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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

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DAY 20 - 

Time I woke up: 04:00 AM

Time I went to sleep yesterday:  10.00 PM


  • Making the apartment, presentable again. - In Progress! (pending new furniture) 
  • Drivers License - In Progress!
  • Learning French 
  • Getting in better shape  - In Progress!
    • Walk at least 6k steps per day
    • 1h Fitness per day
  • Start Playing Golf again
  • Socialize

Minor setback in a way. Had my nephews over for the weekend, they brought their Nintendo Wii, so I played a little with them, but never been much of a console player, so I hope it won't affect my will to stay away from pc games. 

So far nothing ? was fun to play with them though. So I agreed with myself that this did not fit in the category of real gaming ?

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13 hours ago, Deku said:

I am actually really impressed with the progress you've made, especially all those early morning wakeups O_O Keep it up for sure!

Thanks ? ya the early wake up, have been part of my life for many years, due to work, i do find myself going to bed earlier, like around 10 PM. When i was gaming i had set my "bed time" to be at 10PM...... but it almost always quickly became 11PM....12PM....01AM and then up at 04AM..... terrible days, yawning all day long. 

i put my french learning a bit on hold, think i took a few to many things on, all at once. So i plan on finishing the drivers license study, before i start with French to really dedicate myself to it. 

Do wish to up the "getting in better shape" with real fitness in a center and not just at home. But thanks the gaming, im not good with many people around me like that. I feel it's all a competition and that everyone is judging me, for not looking buff already.  On one side i know thats not what people thing and most likely no one in the center will even care what i do there, they just do their thing and mind their own business, but even if i tell myself that, i will go there.... sit at the weights or a machine... just see my pulse sky rocket, till i almost pass out and then just go home again. ? annoys the hell out of me. 
Which sends me to the next goal of better Socializing hehe, then maybe i can get some friends that workout, so i can move on to working out at a center ?

But one step at the time. 

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DAY 22 - 

Time I woke up: 05:00 AM

Time I went to sleep yesterday:  11.00 PM


  • Making the apartment, presentable again. - In Progress! (pending new furniture) 
  • Drivers License - In Progress!
  • Learning French 
  • Getting in better shape  - In Progress!
    • Walk at least 6k steps per day
    • 1h Fitness per day
  • Start Playing Golf again
  • Socialize

Made a big mistake today, that almost had me reset to Day 0.
I ended up logging into a game, in order to transfer a deed to some friends i used to play a game with, in order for them to not lose it, being in the middle of their town area. 
The transfer was not hard, i did it, logged out and deleted the game again, but all day i have had that damn game in my head, like "could i maybe keep it to just an hour....", missing the feeling of making stuff in the game. 
baaaaad cravings today and just proves to myself that not even a peep in a game, is a good idea. ?

Edited by ketias
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