and moved on to a section about Dolly and her kids at Yergushovo. Meh.


More than 4k steps.

40 minutes of yoga.

An hour of kickboxing.

5 minutes of stretching.


I didn't do any meditation today.


I did some reading at school and spent half an hour on Duolingo.

Outdoors time

Walked to and from school.

Went for a walk at lunch for 10 minutes.


Typed for 19 minutes. My speed seems to be reducing a bit, be it from my reduction in typing time or from my constant use of a Spanish keyboard (different layout).


I left it too late to do any homework if I wanted to get good sleep. This is now my habit priority.

What went well today

The yoga today was a pleasant surprise! It was super relaxing and just what I needed. I also did some research into career options and found a solid place to start on an upcoming habit that I want to create (studying advanced chemistry).

What I could have done better today

As has become the usual, I could have started studying my homework earlier in the afternoon. I feel as though I am procrastinating until the last minute on this and that in order to achieve my current goal of 30 mins a night I should do it when I get home instead of leaving it for later.

What I will do differently tomorrow

I will do 30 mins of homework when I get home tomorrow. I'll also squeeze in some morning meditation and do go run with the track team after school.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).

Edited by George Wyatt

Really impressive streaks you've got going there man! I've taken on NoFap and GameQuitters at the same time. Recently I noticed that now I am just spending more time on Youtube and was considering quitting that as well, do you feel like that's worked well for you?

Keep it up!

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Posted (edited)


I'm glad to hear that you've taken up NoFap and GameQuitters too! Doing them at the same time is a challenge but 100% worth it!

When it comes to my "No YouTube" habit, it's somewhat misleading. I do use YouTube occasionally, but in a mindful or intentional fashion.

When I open google, before typing in "YouTube" (this part is hard because typing YouTube is my instinctive response to opening google), I will decide if there's anything I want to find on YouTube or that I want to look up. If not, I'll move on to something else.

YouTube is built to keep you there for hours on end. For example, I'll be checking out old game of thrones clips, keep seeing stuff that I want to watch and, whoops, two hours have gone by! I find that watching all videos in theater mode, or at least turning on theater mode before watching in full screen helps with this, because you don't see the recommended video list. 

The long as short being, YouTube is fine IMO as long as you are smart about using it. I use it for music, ASMR and study material. The danger is that, like gaming, you get the gambler's reflex of wanting to go again. If you can go into YouTube with a goal and get out quick, I don't see any problem. However, when it becomes watching streaks of things that you don't need to watch and that after watching you feel guilty about, there's no benefit. It's escapism, plain and simple, providing the same refuge as gaming, just under a different name. From what you said, it sounds like you're using it as an escape and as a method for managing boredom.

I only quit YouTube recently, but before I did, I found something to fill the void (in my case it's learning Spanish, which I usually do for 30+ mins a day). What I would recommend is finding something that you want to learn or improve (I personally have a list of habits I want to develop that I refer to when trying to come up with stuff. The GameQuitters habit list is really good to.) and getting used to that habit before quitting. Let that replace your YouTube.

Keep in mind that if you are already on NoFap and GameQuitters, that taking away YouTube will also remove most, if not all, of your methods of escapism. I can say firsthand that this is terrifying. Quitting these bad habits helps reduce your need for escape over time, but initially it takes a toll because you can't hide away. Thus, I would also suggest finding something (if you haven't already) that you can use for productive escapism. I really like exercise and reading as coping mechanisms for this and I do them very regularly. 

Sorry if this is a bit long, but I wanted to cover all the bases. I hope it helped! If you have any other questions feel free to ask anytime ?.

Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 8 -- 05/16/19

NG 71 Days (No Gaming)

NF 71 Days (NoFap)

NP 101 Days (No Porn)

CR 48 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 16 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 16 Days (No YouTube)

WF 16 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) I tried track for the first time ever and loved it!

What I am grateful for today

Today, I am grateful that I discovered something new that I enjoy!

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Nope. 10:13.


I didn't read today.


More than 8k steps.

30 minutes of stretching.

Jumped rope for 10 minutes in the afternoon.

Ran sprints for an hour with the track team. Also ran to and from the track.


5 minutes in the morning.


Spent 18 minutes on Duolingo. Starting to become really comfortable with the basic vocabulary. Still haven't learned the plural verb tenses though...

Outdoors time

Walked to and from school.

Went for a walk at lunch for 11 minutes.


I didn't type today.


Guess I took the words "priority habit" a bit too seriously. Did loads of homework in class today (chemistry, physics and calculus) and didn't really feel the need to study when I got home. That said, I have a four day weekend so studying is a must.

What went well today

I tried sprinting and it was awesome! Definitely what I need if I want to improve my 5k time! Other than that, I got lots of homework done in class, made up with the friend from lunch after school and gave them some support (they're going through a rough patch) and started Chemistry on Khan Academy. All in all, a pretty solid day!

What I could have done better today

I could have been nicer to a friend at lunch. I was very blunt when they needed me to not be.

What I will do differently tomorrow

I will do my morning reading and meditation. I'll also go to kickboxing, do some Physics, work on my Spanish and work on some KA (Khan Academy) Chemistry.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).

Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 9 -- 05/17/19

NG 72 Days (No Gaming)

NF 72 Days (NoFap)

NP 102 Days (No Porn)

CR 49 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 17 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 17 Days (No YouTube)

WF 17 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) I had a great bike ride out in nature ?.

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful to live in such a beautiful city!

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Worst bedtime in a while. Went to sleep at 11:09. 


Read for 21 minutes in the morning.


Biking for an hour and a half.

An hour of kickboxing.

10 minutes of stretching.


20 minutes of outdoor silent meditation!!


Spent 20 minutes on Duolingo.

Outdoors time

Bike ride for an hour and a half.

Walking for 15 mins. 

20 minutes of outdoor meditation.


Spent 41 minutes typing. Used this to procrastinate from doing physics. On the upside, I realized that the reason that my typing speed has been going down is that I haven't been working on my accuracy at all. Now, I'm using Typeracer Instant Death Mode in order to really hone my accuracy (15 minutes of this skyrocketed my speed and accuracy).


Procrastinated for most of the day, but thanks to the forest app and some prodding from my mother, I managed to get in 40 minutes of physics.

What went well today

Had an awesome bike ride out along a river, did some outdoors meditation for the first time (it was great!) and got in some solid cardio. Had a really good conversation with a friend about his current research project for university (he's taking biology, which is a field that I am very interested in). I also helped a man, whilst out biking, who's truck had lost a wheel. All in all, a fairly good day.

What I could have done better today

I could have done my physics instead of procrastinating. It's going to be a struggle to get it done tomorrow, but I think I'll manage. Wishing I'd done it today.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Tomorrow, I will do my physics homework, meditate and do some exercise.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).

Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 10 -- 05/18/19

NG 73 Days (No Gaming)

NF 73 Days (NoFap)

NP 103 Days (No Porn)

CR 50 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 18 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 18 Days (No YouTube)

WF 18 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) I went out for supper with my mother.

2) I learned a lot about running nutrition.

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that I got to spend some quality time with my mom.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Nope. Went to bed at 10:34.


I didn't read today.


An hour of kickboxing.

15 minutes of biking in the evening.


I didn't meditate today.


10 minutes of Duolingo.

Outdoors time

15 minutes of biking in the evening.


19 minutes of typing. My speed has gone back up thanks to the accuracy training.


Spent an hour and a half working on physics.

What went well today

I got some physics done, did some good exercise and spent some quality time with my mom over dinner. Also, did some interesting research on running nutrition.

What I could have done better today

I could have tackled physics earlier in the day. Also, I could have gotten in some meditation.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Meditation. Some physics. Reading.

My Monthly Goal

Maintaining the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Turning Spanish into a full-fledged hobby that I can commit to. Reduce my typing time, as it is currently serving as a form of escapism. Spend more time outdoors (I might set getting outdoors time as an official habit in about a week once I'm comfortable with NYT, NSAS and WF).

Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 11 -- 05/19/19

NG 74 Days (No Gaming)

NF 74 Days (NoFap)

NP 104 Days (No Porn)

CR 51 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 19 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 19 Days (No YouTube)

WF 19 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) Went on a road trip with my mom to go to a Nordic Spa. 

2) Shopped for some really good running clothes.

3) Ran a really solid tempo 5k (my form is getting so much better ?)

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that I got to experience a Nordic Spa.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

9:55 ? 


I read for roughly an hour at the spa.


23 minute tempo 5k + stretching (before and after)


I didn't meditate today.


I didn't practice Spanish today.

Outdoors time

Walked up to the track, ran a tempo 5k and did some stretching.


6 minutes of typing.


No homework today.

What went well today

Ran a great tempo 5k, loved the thermal experience at the spa and got some really nice running gear. Spending a couple hours in the car with my mom and then sharing the spa experience was great fun!

What I could have done better today

I'm tempted to say homework, but frankly I don't think I could have reasonably fit much in. We were gone from 9 to 6:30 (roughly) and then I went to work out. I think doing some meditation would have been good.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Tomorrow I will finish my Physics, work on some Math, do some reading in the morning and get some exercise. 

My (New) Monthly Goal

Maintaining and further developing the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Letting go of noting down the amount of time that I spend on things and just letting myself live now that I have a fairly solid arsenal of good habits. Instead, keep track and hold myself accountable through journaling. 

Edited by George Wyatt
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Posted (edited)

Day 12 -- 05/20/19

NG 75 Days (No Gaming)

NF 75 Days (NoFap)

NP 105 Days (No Porn)

CR 52 Days (Clean Room)

NSAS 20 Days (No Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

NYT 20 Days (No YouTube)

WF 20 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) Finished my Physics and feel ready for the test tomorrow.

2) Watched the last episode of Game of Thrones (kind of liberating to be done with that series).

3) Made lunch for the week (Quinoa salad)!

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that I am on this journey of self discovery.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Nope. 10:15.


I didn't read today.


20 minutes on the elliptical (easy-moderate intensity)


I didn't meditate today.


I spent a few minutes practicing Spanish today.

Outdoors time

I didn't go outside today (it was raining all day).


I spent a few minutes typing.


Spent a couple hours finishing my Physics.

What went well today

Slept without any earbuds last night! I finished Game of Thrones, which has been a part of my life since it came out. This was really liberating. I also got my Physics done and made a lunch for the week (I've been talking about doing this for years but never actually do it. It was really nice to see this small and uncertain, but present growth).

What I could have done better today

I procrastinated through the morning, avoiding my Physics homework. Due to this, I didn't spend a lot of time on the habits that make me happy because I had to get the physics done. I also think I should have gone outside even though it was raining, because being outside makes me feel more focused and probably would have helped me stop procrastinating sooner.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Read in the morning. Ace my Physics test. Go running with the track team. Study for math. Start to plan next weekend's camping trip.

My (New) Monthly Goal

Maintaining and further developing the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Letting go of noting down the amount of time that I spend on things and just letting myself live now that I have a fairly solid arsenal of good habits. Instead, keep track and hold myself accountable through journaling. 

Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 13 -- 05/21/19

FOG 76 Days (Free Of Gaming)

FOF 76 Days (Free Of Fapping)

FOP 106 Days (Free Of Porn)

CR 53 Days (Clean Room)

FOSAS 21 Days (Free Of Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

FOYT 21 Days (Free Of YouTube)

WF 21 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)

FOE 1 Day (Free Of Earbuds) (With the exception of guided meditation)

MGLFS Week 1 (Making Good Lunch For School)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) Physics test went really well!

2) My lunch rocked! Really glad that I made that last night!

3) Got a new PR of 31s for the 200m during training today (second track practice).

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that someone helped me with a Physics question when I asked half an hour before the test.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

9:58 ? 


Spent 20 minutes reading Anna Karenina in the evening.


Sprint intervals (Track) (1 Hour) (It was pouring buckets).

30 minutes stretching at the PA.

More than 10k steps.


I didn't meditate today.


Spent 10 minutes on Duolingo.

Outdoors time

Running to and from the track, sprints and warm-up (1 Hour).

10 minute walk at lunch.

Moss collecting for biology class (5 mins).

Walked to and from school.


Spent 10 minutes typing. My accuracy has gone up a ton!



What went well today

I slept without earbuds, my Physics test went well and I got in a good workout!

What I could have done better today

I could have studied math in the evening.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Meditate in the morning. Read. Study math.

My (New) Monthly Goal

Maintaining and further developing the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Letting go of noting down the amount of time that I spend on things and just letting myself live now that I have a fairly solid arsenal of good habits. Instead, keep track and hold myself accountable through journaling. 

Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Day 14 -- 05/22/19

FOG 77 Days (Free Of Gaming)

FOF 77 Days (Free Of Fapping)

FOP 107 Days (Free Of Porn)

CR 54 Days (Clean Room)

FOSAS 22 Days (Free Of Sugar Added Snacks) (Avoiding added sugar as much as possible, this includes foregoing dessert)

FOYT 22 Days (Free Of YouTube)

WF 22 Days (Drinking water first thing in the morning)

FOE 2 Day (Free Of Earbuds) (With the exception of guided meditation)

MGLFS Week 1 (Making Good Lunch For School)


One/some amazing thing(s) about today!

1) Got my Physics test back (100%)!

2) Worked on my math homework a lot!

What I am grateful for today

I am grateful that my family cares about my well being.

Wake up time


Getting to bed before 10pm

Nope 10:15


Spent 20 minutes reading Anna Karenina in the morning.


Went for a bike ride for an hour and a quarter (spent about 40 minutes on the bike).


Spent 10 minutes doing silent indoor meditation in the morning.


Spent 15 minutes on Duolingo.

Outdoors time

Walked to and from the hospital.

Walked to and from school.

Went on a bike ride for an hour and a quarter (encountered a wild turkey [that was odd], watched the sun set for 10 minutes from the walking bridge).


Spent 10 minutes typing.


Spent about an hour and a half working on my calculus homework.

Also did calculus for half of lunch.

What went well today

Aced my Physics test, did some morning meditation and got some math done. Really enjoyed my bike ride. 

I was really proud that I noticed the sun set and stopped my bike on the bridge to watch it for 10 minutes. I am generally quite uptight, so stopping to watch the sunset was a big step for me, as in the past I would have either not noticed it enough to stop or would have kept biking knowing that I should probably get home and do some homework. Taking a step back like this makes me super happy ?.

What I could have done better today

I had a really solid day all things considered. Would've like to do some evening meditation and got to bed earlier, but then I wouldn't have been able to watch that beautiful sunset. I think I made the right decision.

What I will do differently tomorrow

Morning meditation and reading. Track practice. Calculus homework as much as possible. Prepare gear for weekend camping trip (leaving Friday night).

My (New) Monthly Goal

Maintaining and further developing the habits that I have managed to build over the last two months. Letting go of noting down the amount of time that I spend on things and just letting myself live now that I have a fairly solid arsenal of good habits. Instead, keep track and hold myself accountable through journaling. 


Felt very good throughout the school day. Felt hollow and empty in the afternoon. Minor food cravings (I cut peanut butter yesterday, but realized today that it really wasn't worth it and that it wasn't that bad for me)(I eat super healthy, so cutting peanut butter was somewhat extreme). Going for a bike ride made me feel a lot better ?

Edited by George Wyatt
Posted (edited)

Bank of Habit/Hobby Ideas (Work In Progress)

- Stop cracking knuckles.

- Stop multitasking.

- Focusing on not comparing yourself to others.

- Meditation.

- Stretching.

- Yoga.

- Piano.

- Origami.

- Homework first thing when getting home.

- Coding.

- Eating more veggies.

- Sleeping an extra hour.

- Drawing.

- Writing.

- Working on social skills.

- Weights.

 - Cooking.

- Baking.

- Mindset (reduce ruminating, reduce judgement, be more easygoing, be less competitive with others and don't compare yourself to others).

- Spend time outside (no matter the weather).

- 1 Daily act of kindness.

- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

- Swimming.

- Daily Push-Ups.

- Work out shortly in the morning.

- Take a walk each day of the weekend.

- Photography.

- Calligraphy.

- Magic.

- Speed Cubing.

- Bird Watching .

- Geocaching.


- Knitting.

- Tai Chi.

- Cryptography.

- Flipping items.

- Juggling.

- Dancing.

- Soap making.

- Making electronic music.

- Knotting.

- Crossword puzzles.

- Parkour.


Edited by George Wyatt
  • Like 2

You're crushing it George. Keep it up!

I'd also highly recommend Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I couldn't stick with it due to some injuries, but it was amazing experience. Definitely give it a shot!

  • Like 1

Impressive dedication dude. You've got my thinking I need to step up my game. Grats on 100%, I think the only thing I ever got 100% on was gym class ?

Yoga has been great for me personally, makes me feel centered and peaceful. Hitting the weights will make you feel awesome when you start to get that pump feeling. I crave it now. Keep up the good work

  • Like 1

Very well done George! Reading your bank of habits list, I think I could offer some info on how I dealt with at least half the things there, maybe you'll find some use in that? Didn't want to intrude in your journal though, so just offering!

  • Like 1

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