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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hi, I am starting to write a little bit late because I already "survived" more than 60 days of life free of games. But till a two days ago I traded my game time with some good habits like exercise and a lot of bad ones like online novels, videos and other stuff for killing time. So to stop continuing with this destructive behavior I started doing my miracle morning (honestly today was my first day) and I will write starting today my daily progress here and expect/hope for imput to create a better version of myself and of course also critisism should I miss a day!


Edited by Undsoweiter
Posted (edited)

Day 1 25.03.19

Gratitude journal

I am grateful for having parents who care for me (something I had to realize the hard way today), a healthy body and that while I am already 28 I still have a chance to turn my life around.


One amazing thing that happened/I did today

Like I said before I had a huge conflict with my parents because my study problems at universtiy (as a result of my adicction) came to light and while my parents will be angry at me for quite some time they still cared and where sad for me. (which hurt quite a lot but also made me realise a lot of things)


10min workout in the morning


10min meditation in the morning (I can really give headspace a like)


done a little bit I am struggling the concept with it honestly

Daily affirmation

same with visualisation trying tomorrow again

Reading + taking notes

learned a few pages of spanish,m studied for a exam

Getting to bed before 9pm

nope sadly it was 22:45 try to go earlier today

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and maybe wake up earlier than 6am

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living alife I am proud of

What went well today:

first miracle morning hopefully the first of many

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more, stayed stronger again distractions

What I will do differently tomorrow:

being more productive, to see the positive side of more things, planning my life more realistic and living my life so that I can be proud tomorrow in the evening.

Edited by Undsoweiter
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Posted (edited)

Day 2 26.03.19

Gratitude journal

I am Grateful for being healthy and not suffering from an illness.


One amazing thing that happened/I did today

First day without all of Webnovels, games, fantasy books, netflix, amazon prime hopefully the first of many


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

110min Basketball in the evening


10min  in the morning

15min in the afternoon


worked better than yesterday

Daily affirmation

still a work in progress

Reading + taking notes

read 5min a book I always wanted to start and also studied between 3 and 4 hours for my next exam

Getting to bed before 9pm

no still not working, tried to go earlier but had a rough night

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and I will wake up earlier than 6am on the next monday

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living a life I am proud of

What went well today:

second miracle morning worked ok nedd still too much time in the transition between the SAVERS

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more, I could have watched less self help videos on Youtube

What I will do differently tomorrow:

being more productive, to stop overreacting so much, planning my life more realistic and living my life so that I can be proud tomorrow in the evening.

Edited by Undsoweiter
so many grammatic errors because i am not a native speaker

Day 3 27.03.19

Quick update in between got some mails today namely that my blizzard acc and my steam acc were completly deleted so now there is no turning back.

Since my netflix acc has run out and I am still fighting to delete my webnovel account (you need an offical document for it and then have to wait till a moderator deltes the acc) I call it a good day so far. But still every once in a while I have to use an enormous amout of willpower to resist all those urges like watching a little bit on twitch ( especially when you had a fixed time every week) or to read "only" one chapter of a webnovel (it will not stay that way I know myself good enough) . So wish me some mental strengh to resist them as long as it takes to overcome them.


Day 3 27.03.19 Part 2:

Gratitude journal

I am grateful to have taken the first steps out of this quagmire of endless consumption and numbing myself.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1)Got my mobile screen time under 150min with the help of the app "Forest" which is really motivating and started the nofab challege as well because if not now when I am trying to change nearly everything then will I do it!

2) went in my Tai-Chi course to a total stranger and talked for a few minutes something I imagined to be far harder


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

90min Tai-Chi course in the evening

more than 13000 steps


nearly 15min  in the morning of complete silence that was a lot harder than with the guided meditation courses


I am trying but it will need work

Daily affirmation

works better now but I am still a bloody beginner (noob^^) at it

Reading + taking notes

read study material during commuting something I have rarely done  and also studied a little more than 1 hour additionally

Getting to bed before 9pm

no still not working and the summertime is this wekend so that will be a project for the future (next step going to sleep before 10pm)

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and I am going to wake up earlier than 6am on the next monday

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment

reducing my mobile time under 1 hour for most of the days

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

working with the SAVERS went better today and woke up even earlier than yesterday

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more, I could have watched less self help videos on Youtube, stop searching for things to do (even if they are productive) when you know you are just procastrinating

What I will do differently tomorrow:

doing more than 5 hours study time and going to bed early

Posted (edited)

Day 4 28.03.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful of being alive and healthy. Also to have heard a lot of the game quitters podcast  in the last days and found so many inspirations like the miracle morning and the power of habit.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1)Got my mobile screen time under 2 hours!! planting trees left and right (if somebody also uses the app pm me or write down below I am sure we could push ourselves more)

2) helped the Red-Cross at an accident on the street today felt great I am thinking about joining as a volunteer when my time shedule is not so packed anymore in a few weeks and my miracle morning routine is more established.


around 5min Tai-Chi in the morning

125min workout in the gym

more than 12500 steps


again nearly 15min  in the morning of complete silence gotten closer to the end today


"I am trying but it will need work" I stand corrected a lot of work.^^

Daily affirmation

did not work so well today trying again tomorrow!

Reading + taking notes

studied between 3 and 4 hours and a lot articles about self-assesment and habit building

Getting to bed before 9pm

I decided to try this project when i am acclimated to the summer time in about a weeks time

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and I am going to wake up earlier than 6am on the next monday, creating a plan for the immediate future (studying, work, social life, ...)

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment

reducing my mobile time under 1 hour for most of the days

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

did not sleep well and a lot this night but still decided to wake up before 6:30am and also was quite stressed in the afternoon but the workout afterwards was fantastic

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (it becomes a theme^^), stop the old habit of procastinating because sometime after starting it gets really easy and even if not I still have to do it on the next days and it is not going to be easier

What I will do differently tomorrow:

doing more than 6 hours study time (trying again^^) and finish all of the plans and documents I was too weak willed or lazy to do today (so far I fear procastination will follow me even after quitting all the easy dopamin "dealers" for a long time)

Edited by Undsoweiter

Day 5 29.03.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful of living with reasonalble flatmates and having a warm flat.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1)went on my first run the morning was quite cold but also energising.

2) went to a party with friends and drank only antialkoholic beer was a completly new experience.


13min run in the morning

12826 steps


15min  in the morning of complete silence


complete failure today trying again tomorrow and mabye read some pointers about this topic

Daily affirmation

I am trying but it is hard

Reading + taking notes

studied 3 hours

Getting to bed before 9pm

nope not going to work this week

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and I am going to wake up earlier than 6am on the next monday, think hard about my values and what kind of person want to be

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment

reducing my mobile time under 1 hour for most of the days

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

had a full mostly productive day, was one of the few people who tried to talk to other people at the party instead of getting wasted, first morning run^^, instead of walking through the city with headphones on I went without extra audio input and the experience was completly different as a result of having time to think the thoughts and realizations were part depressing and refreshing

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (sadly again), I woke up at my usual time this week but hab lie down for another 30min I was just so tired (still having some problems with going to sleep early), trying to find some methods to cope with my reacuring anxiety problems (they are slight but still there)

What I will do differently tomorrow:

doing more than 6 hours study time (this time!!) It is weekend and I am late so I will sleep 30min longer tomorrow but work my ass of starting in the morning!

Posted (edited)

Day 6 30.03.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful of being able to exercise and try my hardest in things I did not know are important to me until now.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) studied more than 6 hours something I tried to accomplish this whole week (now it is 8 hours^^)


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

2 hour workout

16795 steps


15min in the morning of complete silence (the pro level courses of headspace are great)


not great today, but i planned for tomorrow some intel gathering on it^^

Daily affirmation

trying, trying, trying (I want it to work!!)

Reading + taking notes

studied 6,3 hours (yeah^^)

Getting to bed before 9pm

nope like the days before

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and I am going to wake up earlier than 6am on the next monday, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment

reducing my mobile time under 1 hour for most of the days

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

had quite the productive day more than 6 hours of studying (i am falling more and more in love with the app "forest"), lost more than 1 kg this week by trying to change my life (and some friends even noticed!) workout was crazy I am really fatiged because every saturday my buddy comes with new ideas but hey that keeps it interesting.

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more, even today I planned more but tomorrow is a new day and I try again, I woke up later because my roommate was noisy in the middle of the night so to compensate I had to adjust, trying to find some methods to cope with my reacuring anxiety problems (they are slight but still there), I found some triggers but still not sure how to cope with them

What I will do differently tomorrow:

the 8 hours benchmark of studying must fall, I will lose an hour this night because of the change to summer time we will see if I have to change my sleeping plan again, try to mediate more than once and get a hang of visualisation (hopefully...)

Edited by Undsoweiter
Posted (edited)

Day 7 31.03.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful to have parents who love me with all my faults.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) studied between 5 and 6 hours (it seems like 8 hours is for next week)

2) now I can study more than 60min in one go (something I thought impossible a week ago)


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

10724 steps


15min in the morning of complete silence (the pro level courses of headspace are great)

and after writing this dairy another 10min


read a little bit about it and it seems like I did it subconsciously (still not sure^^)

Daily affirmation

I tried again today even shouted it load in the shower^^

Reading + taking notes

studied between 5 and 6 hours and read about visualisaton and affirmation

Getting to bed before 9pm

nope like the days before

Weekly Goal(s)

get the first week of miracle morning done and I am going to wake up earlier than 6am on the next monday, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the exam next week and the following exam, train myself in the SAVERS and be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment

reducing my mobile time under 1 hour for most of the days

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

another productive day with 5 to 6 hours of studying, had another talk with my parents about my situation and they insisted I look for professional help for my addiction problems

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more, tomorrow I try again, I woke up later because of the summer time change I could not handle the early time?, still some anxiety problems it seems like meditation helps but I guess I need more practice

What I will do differently tomorrow:

at least 4 hours of studying because I have to work as well tomorrow, meditate more and start with my spanish practice (even if only for a few minutes), wake up early again this weekend was quite bad in this regard

Edited by Undsoweiter
Posted (edited)

Day 8 01.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for friends who look out for me.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) worked nearly 8h and studied at least 3h

2) created a kind of timetable for my week (really detailed, this was the first I have done this way)

3) learned 27 new words in spanish during commuting

4) decied to do a halfmarathon in october so that I have a reason to run in the morning


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

8209 steps (yeah today was not a lot of time for walking or sport ? )


15min in the morning of complete silence (the pro level courses of headspace are great)

and after writing this dairy another 10min


nope done nothing today that is something I have to change if I want to get the hang of it

Daily affirmation

the shower again and yeah there I can talk all I want

Reading + taking notes

learned spanish and studied,

but friday after my exam the whole evening is planed for reading (I am super excited already, any good books tipps? if some body is reading this ?  )

Getting to bed before 9pm

hopefully it works this week already going to sleep at 2215 to wake up at 6 so we will see

Weekly Goal(s)

get the second week of miracle morning done (this with 6am morning time), study extra hard for the exam

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

a great productive day even now I am on a high because of all the things I have done, I am especially happy about the spanish words mabye I have the time for a few of them everyday

had quite a nice smalltalk with a working college during our wait for the bus (this is special because for weeks if not months we just greeted and smiled at each other but today I thought "Max, leave your comfort zone!!" and it worked well)

What I could have done to make my day better:

having a striker morning routine in the morning I am still quite slow and today the first thing in the morning was me reaching for the mobile, that was frustrating), write in my diary I forgot it completly this morning ?

What I will do differently tomorrow:

wake up at 6am study a lot and talk to more people (maybe during basketball training)

Edited by Undsoweiter

Day 9 02.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for having found a sport where I can give my all.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) played probably the best basketball of live so far, it was crazy I was really in some kind of flow where I hab near unlimted stamina and a lot of really unbelieveable shots got in

2) created a kind of timetable for my week (really detailed, this was the first I have done this way)

3) learned 15 new words in spanish during commuting


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

90min of highspeed basketball (I could feel my heart even 20min later bumping like crazy)

11063 steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


nope done nothing today ?

Daily affirmation

the affirmation shower is slowly becoming a thing ?

Reading + taking notes

learned spanish and studied for 4,5h but will add another after writing this diary

Getting to bed before 9pm

we will see if it works this week

Weekly Goal(s)

get the second week of miracle morning done (this with 6am morning time), study extra hard for the exam

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

productive day, basketball was great, met and talked with an old school friend still do not know how to feel about it

What I could have done to make my day better:

had some rough phases at lunch time even read some chapters of the novels I am funding on patreon ( I do not know if this is a breach against my resolution but the stress was a little bit to big ? and i fell back into a bad habit mabye because I could not sleep much last night and I had less willpower than normal?) at least no gaming, no fap, no comics, no visting my webnovel sites and reading the really addiciting stuff, no netflix and amazon prime and similar stuff so far

What I will do differently tomorrow:

waking up at 6am, trying to get more sleep, study a lot, not becoming weak in the face of temptation ( I have to find something else to cope with my stress, basketball worked well but we will see)


Day 10 03.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for not chickening out of the exam happening this friday, like I did so often before.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) had a godd, but refreshing different tai-chi season

2) studied 8 hours (yeah! finally)

3) if had another rough night where I could not sleep a lot but I powered through the day and it was hard but rewarding


11min Tai-Chi in the morning

90min of tai chi in the afternoon

more than 11k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


nope done nothing today again ? ?

Daily affirmation

downloaded an affirmation app now I just need the time to personalize it ( maybe on the weekend)

Reading + taking notes

learned a little bit of spanish and studied for more than 8h

Getting to bed before 9pm

I am not sure if this will ever be possible for me ( maybe when I am sick? who knows?)

Weekly Goal(s)

get the second week of miracle morning done (this with 6am morning time), study extra hard for the exam

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

productive day, tai chi was great, had a long coffee break with a good friend, no youtube video or any of my usual cravings,

What I could have done to make my day better:

the day today was great and rewarding, but sometimes I thought it is running on rails and not in a good sense, I know shortly before the exam is a stressful time, but combining this with the lack of sleep over the last two days and it will be driving me crazy (but at least weekend is in sight^^)

What I will do differently tomorrow:

waking up earlier, do a little bit more strenous exercise or a running sesson to turn down the stress a bit, mediatate more!

  • Like 2

Day 11 04.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for seeing progress even if it is a slow one.^^

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) had a great run in the evening which blew my exam anxiety away (at least till now^^)

2) studied more than 7 hours (maybe another one after writing because of the exam tomorrow)


only 3min Tai-Chi in the morning ?

29min of running

more than 16k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


I promise I will work on it this weekend

Daily affirmation

affirmation app is great (it is called my affirmations, but because my mother language is german I have to input all of my affirmations in the app and can not use the standart ones)

Reading + taking notes

my 10 min of daily spanish (it is becoming quite relaxing, maybe because there is no exam at the end ? ) and studied for more than 7h till now

Getting to bed before 9pm

the usual....

Weekly Goal(s)

get the second week of miracle morning done (this with 6am morning time), study extra hard for the exam

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

productive day, my run was awesome and refreshing, nearly no youtube video or any of my usual cravings, slept kind of normal so also nice

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more, a more fixed timetable for the day wuld have saved me from my last few minutes of procastination, but I guess that is something I have to work on 

What I will do differently tomorrow:

waking up later to get more sleep before the exam, finishing the exam and then it is time for sport but this time for real (had to shorten my workout today), a brutal workout out or a 10km run something to empty all of my batteries^^


Day 12 05.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for realising that not all of my old pleasures have a hold over me any more and some others are way less fullfilling than just a few months ago.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) till the exam had a high focused day

2) first time since a long, long time I had under 80kg bodyweight felt great, now it only has to stay this way


15min Tai-Chi in the morning ?

2 hours of workout

more than 17k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


tomorrow ?

Daily affirmation

used them not very much today

Reading + taking notes

my 10 min of daily spanish and studying of course

Getting to bed before 9pm

the usual....

Weekly Goal(s)

get the second week of miracle morning done (this with 6am morning time)

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

the exam was okay, hopefully I know something about that in 2 weeks time, great workout, lost some weight over the last 2 weeks (2,3kg^^), had quite the good mood all day long which was nice (even with or because of the exam?)

What I could have done to make my day better:

here we come to the tricky part, I found some triggers for my urges today which are the opposite I of what I would have expected: euphoria! and it is harder to take down than the negative feelings or just to kill time 

so the important part: I am still on day 75 of no gaming (I realised they are no the reason of my problems but a very toxic symptom of them), no sweets and most of the sugar since start of lent, on day 12 of no fap, no webnovels, no netflix, twitch and other film and series streaming sites, BUT after workout I read some webnovels to celebrate the day and lost sight of the time and one hour, which I allowed myself, became nearly 3!! and I could not stop!! so now I know that I have to regulate them strictly as well ?  at least for the immedate future

What I will do differently tomorrow:

start fresh, plan the next week/weeks do some sport maybe study a little bit or prepare the materials for it and HANDS AWAY from my addictions!!

Posted (edited)

Day 13 06.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for finding friends who accept me the way I am.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) started preparing for the next exam

2) had a really funny evening with friends


10min Tai-Chi in the morning

2 hours of workout

more than 12k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


a little bit but it will be a long way

Daily affirmation

in the shower again it seems there it works really well for me

Reading + taking notes

10 min of spanish and read a book I wanted/planned for half a month

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

started strong in the morning, went to gym second day in a row, had a nice evening with friends

What I could have done to make my day better:

planned my day better, read alittle bit less -> I wanted to finsh the book yesterday, but it cost me at least a thrid of the day (a project for the immedate future is now to learn to stop reading at some point and continue/finish the next day)

What I will do differently tomorrow:

plan the next week, tidy my room, start studing for the next exam, go for a run


Edited by Undsoweiter

Day 14 07.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for having a loving family.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) i did my first 6,5km run since ages

2) cleaned my part of the flat feverishly something i wanted to do for weeks

3) stayed strong despite being attacked by urges the whole day long and was able to be a little bit productive


10min Tai-Chi in the morning

6,5km run

14k+ steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


yeah a long, long way it will be (has anybody a good book or yutube video which can help me with this problem?)

Daily affirmation

in the shower (today twice because of the run ? )

Reading + taking notes

10 min of spanish and quite a few notes of how I want to change my life (this is going to be a never process....)

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

was a little bit hungover in the morning but I did not yield to my urges like I did everyday after a party night, but today was really hard (so far the hardest in the 14 days just the urge to watch a game on twitch was crazy I guess the run and the long cold shower afterwards saved me there), I cleaned my room, organized a little bit for next week

What I could have done to make my day better:

I could have started to study instead of telling myself that monday will be the day to begin with it, I could have prepared myself for the hungover morning with a few emergency plans to counter the urges and avoid using a lot of willpower to fight with them head on ( in hindsight I think I expected something like this to happen but I did not want to admit it to myself that one of my weakest moments would be after a night out ? )

What I will do differently tomorrow:

go to work, work on my next week plan, study a few hours, wake up at 6am and read a few pages of the next self help book on my list


Day 15 08.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for having a loving family.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) called a meeting with some friends directed and organized the next excursion because the ones responsible did not get it done and it felt really fullfilling


10min Tai-Chi in the morning

less than 8k steps ?


15min in the morning of complete silence


I see some progress

Daily affirmation

in the shower

Reading + taking notes

no spanish today but some reading while commuting to work

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

went to work, organized the excursion

What I could have done to make my day better:

I became weak the last to days because I thought I could handle part of my urges (especially reading comics online and reading some threats on reddit) but it seems the only way at the moment is to completly deny myself of this consuming behavior otherwise I will rob myself of well neaded sleep, I can already feel how the combination of my bad habits of staying up late and consume content and wanting to wake up early like the last two weeks is attacking my health

so starting tomorrow there will be no "just a little bit", "I am going to take a quick look" and so on, it seems like I am not made for the middle way (at least not after such a short time) and the last two days made me realize this!

What I will do differently tomorrow:

go to university, study, meet a friend, play basketball and go to sleep far earlier than today

Posted (edited)

Day 16 09.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for know that my hard work is being rewarded.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) got my exam back, weeks earlier than expected but I am very happy because got an A something I would have never thought possible ? ? ?

2) organized another meeting about the excursion and it is already completly planned, far faster than the times before

3) went to my first psychiatrist session today it was a little bit wierd, but afterwards quite liberating


5min Tai-Chi in the morning

120min basketball

more than 18k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


no progress today but I tried

Daily affirmation

3min in the shower

Reading + taking notes

extra spanish time today because I did none yesterday, started to study for the next exam but only about 3 hours

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

got my exam result back, today felt like a really nice day where  a lot of things were working out for me, rewarded myself with some sweet pumkin seeds for the exam (an exception for my no sugar diet), had a great basketball training and a kind of funny,  strange fealing during mediation in the morning( but only for a short period of time maybe tomorrow as well?)

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (yeah, it is going to be this phase again ? ), stayed strong with the sweets, not being so sarcaastic and sometimes negative in conversations, could have woken up earlier

What I will do differently tomorrow:

go to work, wake up earlier, study a little bit in between and go to my Tai-chi course (I am not sure if for 1,5h or 3h, I guess my workday will decide it for me)

Edited by Undsoweiter

Just read through this dude great to see your progress! Keep it up! Super cool getting that A on your exam. ?

Do you feel like the miracle morning has been helpful? It's something I've heard about but not tried.

  • Like 1

Thanks a lot and yeah for me miracle morning was an eye openener, because now I realized what I missed the last two attempts trying to quit gaming, watching too many series and films and change my life. It was structure and a clear goal. Both the miracle morning gave to me because the first thing in the morning I do nowadays is to meditate and then do a few of my tai-chi exercises and the affirmation in the shower afterwards is already on a near automatic level, only visualisation still gives me some problems (lets be honest a lot ? )

Another benefit is since I am waking up between 6 and 6:45 a time I thought impossible a few weeks before I do not have that much time in the evening and have to think what I really want to/must do before I go to bed. (like write this diary here^^) For me to avoid possible time problems and having too many new habits in the morning I read my books and write this diary in the evening.

So in my opinion you should just try the miracle morning for a week to see if some structure in your mornings helps you to cope with bad habits and also it is an easy way to train new habits to counter the old ones.

  • Like 1

Day 17 10.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for having a work that interests me.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) against my inner voice I worked two hours more than usual to have more study time in upcoming weeks

2) I realized a lot of things in my Tai-Chi-course today which improved my form quite a bit (can't wait to try tomorrow morning)


5min Tai-Chi in the morning

90min Tai-Chi-Course

more than 12k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


had no time in the morning and during commuting it did not work well

Daily affirmation

in the shower (note to myself: try to shout my affiramtions instead of just saying them^^)

Reading + taking notes

10min spanish time today and read a lot during work and commuting

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

no youtube video so far today, work went well, tai course greatly improved my form (we will see if I still remember everything tomorrow morning)

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (yeah, it is going to be this phase again ? ), ate a little less (I did not realize it during the day but in total I guess it was over my normal calories intake)

What I will do differently tomorrow:

study at least 5 to 6 hours tomorrow, try to test if I am able to study at home or I still have to change the environment to get things done effectivly, go to the gym with a friend


Day 18 11.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for having friends who accept me the I am.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) had a nice workout and one of my fastest 5km runs till today.


5min Tai-Chi in the morning

140min workout

more than 14k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


I try...

Daily affirmation

in the shower

Reading + taking notes

10min spanish time today and during studying

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

studied more than 4 hours, had a great run and workout (planing to run a half marathon at the end of summer helps a lot in motivating me to run faster and longer distances)

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (yeah, it is going to be this phase again ? ), no beer after workout, but it was only one and with friends, the test at studying at home was complete disaster (that is the reason I was not even able reach the 5 hours mark) so I had to go to universtity at lunch time which I will do tomorrow after my morning routine!

What I will do differently tomorrow:

study at least 6 hours tomorrow (I have to make up for today as well), study at universtity starting from the morning  no experiments any more, maybe another run in the evening, meeting a friend for coffee and meeting another one later tomorrow afternoon


Day 19 12.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for being able to see a ray of hole in most of the moments.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) started to hear part of the university lectures while walking to refresh my memory


1min stretching (sadly no Tai-chi)

more than 7k steps (yeah i was lazy today ? )


15min in the morning of complete silence



Daily affirmation

in from of my bathroom mirror and with my mobile app

Reading + taking notes

10min spanish time today and studying

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

studied more than 3 hours (I did not count the 1 hour listening to study material during walking because who knows if there is a benefit from it), had nice talks with two of my friends

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (what a complete disapointment today!!) it seems every day I wake up late (7o'clock and plus) und not have anything immediate to do in the morning is not working well for me, this I MUST change immediatly otherwise I fear I am nearing my old routine which will lead to a relapse probably sooner than later

Honestly I am a little bit relieved that I may be nearing some of my old habits, but at least I recognise it faster and easier now.

What I will do differently tomorrow:

wake up before 7am, ban all bad habits/behavior and train my iron will/willpower to stop all of my urges and stop thinking: "But it is just an hour, just a little bit." that is wrong and I will change it!!

  • Like 1

Day 20 13.04.19

Gratitude journal

Today I am grateful for realizing problems around me and becasue of myself.

One amazing thing that happened/I did today

1) had a great workout where I could see my progress over the last months


5min Tai-Chi

110min workout

more than 12k steps


15min in the morning of complete silence


no ? but I reserved at least a few minutes during my next morning routine

Daily affirmation

in the shower

Reading + taking notes

no spanish today but studying

Getting to bed before 9pm


Weekly Goal(s)

get the third week of miracle morning done (6am), try waking up before 6 o´clock once, prepare/study for the next exam, using youtube less than usual

Monthly Goal

to study a lot for the following exam,  be more grateful for everything in life, find the joy of living in the moment, think hard about my values and what kind of person I want to be, "survive" the miracle morning 1 month challenge!

3 Month Goal

getting my degree or getting it nearly done so that at least at the end of July I have it in my hands, having a really productive life, living my life so that I am proud of it

What went well today:

studied more than 3 hours and had a fullfilling workout, visited my parents home for the first time after the last drama

What I could have done to make my day better:

studied more (like always, but I think I know now what I am missing: a strict structure of what to learn and how much it is something I will change tomorrow), viewed less information videos on youtube (as a result other than the basketball playoff highlights no other vidoes for me tomorrow and the day after)

What I will do differently tomorrow:

wake up before 7am, live a strict day tomorrow while going to sleep earlier (i think that is my main problem at the moment)

  • Like 2

I really like this progressional format you've got going on. Looking from your first post to right now, seems like you've made a great deal of improvement!

  • Like 3

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